8 posts
Jul 2011
Is there any way to create a system of interconnected client authentication with a forum?
here in Brazil has been the most is unnamed and ban them is tricky, because most IPs are dynamic in Brazil
My idea is basically how the player register on the forum and will generate an id, the registration goes through an analysis (by us administrators of the server) and if the registration is accepted we undertake to enter the id so it can enter the server
is it possible to create something like this?
347 posts
Feb 2006
Somehow I don't see this taking off. People are way to lazy to log in to play and probably prefer their anonymity also.
309 posts
Sep 2006
I can see great possibilities here: a unique ID for each player. That should be connected with the complex stats system ( I mean everything you can count up in Quake) which dicourages to fake.
If you know the BF2 stats system you should know what I mean.
Thats the huge niche QW lacks.
1435 posts
Jan 2006
Well, then they will create new IDs again and again, what's the point?
1864 posts
Feb 2006
Without a pricetag on the id's there is no point in such a system, unless if it's for a league or something... see Quake Live
News Writer
254 posts
Mar 2006
The QW ladder that's been worked on (launch in September) will have a system something on those lines. It will be connected with forum where most players have a Nick already. This system will only serve to stop people fake nicking as another player in a particular league. You can still create any number of aliases etc but for the ladder you will play under one nick. That nick will be associated with your account and you can set an Auth Key in your client. That key will be associated with the match result and it is checked against the Key set for your account. If they differ then that match wont be counted. All this will do is to stop people ruining your stats. It wont stop people going on to a server and playing as someone else. It just ensures the integrity of match results coming in for a ladder/league.
I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
News Writer
254 posts
Mar 2006
I can see great possibilities here: a unique ID for each player. That should be connected with the complex stats system ( I mean everything you can count up in Quake) which dicourages to fake.
If you know the BF2 stats system you should know what I mean.
Thats the huge niche QW lacks.
It is going to also gather extended stats for a player so these will increase the amount of info available. If the Ladder system is successful then it is hoped that it will be expanded outside of the ladder. It would still be possible for a player to play offline (i.e not authed) and play as whatever alias they want. There are ways around ever system so we will try a few asmall steps first

I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
309 posts
Sep 2006
That's hot news Pleura! GJ for a start

8 posts
Jul 2011
this system can only be used in championships or places where there can be adapted to any server?
1864 posts
Feb 2006
It's going to be client side
8 posts
Jul 2011
1 post
Jan 1970
Your question is really interesting but I don't think that there is any solution what you say.