Tell me a little about yourself; real name, age, nationality,
what do you enjoy doing on your spare time?My name is MÃ¥rten, im 19 years old (systembolaget in some weeks) and live in Sweden.
On my spare time i like to watch movies, play qw and get drunk
How long have you been playing quakeworld?Think i started around 98 when a friend called me (hollow) and told me he got a new awesome game.
Then i started play vs frogbots all day long.
After some time i created a clan with an IRC friend (Bozzy) and we played around 10 minutes then everyone dropped

How is your setup?(qw-client, mouse, mousepad?)Played with fuhquake for some years now. Got a razer diamondback and a Qpad.
We all want to know, what is the key behind Jägarna's succes this season?Well, we prac more often now and our individual skills have becomed better, got some more members like Edvin and Iffy.
Eggarf is active again etc. Think we got better TP now aswell.
Do you usually whine alot during games or do you belong to the
quiet ones who just keep playing and have a fun time whatever the
Depends if i had a good day or not hehe. Before i never whined and just enjoyed the game but nowadays i whine pretty much, yes.
Excuse me everyone i whined on

How is the competition in div5?There is some good clans like CCS,Oldones, SD P, the other clans i dont know much about.
Dont think div5 is very active so often you have to play div 3-4 clans if u want to play and therefore its not so easy to know how the other div5 clans are.
This season we are playing cmt3 and cmt4 as well, good? bad?Think its pretty good, not always u want to play tb3 maps.
Maybe qw needs some more maps to stay alive? Cant say i like CMT3 much though

What is your favourite gameplay in qw?(1on1 2on2 4on4 ffa?)I like 2on2@dm2 most. 4on4 is very fun aswell when you got good teamplay and play equal teams.
Really hate 1on1 and almost never plays it.
What is the greatest moment in your qw career?Hmm, cant remember anything specific. Think the time when i played in SD and we were as most active was a really fun time
with praccing all nights long and whining on vent

Do you have any favourite clan/player of all time?Always liked GTG, nice players and nice attitude.
Favorite players, nr1 is ofc Hagge \o/ Then i like Griffin because he is a really good dm2 player.
Lakerman was my favorite in the beginning, couldnt stop watch lakkandm2.qwd

Have you ever used "movement-scripts" or such?No, dont like scripts. More fun to train them until u can do them by yourself without any scripts.
What is your opinion on them?Think they should be forbidden in all leagues etc.
Not so fun if you have trained a specific move for some time and when you finally can do it a friends joins and press the x button
and do it even better without ever trained on it before

Now some quick ones;
rl or shaft?rl
id1 or kenya?id1
speccing div1-games or playing div5-games?depends on what div1 teams playing, but i say playing div5 games
fallbunny on or fallbunny off?Fallbunny off
toast or fullgrain?toast
airgib or quadrun?quadrun
excersise or prac with hb?Both, but usually i end up pracing with hb

coke or pepsi?pepsi
Prince or Micheal Jacksson?Michael Jackson
playstation or Xbox?playstation
Dog or Cat?Dog
gaz or sassa?(commentators)sassa
Euro or SEK?SEK
(sassa wanted to know)Hoppa Huvve or Trixxa me mig ollen svin?
Dont really know what the second one means but trixxa with a olla sounds fun
Well thank you for your time and gl in the future
thank you, good luck with SD P :-)
heheh.. go xer0!
nice questions and good answers! especially on the question about favourite player
Hehe, not bad.