
Member 35 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
Is the QW protocol handler thingie ( as described here) included in nQuake? I.e. the registration of the exe using /register_qwurl_protocol? Think my installation is based on an old nQuake release and i had to do that myself, would be cool if it was possible to use the "Play" button from the start on http://qtv.quakeworld.nu (and any similar sites) with a fresh install. Hi Ake Vader! I can never go directly on play/watch on QTV website. I always have to click with right mouse button, save on my PC, and then open the saved file. Do you know how can I do to be able to click and lunch QW directly from the Chrome? Thanks!
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Is the QW protocol handler thingie ( as described here) included in nQuake? I.e. the registration of the exe using /register_qwurl_protocol? Think my installation is based on an old nQuake release and i had to do that myself, would be cool if it was possible to use the "Play" button from the start on http://qtv.quakeworld.nu (and any similar sites) with a fresh install. Hi Ake Vader! I can never go directly on play/watch on QTV website. I always have to click with right mouse button, save on my PC, and then open the saved file. Do you know how can I do to be able to click and lunch QW directly from the Chrome? Thanks! When i use Chrome to do this, Chrome will automatically only download the file when i left-click on the "Watch" link for example and it ends up in the bottom "downloaded files bar". However, there is an arrow next to the downloaded file where i can choose "Always open this type of file" (or something similar) and here on after it will immediately get you in the game when you press "Watch". The "Play" link gives me a prompt the first time i pressed it, asking if i really wanted to open this type of file and i could choose to "Always open this type of file". Note that this assumes you've first executed the register_qwurl_protocol command above and is using ezQuake that is at least version 1.9 alpha build that was built 2007-10-13 (copy/pasted from my link above). Edit: my tests were made using Chrome Version 39.0.2171.95 mwww.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 35 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
Thank you so much claw and ake!
Member 172 posts
Registered: Sep 2013
Can we add a qw:// (QWURL) for the watch links? A link like this would work perfectly: qw://3@quakeworld.fi:28000/qtvplay
Member 142 posts
Registered: Jul 2013
Can we add a qw:// (QWURL) for the watch links? A link like this would work perfectly: qw://3@quakeworld.fi:28000/qtvplay I highly accept this suggeston. Classic Bojay.
Member 188 posts
Registered: May 2007
I just saw, that when you google "nquake2" you get the link for nquake2 but this is the description in the google listing
"Interested in QuakeWorld? nQuake is a QuakeWorld package that simplifies the downloading and installing of QuakeWorld for both beginners and experienced ..."
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I just saw, that when you google "nquake2" you get the link for nquake2 but this is the description in the google listing
"Interested in QuakeWorld? nQuake is a QuakeWorld package that simplifies the downloading and installing of QuakeWorld for both beginners and experienced ..." Thanks a lot for that. Fixed!
Member 188 posts
Registered: May 2007
Does it take a while until google updates the descriptions? Because I still see the nquake and not the nquake2 description.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Does it take a while until google updates the descriptions? Because I still see the nquake and not the nquake2 description. Seems like it.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The Localghost mirror seems down  Would be nice if the installer tried another mirror if the first automatically chosen one fails considering the error message comes late in the process. Keep up the great work  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Localghost mirror is still down, does anyone know who's hosting it and if it can be fixed? I think it may have people turning in the door when the "Randomly select mirror" option doesn't work because of this... www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Localghost mirror is still down, does anyone know who's hosting it and if it can be fixed? I think it may have people turning in the door when the "Randomly select mirror" option doesn't work because of this... i've asked localghost to fix it, lets see never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Localghost mirror is still down, does anyone know who's hosting it and if it can be fixed? I think it may have people turning in the door when the "Randomly select mirror" option doesn't work because of this... I removed it from the mirror list until resolved.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Still same problem but with Quakephil.com mirror due to an unplugged server, i bugged Phil about it.
The other two works like a charm. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Hey empezar check your qw.nu message inbox! I had to change the location of my nQuake mirror and the IP needs to be changed. We also need more mirrors since there are only two of them currently.
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
In case it may have been missed out. There is a mirror at http://nquake.quake1.de as well. Not sure though how it can keep up to the nordic locations bandwidth wise though. I think it gets capped after 2 TB each month.
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Bandwidth should not be a problem. My mirror has been using 50 - 150 GB of bandwidth monthly and when there are more mirrors there are less load on each of them.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Would it be possible to add /register_qwurl_protocol to somehow run automatically for the Windows version of nQuake so the play/watch links on http://qtv.quakeworld.nu works out of the box for new players? www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Would it be possible to add /register_qwurl_protocol to somehow run automatically for the Windows version of nQuake so the play/watch links on http://qtv.quakeworld.nu works out of the box for new players? Yes. Give me the exact registry values and I can add it to the installer.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Actually according to this post it might work with simply cl_verify_qwprotocol 2 (always register current exe for qw:// links) in the default config. It's a bit funny though as the console help text doesn't list 2 as being a valid value, but it's in the source. Anyway, here are my regedit entries for qw protocol: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\qw] @="URL:QW Protocol" "URL Protocol"=""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\qw\DefaultIcon] @="\"C:\\Games\\Quake\\ezquake.exe\",1"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\qw\shell\Open\Command] @="\"C:\\Games\\Quake\\ezquake.exe\" +qwurl %1" www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 6 posts
Registered: Jun 2016
I downloaded this package because I heard it was good for newbies, but I found that it kept resetting way too many variables in my config which was really confusing and annoying.
I like the idea behind this project but I feel like it could benefit from removing some stuff from the autoexec, or at least make the autoexec visible in the qw folder so that you don't have to open up the pak file just to be able to edit the file.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I downloaded this package because I heard it was good for newbies, but I found that it kept resetting way too many variables in my config which was really confusing and annoying.
I like the idea behind this project but I feel like it could benefit from removing some stuff from the autoexec, or at least make the autoexec visible in the qw folder so that you don't have to open up the pak file just to be able to edit the file. I should probably just add a notice about the command "cfg_save" in the startup message. It will save your config. cfg_save blabla will save your config as blabla.cfg an cfg_load blabla will reload it. Just issuing cfg_save will save the config to config.cfg (the default config) which is loaded on startup.
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
I downloaded this package because I heard it was good for newbies, but I found that it kept resetting way too many variables in my config which was really confusing and annoying.
I like the idea behind this project but I feel like it could benefit from removing some stuff from the autoexec, or at least make the autoexec visible in the qw folder so that you don't have to open up the pak file just to be able to edit the file. I would also like to add that in ezquake/configs, the "config.cfg" is your autoexec. Many players from other games get confused just because the config itself isn't called "autoexec.cfg", it's actually just called "config.cfg" and is the config that is loaded when you open the game. LIke Empezar said: if you want to load a different config, use the cmd "cfg_load blabla". If you want to save to your autoexec (config.cfg) just use "cfg_save".
Member 216 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
I kind of agree though, it's a little difficult to just copy over a pre-existing cfg and have it load correctly, because of all the stuff that nQuake auto-loads. I mentioned it a few times on irc and in other posts, I ran into headaches when trying to get my QCon config ready to go.
I will try again from a fresh install and maybe add more detail.
Member 22 posts
Registered: Jan 2013
Hey a couple of quick questions.
1) Does nQuake incorporate ezQuake 3.0 at this point?
2) So that I don't need to bother folks with questions like that in the future, is there a way for me to see the current nQuake stuff-to-install manifest (without having to go through the process of re-installing nQuake somewhere)?
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Hey a couple of quick questions.
1) Does nQuake incorporate ezQuake 3.0 at this point? I don't think so. It might have earlier. Mushi is the one responsible for updating nQuake now. 2) So that I don't need to bother folks with questions like that in the future, is there a way for me to see the current nQuake stuff-to-install manifest (without having to go through the process of re-installing nQuake somewhere)? http://fnu.nquake.com/ gpl.zip non-gpl.zip textures.zip qsw106.zip
Member 22 posts
Registered: Jan 2013
Got it thanks. The ezQuake binary is from 2013 so that answers that!
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I downloaded this package because I heard it was good for newbies, but I found that it kept resetting way too many variables in my config which was really confusing and annoying.
I like the idea behind this project but I feel like it could benefit from removing some stuff from the autoexec, or at least make the autoexec visible in the qw folder so that you don't have to open up the pak file just to be able to edit the file. I should probably just add a notice about the command "cfg_save" in the startup message. It will save your config. cfg_save blabla will save your config as blabla.cfg an cfg_load blabla will reload it. Just issuing cfg_save will save the config to config.cfg (the default config) which is loaded on startup. Seems I thought of this ages ago. This is all in the readme.txt file that the user is prompted to read. 
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
nQuake rsync server (rsync.nquake.com) has been down for about 10 days now. Will it return or is it gone forever?
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
nQuake rsync server (rsync.nquake.com) has been down for about 10 days now. Will it return or is it gone forever? This has been fixed now.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
