Gaz interview
2006-01-19 23:30 by Horatio
I got hold of gaz in osams for some late night interviewing.
What is your irl status? I.e name (firtsname if you are shy), age, work/school, other basic stuff?My name is Gareth ("Gaz" is a common shortened form in the UK) Ellis, I'm 24 and I am the manager of the translation department for a health research consultancy (!). I am a huge football fan and I go to watch Bristol City (they play in div 3) every weekend, and I play rugby sometimes too. I also love music, films and chocolate.
Give us a brief resumé of your qw career. How and when did you start and why do you keep playing?I started playing in 1999 when I first got an internet connection - I joined a clan almost rightaway and moved from NQ to QW quickly. I played in a couple of really bad clans in the UK league before I moved to TSW (The Shadow Warriors). I was with TSW as we moved up from the bottom division of the UKCL, and I think we actually finished 3rd in the final season of UKCL, so that was nice!
Then I had a long break until August 2003 when a group of guys from the UK clans I was with decided to form a new clan - that clan was FIPS. That marked the start of my playing in the European scene, and NQR5 was my first international tourney

After NQR6 fips folded and I joined Osams, where I have been ever since.
What is the greatest moment in your qw career?In TSW we had a great moment where we beat our big rivals StrikeForce in the playoffs of a UK tournament - that was nice. In the "modern era" it is either winning the Trickery TDML (UK league) with FIPS 2 seasons in a row, or winning EQL division 3 with Osams last season.
What is the worst moment in the same?Losing to VVV in the NQR7 semi-finals.
What sort of qw gaming do you enjoy the most? 1on1, 2on2, 4on4, ffa or other?4on4 definitely. I like 2on2s, but only on DM2/aerowalk, and if it's for fun. I can't stand camping/CS in that mode

Sometimes I play 1on1, again mainly Aerowalk and some ZTNDM3. I've always been a 4on4 player over everything else.
Can you see yourself playing any other multiplayer game on the same level as you play qw?I used to play CS... heh... and my clan got to a reasonable standard in the UK. A similar thing happened as with Osams - we kept getting promoted and eventually we peaked out and got raped in a high division

In the future I can't see myself playing anything other than QW. I don't have the motivation to learn something new.
Do you usually whine alot during games or do you belong to the quiet ones who just keep playing and have a fun time whatever the outcome?My nickname is often "WhineadoKs" as I'm always cursing on ventrilo. There is an MP3 that some Osams guys have of me shouting rather loud (and in Swedish) during QHLAN too

Who in your team do you think is the key to the most victories?Steppa is usually the one who does the high-skills quad runs, but I think Thompen (Gorbatjevtarzan) is just as important - he's a very defensive player and he gives us stability and camps the important spots for us.
Where in the division do you think your team will end up?Before the season I would have said bottom 4. Now I think it will be rock bottom, maybe 2nd bottom if we are lucky

What team will give you the most trouble and why?All of them! A few months ago we were challenging a lot of the division 2 clans, but either they have improved or we have got worse. Look at EQL1 - we gave Zoo a really close game in the playoff but then they raped us in EQL2.
What team will win div1?If LA are playing regularly, they will win, but tVS are looking very strong at the moment. Leftovers have surprised me too, I can see them making the semi-finals at least.
What are the good and bad things with eql as you see it? Is it better or worse than nqr?Being an NQR admin I am of course biased

EQL is wonderful though, it's done a great job in filling the hole left by NQR. It has its flaws though, such as the promotion/relegation system from EQL1. We lost both of our games in the promotion playoffs last season, and we still got promoted. I think a similar thing happened where DQM won both their promotion matches and still didn't go up. Some tweaking needs to be done

It's all part of the experience of being an admin though and I know what it's like to be on their side of the "wall". They're doing a decent job so far.
Would you like to see another season of smackdown? Why or why not?Not really. Last Smackdown we had 2 games against teams of our level (or thereabouts) and the rest of the games were rapes (either by us or against us). Rape games are boring either way, who wants to play in them?
Do you enjoy playing teams that are way better or way worse? Why? Why not?I'd always rather play against a team of the same ability, preferably slightly better. OK so you get beaten a lot but it's very satisfying when you pull off a win. Getting spawnraped is really dull, and is just a waste of time. If I wanted to sit here clicking randomly at my mouse all the time I'd play Diablo 2. I don't like doing it myself because I know what it's like for the other team.
And now for some quick ones!
Besmella or because it had a bigger community. I prefer the fact that Besmella is updated more though.
TB3 or Kenya?TB3. There was a time when I'd have said Kenya but I've seen the light!
Playstation or Xbox?I got an Xbox 360 recently and it's awesome

Rl or shaft?RL - I always have higher ping than most so I can't shaft too well

Speccing div1-games or playing div5-games?Div 1 of course!
Fallbunny on or fallbunny off?I never know which is which. I think it should be in the mode when it doesn't slow you down.
Airgib or quadrun?Quad run.
Dag or griffin?Dag is a clever player and does some awesome stuff, but there is something poetic about watching Mr Griffin. He reminds me of a tank (albeit a very fast one) with the way he strides confidently around maps gunning down all those in front of him.
BGSR or BGSD?I'm gonna say BGSD because of all the whine the various members gave me while I was NQR admin

But I love trashie <3
Nqr or eql?NQR!
ParadokS or Milton?Milton.
Shotgan Trick Bud or Sassa?Shotgan Trick Bud, every time. Silly question!
Ok thank you for your time gaz, and gl!
#1 2006-01-19 23:49 by Ã…ke Vader
#2 2006-01-19 23:56 by murdoc
hehe nice one

#3 2006-01-20 02:54 by sassa
Shotgan Trick Bud my ass!!

#4 2006-01-20 09:10 by Haggis
OMFG. Bristol City! Do you remember Vegard Hansen Gaz? He played there a few years back, in defence. Good strong player, desperate playing style. Arms and legs all over the place

#5 2006-01-20 09:33 by peppe
yea! gaz the man

#6 2006-01-20 10:00 by stefan
gazzie \o/
#7 2006-01-20 10:08 by gaz
Vegard Hansen is a legend

#8 2006-01-20 11:30 by mushi
who is vegard Hansen ?

nice gazzie []
#9 2006-01-20 13:11 by Haggis
He was a good player Gaz

Played on the team from my city for years, now he is a coach for a smaller team, but he got to start somewere

Btw, do you play any PGR3? Do you also use gaz on your gamertag?

#10 2006-01-20 13:18 by gaz
Sure I play PGR3 - my gamertag is "xxxxxx" :E
#11 2006-01-20 13:28 by Haggis
And the reason for that nick is?

Btw, Vegard Hansen is a norwegian football player that joined Bristol City for, i dont know, 5-6 years ago? Just wanted to know if Gaz remembered him....but this shit is way off topic. Anyways, it's friday

#12 2006-01-20 13:32 by gaz
"xxxxxx" is a real life nickname that some guys I was in a band with gave me after I jumped around on stage :E "xxxxxx" is just something i added cos "xxxxxx" was taken.
#13 2006-01-20 13:43 by Haggis
See you have played Perfect Dark Zero, is it any good?
#14 2006-01-20 14:01 by gaz
It sucks if you've played any half-way decent FPS on a PC (i.e. Half Life 2, Far Cry). The multiplayer is kinda fun I guess. I've played a bit of co op with my friends and that's a good laugh. It came with my console though and I wouldn't recommend buying it

#15 2006-01-20 14:04 by Haggis
For me FPS is pc-only, so thanks for the advice. Im waiting for Pro evo soccer. Best footiegame ever, in the meantime it will be loads of PGR3 (and qw of course)
#16 2006-01-20 14:15 by Haggis
Since im on a roll here...what about some interviews with a Norwegian player. not many left, but it would be interesting to see an interview with one of the guys from LS in div - Hooratio....Do you copy?

#17 2006-01-20 14:22 by gaz
Buy Pro Evo Soccer 5 for Xbox 1 - it works perfectly in backwards compatability mode. Then you can play me on Live

#18 2006-01-20 14:26 by Haggis
I have it on the old box, but it's been H4xxed

Maybe I have to make a purchase tonight. I play with Aston Villa, so bow DOWN!
#19 2006-01-20 14:35 by gaz
Haxxed how? The Xbox 1 version works on the 360.
#20 2006-01-20 14:44 by lib
and how about this weather we're having!
#21 2006-01-20 14:47 by Haggis
My old xbox is modified, and I have downloaded Pes5....
#22 2006-01-20 19:59 by manny
shotgan trick gaz
#23 2006-01-21 00:54 by spokz

#24 2006-01-21 19:44 by trashie
hehe gaz. *kjam påde!*
#25 2006-01-21 23:46 by phrenic
gaz is a funny guy, to bad he hates me with the sd team, kram på dej gareth

#26 2006-01-22 00:09 by nakoz

hagge and gaz; get a room?

#27 2006-01-22 16:11 by gaz
I don't hate you either phrenic <3
Nakoz: Don't be jealous. Also, that's HaggIS, not HaggE ;D
#28 2006-01-22 16:55 by phrenic
#29 2006-01-31 06:28 by ok98
i think u mean bgsd=bgok98