Sunday Spawnfraggin #3 4on4 Draft League! picked teams - here is the exclusive highly expensive feature documentary movie production of the actual draft: there is some good mannered bad mouthing going on now and then, take it with a smile, we love you
Ocoini's team: 'The Flowerpots' -
It' aint the fall that kills them, its the sudden stop at the end.on IRC gather in
#caipirinhasOverflow - Panjabi - Saka-Rauka1 - Cosmos - Skulker - ESDF
Heddan's team: 'The Freshly pressed Orange juices' -
Suicidal septuplets, they might kill each other by mistake.on IRC gather in
#020:Sane - Sae - Diehuman - VVD - Qirex - Smilesythe
Niw's team: 'The Audio Cassettes in Sony walkmans' -
Never really grew up, they only learned how to act in public.on IRC gather in
#draftniw:Greco - Aikon - z0mbie90 - JonSnow - Thor10
Blood Dog's team 'The Americas: North Unto South' (Did you notice?) -
They are like women, they might not hit as hard, but they aim lower.on IRC gather in
BogoJoker - Sned(BLUR<3) - Dev - Turb - Praxismo
Carapace's team 'The Fluffy pillows in bed' -
Likes work, they sit and look at it for hours.on IRC gather in
Locktar - Norules - Klice - Drake - Verro - JoeMaro
* The reversal of this list is how the teams are seeded, (it decides who your team meets first in the round robbin). So from best to lowest: Carapace, Blood Dog, Niw, Heddan and Ocoini.Placeholder team names - talk to your captain if you want better! =)If you want to gather in unique different channels like NIW's team is, talk to your captain, otherwise go to the cap's chan. =)Standins/Replacement list: Paniagua(#paras) 2, Pew(#020)3/4, Stayout(#div99)4/3, Dimman(#slackers)1, Timon (#??)3, Atrophy(#fatalerror)2/3 ...
(You can join this list by still signing up)Schedule: 12. April 18:00 - 20:00 cet - MEET AND GREET, PRAC DAY!
19. April 18:00 -20:00 cet - Round 1 + 2
26. April 18:00 -20:00 cet - Round 3 +4
3. Mai 18:00 - 20:00 cet - Round 5 + Playoffs (Only the top 4 teams go to playoffs)
(10. Mai 18:00 - 20:00 cet - Playoffs continues if needed (typically just finals, so just two teams)
*captains can make matches outside of this schedule - taking care to prioritize players schedules.
*Realized I haven't written any rules, ill write some basic guidlines here soon: it is the usual best of three, on the big three, normal quakeworld tournament etiquette apply and standard nqr/eql rules in matches. Finals best of 5.
Signup here on forum. Leave nick and #irc channel. or pm me on IRC.
6 players per team.
minimum of 4 teams to start.
(so we need roughly 24 players.)
Game time: Sundays 18:00 - 20:00 CET.League into playoffs. (round robin to brackets)
Two matches, best of three, each Sunday. (maximum of 6 maps).
Four teams takes 3 Sundays to complete the tournament.Six takes four.. etc.Free agents: YOU have to signup here on the forum, and be able to play Sundays 18:00 - 20:00. You will either get picked or placed on a team.
YOU MUST BE APPROACHABLE ON IRC. Meaning - You really should be idling on IRC during weekends, so we can leave you a message on what team you are playing on. Channel #quakeworld is a good option. If you are not an IRC idler, and we don't know you very well; you could run the risk of being left out and being a standin player.
33 Signed: / #irc chan (*captain IF WE DO CAPTAINS)
BLooD_DoG - *captain
heddan - 020 *captain
niw - eql.qw *captain
carapace - suddendeath *captain
overflow - experience
praxismo - fatalerror
ocoini - div99
aikon - 020
Diehuman - div99
skulker - quakeworld
Saka-Rauka1 - div99
Sned(BLUR) -
Cosmos - fatalerror
Sae - fatalerror
Dev - div99
esdf - div99
JoeMaro - div99
Jon Snow - mofo
Qirex - div99
verro - div99
z0mbie90 - 020
Smilecythe - fatalerror
Drake - quakeworld
Klice - d99
thor10 - d99
Greco - Quakeworld
Locktar - Suddendeath
Turb - div99
BogoJoker -
Sane -
norules - unload
panjabi - paras
Sunday Spawnfraggin admin crew: Qirex, Ocoini, Klice, Praxismo, z0mbie90
I'll update signed list now and then - be sure to 'unregister' if your plans change. Signing up is a commitment that I hope you honor just as you should with your teammates =)
(Edited 2015-04-09, 01:47)