Age :46
Group: Moderator
Location: Funland
Activity killed the cat?
Games  /  1 Feb 2008, 01:54
Fair play?
After witnessing some not so nice events lately, I just feel that I need to express my feelings somehow. It's the old and oh so painful issue about how you act on the servers and what kind of image are you giving to other players.
It basically boils down to playing the game and having sportsmanship. Usually there aren't too much problems with 4on4 mixed games going on since players obviously want those games to be nice for all and somewhat interesting too. I've seen few bad team ups but players pretty soon agree on breaking the game and doing some rpickups so it's rather ok.

However, what really bothers me are some duel/2on2 games. Some people seem to be intentionally using fakes trying to get their much worse opponents to play so that this faking team can rape their opponents. Got your attention already? You are the worst. Why don't you go play with players your own level and not try to fake your identity just to get victories or are you just too afraid of losing your status?

There are lots of new players around these days who might want to play and learn the game. If they ask you to play, just tell them how good you are and what they should expect. After the round(s) give them some advice on how to improve their games so that some day they might actually become better players and give you more resistance. Also if you happen to know your opponents are newbies then you might want to consider playing a bit less serious and give them a chance. It all really depends on the atmosphere so I'm pretty sure older players can sense it and adjust accordingly.

There was something I forgot to mention earlier so I'll add it here now. Let's say there is some duel going on. Both players are just playing there and the other one is considerably better, hence the rude scores. However this weaker guy doesn't complain and types /ready in the console first. So I'm guessing these players are ok with the results and the games, right? Well, whatever the case, spectators don't seem to agree. They start whining about the scores and call the winning player evil/bad/whatever. On what grounds is this shit based on? As I stated earlier it doesn't seem to bother the weaker player, instead he wants to try more. It's not that he HAS to play but perhaps wants to play and learn something in the process? I can imagine the trashtalking afterwards about the better player and how lame he was owning someone not his skill level, what a loser he was! Regardless of the reality...

Regarding older players. There are certain types of players around, those who just seek some games and those who want to play as a team with their friends or teammates. If you see these players around waiting for an opponent and you decide to go for it, you shouldn't expect rpickup games from those rounds. Of course you can suggest rpickup if the games are uneven but if the clanmates are unwilling to do so, but don't try to force it. I'm sure you can find some other games going on if you don't feel like taking on those clanmates because if they want to play together then they should be able to do so. No-one forces you to type /ready and take the (possible) beating so it's entirely up to you what you wan't to do.

Regarding newbies/newcomers. I'm sure you all want to have nice tights games on our free for all servers but keep in mind there is nothing really dedicated to certain types of players. So if every now and then some old guru comes to the FFA server and does the thing he's best at, you aren't really justified to tell them to fuck off. The servers are meant for everyone who wants to play and there are no exceptions (unless stated otherwise) in this matter.

And finally regarding game results. Not every game can and should be even. If all the games were always even there wouldn't be too much improving your skills, instead you'd be pretty much as good/bad as you've always been. So instead of always trying to get even games, you could always try to take on better players. This way it's almost impossible not to get improvements to your gaming. Of course I don't mean total rapes since it's pretty obvious those has nothing to do with learning (except unless you want to get routine on the spawning, pun intended) the game.

So in the end it's pretty simple. Play the games you want to play, don't whine and complain too much, don't trashtalk other players and try to keep things nice without shitacting. This way we can have much more interesting and mature scene, not that it's not already something like that but there is always room for improvement.

Over and out.
2008-02-01, 02:15
This reminds me of Eta-beta's post 1+ year ago about the mix games.
We somehow solved it by faking is OKEY, as long as they wrote what div they were in.

When I play vs a rookie I tend to loosen my skilllevel and dropp down a few levels like today vs zodet (sry dude) was fun aerowalk/dm6/dm4 games, he/me won with a few frags.

Teammates should be able to play with each other if they so wantto.
renzo wrote:
No-one forces you to type /ready and take the (possible) beating so it's entirely up to yourself what you wan't to do.
2008-02-01, 02:18
You can read eta-beta's post here >> LINK
2008-02-01, 07:13
The public demands names and blood!
2008-02-01, 09:39
haha sassa you "drop" your level
2008-02-01, 11:00
i usually play to even it out with rookies, and even worse with more skilled opponents ;-(
2008-02-01, 21:31
I like the 2on2 part, don't try to force me and my mate to rpickup plxkthx, and when we say we are div -2 we mean we are div -2
2008-02-12, 14:26
i'd feel insulted if someone far better player gave me advantages by giving free frags/armor or anything else on such scale. though it's perfectly okay to play a different style than you're used to or be more care-free with timing and stuff when playing a weaker skilled player.
2008-02-15, 11:20
I agree, and I never fake to get worse opponents, but...
renzo woudln't it be annoying for you if you joined a server with 2/3 noob players, and always hear that you have to play with the worst guy because 'teams have to be fair' ?! do all games have to end with a 1-2 frag winning margin or have to be 100% evenly matched? I just believe in rpickup ONE time and then play...
2008-02-15, 14:42
Amen, billy!
2008-02-15, 21:24
billy wrote:
renzo woudln't it be annoying for you if you joined a server with 2/3 noob players, and always hear that you have to play with the worst guy because 'teams have to be fair' ?! do all games have to end with a 1-2 frag winning margin or have to be 100% evenly matched? I just believe in rpickup ONE time and then play...

This is something that tends to happen to me all the time. However I play only so often with newcomers so these players are "older" and it's almost always like this, so I have to play with the "worst" player.

It's a bit insulting tbh, and I don't have to like it. However I still tend to write /ready in the console and bear with it, but I wouldn't mind if it was different at least one time.
2008-03-11, 17:21
I always hear "play people better than you to improve". I think thats true, but whats more true is "play more than just 2-3 people to improve". They dont have to be better than you, they could be on your level or below. The key is to play more and more and more. Practice makes perfect
2008-03-11, 17:24
One tip about dueling vs rookies, if you are decent (e.g. the normal score would be 30-0) try to control just one half of the map instead of locking it up. For example on dm6, don't pick up any RA, at all. Most of the time the rookie will not even notice this, and the battles will be closer and he/she will have a chance to battle it out. If they do notice, then tell them that you are practicing your "comeback" strat or something like that, which is what you are really doing (its a good skill to have)
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