I got this exclusive interview when Sassa had some spare time. (spare time my ass, this took about 3 hours, we did it manually in private chat on irc, and we both wanted to go to bed after one hour)
I wasn't sure what to ask such a experienced player and experienced admin as Sassa, but I think I came up with some interesting questions - and I got real good answers - although we had our own fight/discussion about some things that we disagreed on, and I thought it would be better to leave out our own fight from the interview. The interview is quite long and there is alot of text, so bunker up with chips, snus, cola/beer and your favourite music.
Read - Enjoy - and find out who Sassa is under the mask.
: There might be alot of grammatic errors. I've fixed the most of the spelling, since Sassa writes like a crow. Sorry for that
The mighty sassa, tell us about yourself - where you are from, what you do, how old you are etc?Hmm.. were should I start ? My name is Roz and Im from Iran, the mighty country of the Persians

I'm right now in Sweden and I am 23 (jaiiiijjjkkkz) years old
I have worked in denmark for over 3 years now, maybe 4 years. Going to move to Umeå and work/studdy there the 30'th of january and then finaly I will get 13 ping on iop

the big plan this year is that im going to WC in germany this coming summer and cheering for Swe and Iran
When did you start playing Quake and how has your journey been througout the beginning to were you are today? (funny, difficult, boring, experienced)?I started playing NQ with "calling ur friends house with ur modem" so only 1 person pays it

around -98. We often played e1m1, after a brief time I moved to nqCTF (98) but didnt knew shit about it. So, after 6 months I got really god at it and joined swedens best clan, at the moment, (fuck da world) with appelaxx/macatonia/marshal etc.
Unfortunately, it got disbanded like 10 days after I joined. So I created smurf clan, but due inactivity it was abandoned, so I joined DrQ (99). But, it didn't last that long, cause I moved to NQTDM(99) due all of those whining assholes in ctf and joined Lost Angels (who become the best clan with mm as the star player). I joined up with 036(00-01) and played there for a LONG LONG time - unfortunately, olof quit playing, so I joined Maniacs [0] (-01 > -04)
We won the last SQL league in netquake

then we decided to move over to QW. We participated in NQR3, signed up one day after we had begun playing QW. We had only played dm6 1on1/2on2/3on3/4on4/5on5 and sometimes 6on6, so I didnt knew jack shit about dmm1 or other maps

so basicly, we sucked. But, puzler joined Maniacs, and he really taught us how to play, in the end of -03. puzler is a 'hall of fame'-quaker. He has won everything that you can win in QW (tdm and tf) - he learned me the trix of qw 4on4

. Our squad was Sassa, Smalagreger, RocketZ, Diablo, Hustak and Goofy! Then I went inactive.
When I came back [0] was dead, so I joined up with fnu in div5 around 03-04 and then reformed [0] for 1 season of NQR, and I sucked big time, I was dreadful. So I have been around div3-5 all the time from end of 02->05
At qhlan8, I asked trash if I could join Suddendeath, I wanted to join a clan that had the same type of activity as my Maniacs had, that is to play all the time.
I hate playing 1on1/2on2, only 4on4 and endif is worth playing imo and trash took me in and I became a SuddenDeath member in the begining of 05. Most of the players in SD almost left because of me joining, but after lots of praccs and tactical improvments, they let me stay and we are a big fucking family now with 3 sections:
SD1 (div1) SD2 (div2) and SD.Project (div5)
We won div2 in nqr8 (but lost in the playoffs) and I'm now div1

or am I?
We can see you as an admin for EQL, QW.nu, the QW-forum, duelmania and so on, when did you start becoming so involved in the qw scene as an admin?acctually It all began when I played NetQuake - or Quake1. I was always clanleader for my clans in rqCTF, and in my first RQ TDM clan (hpw section) I was a cl aswell. So from there, I got to be the leading man and I helped out with SQL (scandinavian Quake League) season2 and 3 I think and 4? if im right? apa, blaps is that correct? And after that I moved to QW around the end of 2002, with Maniacs [0]. Reppie asked me if I wanted to help out with the new endif tourney, because I was specing alot and had the time to help out. So from there I got to be an admin. I must say, it's lots of work behind it all, and lots of ppl that dont get enough credit of their work!
I think I have asked to become a nqr admin several times but always got rejected

. I always have ideas (good and bad) - and always want to make the best for the community - and now I'm back again as an admin.
I think we have all heard you comment games in teamspeak with gaz or someone else, when did you begin to comment highly skilled games between good clans and whos idea was it from the beginning to start doing that?It all started when I put up a ts server on my private 10 mbit fiber connection (2003) that my clan (Maniacs [0]) used then I started commentating the games just for fun for my clanm8s, and I saw on the smackdown column site that hangtime did a commentary of the sd3 quarterfinals between tvs and fs on dm3 on the closest and fastest dm3 games I had ever seen. He did the commentary like 4 months after the game or something
so I had a qizmo night - as I had often back then. And alot of people asked me for demos. I started to give out the teamspeak server to more and more ppl, and it just grew. I think that around nqr3 finals? I started commantating real big games but the best game EVER that I commentated was with hangtime and blitz on sd5 I think - was the semifinals
LA vs cmf - were la won 3-1. I never cared of making mistakes as a commentator, I think its just a part of the thing to make mistakes and give ppl something to laugh too and just enjoy it even more. Just like Arne Hegerfors said: "ser mörkt ut på kameruns avbytarbänk" (it looks dark on Cameroon's the substitutes' bench)
Some people might think you took over ParadokS place as a face for the qw scene, because you have put alot of time and a great effort with the things you have done. To have all the spotlights in your direction, standing in the light of glory, you surely must have taken, or take, alot of whine and crap from people, when you screwed up or done something wrong. How do you deal with all the malicious comments that you must have taken during your time as an admin?its only gaz flaming me

.... nah j/k
It is rather okey, I always listen to ppl and sometimes I make 2 hasty suggestions, which I should not do, I'm reffering now to the eql1 div1 finals..
But, ppl talked to me and got some sense into me. It's okey, no1 really whines and I'm not the face of the qw scene nor was paradoks nor is any1. The scene of qw is the ppl who are on the servers and playing and if I'm not playing, I'm not in the scene. And right now I' not playing because ur interviewing me - guys, dont read this, go and play GOD DAMIT
What is the worst thing that you have done, or the worst mistake - and what have you got the most negative critic for?
Hmm, now I gotta think

(Sassa goes silent for a few minutes). I got lots of critic from the nqr admin on the last nqr(8?) when I wanted to bring div2A and div2B togheter and made a massiv protest for it, and I got kick+banned from #nqr and all my threds on the forum were deleted. But, I finally got my wish through and the tourney was one of the best I have played

. Well, what about when I said "what map will be next if cmf wins this" and it was already over? I think I did that mistake twice? man I dont really know what I have done bad? any1 help me here ??? Oh btw, I have been clanleader almost in all my clans since 98 and I have kicked out 2 players (?)
Hehe, so I dont think im that much flamed from players, I try to be the same way as I want ppl to be too me - SO BGSD on you
When I got a practice game to play - or EQL, I often break and write "snus" - because I can't play without snus. I often hear that I'm a 'Sassa-wannabe'. You're famous for breaking the countdown and writing "snus" - Why is that?HAHA LOL! Its your fault that I write so much, I got another story right here, no1 knows this, so this is a first timer. In the old mqwcl client, where there wasn't a cl_gameclock, you could press tab(showteamscores), and you could see a little clock running. That clock started when u joined the server, so I wanted that clock to hit X:50 - or 20, when the countdown would start. So when the game starts, it would be X:00 or X:30 so I could keep track of the time, but lots of ppl bugged me when I breaked, so I always wrote snus, and I took a snus at that moment aswell. After 1-2 years, I just couldnt stop NOT taking a snus when the game would start. Now when I got the cl_gameclock I really dont need to stop the clock and sync it, but I need to break, because of snus addiction

(I hope u understood the explanation!)
You've been admin for a long time, who or which person(s) are the best people you ever admined with - from the very start of your admining career till today?apa back in the rq.se time (http://hem.passagen.se/rqse/) from 01->02
trouby/thebeats nqeu.tk (http://members.webdeveloping.nl/~trouby/nqeu/) from 02-> now
AuF in SQL 01-02
Vert and eb (dope) in duelmania 02->03 I think vert has been one of the best admins I have ever worked with, his work is to perfection
then I got Ake_vader and Term in the current EQL that are just fantastic, I really dont know were I would have been without you guys. P
Paradoks, eter, jezaja and Zalon in qw.nu did a fantastic job with qw.nu, all their time and effort for the community was just fantastic..
all tourneys have to have a running guy, webmaster and a speaker
I think that we in EQL combine those three perfectly, thats why it has been a huge success, yeah its a success imo.
How did you deal with the matter of sd2. I mean, they got grisling, phrenic and molecule, a very good team, perhaps one of the best in div2. How come you placed them in division 2 with those players, and I've noticed splash joined, he's also a former div1, is it fair admining, or do you allow it because you are "one big family" and you want them to play in div2 to make some ez frags?haha, well I was not that much into the sd2 talk, was more the other admins, same thing with letting splash join sd2 now during the season! (I mean if muti is in obv then splash can be in sd2?).
But the names or worth shit, just look at hhhv with goljat etc. ppl say it was shit of letting them join div2, and time tells, and it did. SD2 have lost 2 games already and will probably loose one or two game before the season ends! It's all about tp, not the players (uh ssc was not tp, sry, ssc was milton), but they need to get their tp going and get more active and than they will beat clans such as zoo who will win div2 imo.
How do you as an admin react to the incident that happened between CMT and Team Freedom in division 3. I mean with the 2xdm3-games. Did you bend the rules or just didn't care? And what are you going to do about it so it won't happen again? (need to ask so I can end the story about this h!o!t drama)if both clans agree on a map thats in the list, why should we stop them? but its still not good to go against the rules
I think we should perhaps add a rule there
to give the clans the chance to play dm3x3 if they want to and yeah, we will improve more for eql3. We have already improved alot since eql1, or what do u say gaz and djevulsk?
bah Im tired now

The map vote-system was dreadful. How come you made it like that?We wanted each division to have its own map-list, if most of the clans wanted 5 maps then they should have 5 maps, if they wanted TB3 only then let them have tb3 only. I guess we made some errors there with not having 2 votes, 1 for 3 or 5 maps and 1 for extra maps, then the result would have been more accurate than it is. But, they are the small mistakes that a new league does, and it was the begining of eql2. We had to get a new design (thnx bps), and a new schedule which we worked on for 1 week to get it correct. We still have lots some errors that needs to be fixed, and we are trying to solve them for the next eql, think that NQR had lots of season behind them until they made it "OKEY".
We want each season to be better than the next 1 for the players, but not all players get satisfied, there are always a bunch that disagree and mostly they are the ones that u hear from. Honestly, there aren't that many arguing about the map voting, not more than 10 and thats not so many, but still we listen to them, we want eql3 to be better than eql2 and 1

. So, it's good that u guys speak out, DO IT, just DO IT @ Ben Stiller

You play in SD(Sudden Death) and have played there since the beginning of -05 if I remember correctly, where was your skill where you joined compared to today - and how have you managed to raise your skillbar so much?I was around div3 when I joined sd2, I was acctually below average div3, we got phrenic from div4, and retic from div3 aswell. ok98, bps, splash, bagge and tumult were left from their old squad.
Itäs really easy to explain why I became better (did I?) We played vs better teams, all the time. Behind all this is lots of talk about how to play the game in its tactical point of view - if ur on dm2, with 1 rl and the quad is coming in 10 secs
u got 200 200 10 rox, should U do a rambo attack?
it's important to learn what to do, when and how, we use mm3 (ventrilo) and that helps us aswell.
Now we have a core team of 4 players (retic/bps/ok98/sassa) and we know exactly how to play on all maps.
you just need to get some advice, look what I (yeah what I) did with jokkmokk, got them from div4 to div2 with learning them some basic tactics.
I think that all teams in div4 can go to div2 in 1 seasons after some "basic tactical camp"

. Haha that sounded so gay, it's not how you play the game, its how you think in game... kind of
So, what does the great Sassa do when he's not playing qw, or doing qw related stuff?Im ADDICTED to Football... I used to never miss a game, had all teh channels and watched football 24/7..
during the summers when the weather is bad. When there was no football, we watch any sport we could find and bet

like waterpolo, vollyball or just any sport.
We had persian/greek/french/german/uk/spanish channels and there was always some kind of sport on the tv.
I played lots of football earlier aswell but due to my traveling lifestyle it wasnt that popular in my team. I was (am) a fanatic fan of Malmö FF, the best club in swedish history, and used to go to all their homegames + 50% of their away games, but now I just cant do it anymore because if they losoe I will go nuts.
I call myself the lexicon of Football

though I'm not that good with the english football history, so be kind on those questions

Im as good with girls as dag is on dm6

You have been a admin for several years now, do you have any plan when to retire? And if you choose to retire(or not choose, perhaps if you die), who do you want to see step up after you and fill your great hole? Who do you want to see become the next Sassa?Hehe, there is lots of candidates, you got peppe/stroller that are devoted to qw.
You might see some pl guys aswell like lorkn that is running the 2on2/endif tournys in pl.. JSS is doing a nice job over at qw.ru so he might take it over totaly if he decides to step out of russia

But, my final vote would go to JSS (runner up: peppe)
m3 or dm2?dm2!!!!
discharge or axe murder quad?discharge
snus or getting a blow job?break snus ready
dmm3 or dmm4dmm4
sluts or hoessluts
russia or polandpoland
play or comment+speccomment+spec
blonds or brunettes?blonds
weed or beer?weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed+beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
join oblivion or getting anal raped?* Sassa takes his pants down
gaz or ParadokS?Para
Anything you would like to add to those who hate you out there (gaz)?hehe he dosnt hate me, its all love under the sheet

, PEEKABOO to all sd's!! damn this took way2longtime, its all racers fault with good questions.. good fight good night and may allah be with me
ps. Alexander the great was from Macedonia and not greece (puss goqsane)
Alright, thank you for your time, I hope you will continue being an admin and good luck with your career
No problem racer =) and thnx for fixing the spelling, as u guys now I dont care of the spelling

Best interview ever.
... mest leif
ask phrenic about that analrape @ first night in qhlan were we sleept spoon, and let me just say that I wasnt the bitch
hahahaha i think that phrenics but is still hurting=).
Did a Ctrl+F for heddan and it didnt find any sentence containing that word so I didnt feel like reading it....
Why does racerii think I love Sassa? I have nothing but <3 for Sassa.
gaz, i dont get it.. isnt <3 = love in .uk too?
Sorry, I mistyped. I meant to write "Why does racerii think I HATE Sassa?"
blurk I got tired from reading all this, don't you guys have anything better to do? (I ask myself the same thing) :E
hehe I missjudged his work at qw.nu I guess... but still he is a nice guy
hagge, you suck, please die.
nice read.
Nice sassa. Im coming home on sunday and on monday i will start playing qw again (allot) I hope u can play with me
))) i cant take more than one week without you Suddendeath.