
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
This thread will showcase particle effects that i have created for the FTE quake engine.Feel free to mess around with them and make your own effects . large differences can be made by simply changing 1 or 2 digits ..thats how i learn and stumble upon new effects. Most of what i have is largely or in some way based on someone elses work before me (spike,timeserv,jedilamma etc.) To use the effects: 1. Download and install FTE2. Download the haze zip file3. Extract it into your /Quake/ directory, the files will automatically be put where the need to go 4. Load up FTE and type 'r_particlesdesc haze' (or put that line in a config that you use) Leave me comments/criticism/feedback/!!suggestions!! for current or new effectsFor more help with setting up your FTE to look nicer: click here---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downloads: Full haze particle set : haze.zipZip file containing extras , rain, snow , and older effects : extras.ziprain & snow, older effects, and extras are NOT included in haze.cfg All textures must go in id1/textures/particles/All configs must go in id1/---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effects included in Haze.cfg:Newest Teleporter Effect(teleporter standing still - inward movement) Recommendation: 1. use r_waterlayers 3 Teleporting Effect(going through the teleporter) Rocket Trail(beefy red version) Explosion!(yer basic ball of fire) Recommendation:1. r_bouncysparks 1 Newer Large Torch(ground torch) Newer Small Torch(wall torch) Gunshot(impact effect for axe hit, shotguns & nailguns) Recommendation:1. r_bouncysparks 1 Orange Grenade trailNewest Lightning shaft(mix of molgrum's & mine) Lava & SlimeBLOOD((will work in single/multiplayer)) Newest TeamFortress Railgun TrailTeamFortress Spy Gas(+gren2) Newer TeamFortress EMP explosion(engineer +gren2) TeamFortress Pyro flame(Jedilamma) Mega TeamFortress Proxy Grenade(beep...) Shalrath's Vore ball trail & Mega TeamFortress Toaster(everybody outta the pool) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extras Extras Extras ExtrasRainConfig: rain.cfg SnowConfig: snow.cfg Alternative Rocket TrailsIce blue trail - blue spiralConfig newrock.cfg Fire trail - blue spiralConfig newrock1.cfg Soft blue trail - green+black marble spiralConfig newrock2.cfg Smooth fire trail, red+orange+pink marble spiralConfig newrock3.cfg Sparkling + fire core, orange trail w/ purple centerstreakConfig newrock4.cfg Hot Grafitti TrailConfig newrock7.cfg Quake3'ish rocket trail: attempt 1Config q3ishrocket.cfg Quake3'ish rocket trail: attempt 2Config q3ishrocket2.cfg QMB style rocket trailConfig newrock5-qmbstyle.cfg QMB style grenade trailConfig newgren2-qmbstyle.cfg Alternative ExplosionConfig: exp2b.cfg Toxic rainConfig: acidraing.cfg Config: acidrainb.cfg FogConfig: fog.cfg Alternate Teleporting Effect #2Config: telexx.cfg Alternate Teleporting Effect #3Config: telex.cfg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OLD EFFECTS Older Teleporter EffectConfig: teleport.cfg Recommendation: use r_waterlayers 3 Older Small Torch(wall torch) Config: torch.cfg Older Large Torch(ground torch) Config: torch2.cfg Old Red Grenade trailConfig: gren1.cfg Older Lightning shaft(bzzzzzt) Config: lightningbolt.cfg Older TeamFortress Railgun trail(super fruity) Config: rail.cfg Older TeamFortress EMP explosion(+gren2 for engineers in TF) Config: emp.cfg (Edited 2013-12-21, 22:43)It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
Member 35 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Just... Wow. Amazing  Persuaded me to make my QW movie in FTE  .
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
SWEET  these require a lot of computer power, so im hoping its not too choppy for movies, some particles tend to get left out (not drawn on screen) when the FPS drops too low, but i definately look forward to seein fte made movies its about time ! It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
Member 163 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Remember this? We be soon there, I tell ye! ;> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newer Teleporter Effect(teleporter standing still - inward movement) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
ahahha where do u think i got the camera angle from?  It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
the rocket explosion is EXCEPTIONAL, the shaft beam is cool too although it would be more nice if irregular..
however the rockettrail doesn't show at all.. and the r_rockettrail is 1..
Member 188 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
lol FTE sucks for movie making
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
the rocket explosion is EXCEPTIONAL, the shaft beam is cool too although it would be more nice if irregular..
however the rockettrail doesn't show at all.. and the r_rockettrail is 1.. thanks, i know what u mean about the lightning bolt, ive felt the same way myself, but ive tried to keep it more compact so that its actually playable if one wants, and it doesn't smother the whole player with lightning. it does have irregularity to it tho, the sizes of the beams actually change, and rotate differently. i mess around with lightningbolt alot so dont be surprised if i release a crazier version sometime in the fewtcha, specially if theres demands for it! here are some slight variances from the past: http://members.shaw.ca/purplehaze1/ftess/fte00052.png http://members.shaw.ca/purplehaze1/ftess/fte00063.png about your rockettrail, i can tell u that its most likely a config issue on your end. exactly what, i dont know but i would suspect that you have a config that might have set r_rockettrail to something other than 1 , and you are only "latching" it to '1' , which means you require a map restart to have it take effect. i guess you could post your config.cfg , fte.cfg and any other config you use, here. im no expert tho. It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
that's the lg I use, here's the cfg: http://facelift.quakedev.com/Up2Dump/up2_lg.cfg btw, purplehaze's trails and explosions are unbeatable. his rocket trail is probably his best work
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
lol thats a cool death ray It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
Member 35 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
lol FTE sucks for movie making Explain, your not helping by stating: 'FTE sucks for movie making' Say why it sucks for movie making.
Member 188 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
lol FTE sucks for movie making Explain, your not helping by stating: 'FTE sucks for movie making' Say why it sucks for movie making. Well it jumps frames :<
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I must admit, demo_capture:ing is a bit freaky
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
purplehaze that looks really good. Amazing.
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
about your rockettrail, i can tell u that its most likely a config issue on your end. exactly what, i dont know but i would suspect that you have a config that might have set r_rockettrail to something other than 1 , and you are only "latching" it to '1' , which means you require a map restart to have it take effect. i guess you could post your config.cfg , fte.cfg and any other config you use, here. im no expert tho. if i type exec rockettrail.cfg the rocket trail is working.. if i type r_particledesc "haze" all the effects work except the rockettrail so i have to use the aforementioned method.. it's weird because i checked haze.cfg and it includes the content of rockettrail.cfg too.. FTE is still weird :|
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
from my post on besmella forums:
If you can't get a particle script to work, make SURE you have set r_rockettrail and r_grenadetrail to their default values of 1.
Why don't you try
r_particledesc haze r_rockettrail 1 vid_restart
and see if it works or not?
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
i put in a good 15 minutes of solid effort here: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ps. excuse my muffinlauncher i was testing rhousis models It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
hey purplehaze, how about a rocket-trail that looks q3-ish? dunno if it's possible but it would be cool like instead of -----> have something like - - - ~> the ~ being some larger shiny thing 
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
btw I like the blue ones 
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
hey purplehaze, how about a rocket-trail that looks q3-ish? dunno if it's possible but it would be cool like instead of -----> have something like - - - ~> the ~ being some larger shiny thing  ILL GIVE IT A SHOT!!!!! ....somethin like this? config q3ishrocket.cfg It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
YEEES  nice that's exactly it! but it's sorta bright isn't it? and the trail more white 
Member 188 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
lol fuck it, purplehaze is my god now on
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
YEEES  nice that's exactly it! but it's sorta bright isn't it? and the trail more white  ok i looked at the real q3 smoke trail....maybe more like this: config: q3ishrocket2.cfg (peppe i changed it quickly so u better redownloaded if u downloaded before 7:25 AM PST!!) It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
yea, nice work purplehaze I will try it now
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
It looks great! are there any more explosions than the fte basic one?(besides the one posted above)
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
im not sure if anyone else making particles , i dont really have any other explosion made other than this jokey stupid huge thing lol : what type of explosion would u like to see? It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
where can we get that wrench model from?
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
hmm, I was thinking something the default one but not so much pointy glowy stuff  just an explosion you know,altho some explosion bounce(?) like the teleporter has got these two rings, one of those but bigger for the explosion _ ( o ) <- err best I could "draw"  but you prolly know what I mean ´
Member 251 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
i just had to post this, but that looks like someone with a tiny thingie bending over 
