
Member 172 posts
Registered: Sep 2013
DM3 Race #2: 11.674s (Breaking 12s for the first time in a big way) DM3 Race #3: 13.500s (New race, best time) DM3 Race #3: 13.767s (More standard route on the same race) Tackled dm3 today. Wanted to do the RL -> RA in less then 12 and really came through with a big improvement, cutting off about half a second. This was all about smoothness through the stairs. I still think it can still be bettered. Specifically movement in the RA room. I also discovered that there was a 3rd route on dm3. Fun one! This has a lot of room for variation given that RL is allowed. I wanted to get 13.5 and end up getting exactly that. I think it can be beat. The sng / mh portion and mh / tele portions felt weak. In fact the sng / mh portion of this run was completely abnormal and spontaneous. I normally rj to the left wall, and jump once to mega (limiting the # of jumps is my strategy). However, this route subtracted a jump coming from quad (came in too hot), but added one over sng. Tough to say which is better at this point. Added a 13.7 with my normal route for comparison.
Member 172 posts
Registered: Sep 2013
DM6 Race #2 (MH -> RA -> GL -> RA): 11.053s [BEATEN] Took me 50 minutes to find the optimal route. After another 30 minutes I have a few 11.0x and numerous 11.1s. I think 10.9 is possible with a bit of luck. Check out the turn from rl to up ra stairs! That is done by holding +forward and +right all throughout the turn and once landing on the stairs and circling into the right jump. Perfectly smooth if I may say so myself. Could probably jump a few frames earlier though. (Edited 2014-04-18, 08:12)
Member 172 posts
Registered: Sep 2013
Beat a few of the dm4 records today, they are each stronger but not unbeatable yet. I think each can be dropped by about 0.1s.
This thread is not getting any responses / discussion so this will be my last post on this thread. I'll always keep the spreadsheet updated though.
However, this is not all in vain. When I get to the point where I think each of the records are strong enough, I may set up a race tournament and include a bonus bounty.
What I'm thinking of:
Possible Tournament: - some minimum of contestants - each race earns you points - Points are % of world record. Get a 3.800 on dm6 race #1 and WR is 3.393 => 89.3 points - The idea is that the best overall player (rocket jumps, no weapon, all maps) wins - player with the most points across the set of races (maybe not be all races) included in the tournament = winner - some cash prize
Possible bounty: - beat any of my records legit, on public server, with demo, during tournament timeframe = cash prize
I haven't committed to the idea yet. Mostly because I know I can beat some of my own records right now, which means some of you probably can.
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
That would be cool, the last race tournament I heard about never happened ( probably because of deurk's disappearance) !
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
It happened, and a few of us were quite competitive over it, but then the leader board stopped updating and the website disappeared so our times were lost forever. RIP that insane race7 time with the double frictionless slides. We may never see its like again.
Member 286 posts
Registered: Sep 2012
And yet another thing lost because of qw-dev... No one even has the sources for the ladder ?
Member 950 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I actually think I can dig up the times and demo of those "lost" races.
Member 172 posts
Registered: Sep 2013
I did not expect to post on this thread again, but I found something that made it worth it! I just checked server info and top race times / records on all the major KTX servers around the world, and feari has the best DM4 Race #1 time with an eye popping 3.106s made very late in 2013. Wow! That blew away my 3.129s. All other records stand.
Member 124 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
I did not expect to post on this thread again, but I found something that made it worth it! I just checked server info and top race times / records on all the major KTX servers around the world, and feari has the best DM4 Race #1 time with an eye popping 3.106s made very late in 2013. Wow! That blew away my 3.129s. All other records stand. Amazing! Update: Now I'm exactly tied with bogojoker at 3.129s, so my new goal is to beat feari's 3.106s... ahaha, yeah right, but it's worth trying
