Interview with fifi
2006-03-23 13:55 by murdoc
1. Hello Fifi, thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I’m going to start by asking you to tell us who you really are – what’s your name, where do you come from, what do you do when you’re not playing qw?
Hello, you’re welcome. My name is Tero and I come from the beautiful city of Villmanstrand that’s located 25km from the Russian border. Most of my average day is spent at school, but sometimes I manage to squeeze in some sports and/or cardgames.
2. Can you give a little more background history to your QW career? Which clans did you play in before Clan Malfunction. Around what time did you start playing QW?I’ve played qw on/off for almost 9 years I think, played in many teams but the longest stretches were probably with GLX and np! before switching from keyboard to mouse and joining cmf in 1999.
3. Have you ever tried playing any other online multiplayer games? How successful were you?Sure. For FPS-games I tried CS for a total of 30secs and played Q3 for one year when it was released. I was never any good in Q3 because the game was really boring and I had a laggy cablemodem back then. The good thing was that no one else was really good either and we managed to win at eurocup lanfinals with am.
4. What setup do you use for QW? GL or soft? EzQuake or FuhQuake? Logitech, MS or Razor? Give us the juicy details!I’m currently running gl-fuhquake@1024x768. I’m using razer diamondback on func which seems to work quite well. As for the juicy details: I use fullbright skins and no weaponscripts.
5. You’re known as great 4on4 player in the scene at this time. But are you a fan of any other QW game modes such a 1on1?1on1 is a great way to improve your skills. It can be really fun if neither of the players take it too seriously. I used to enjoy “serious†duelling, but then again, I was 14 and winning in qw still meant something

2on2 on the other hand is very fun even if it’s the world championships (well, on every map except dm6).
6. I know that many people view you as great overall player in the QW scene, but which players taught and influenced you to play in your own unique way? Did you study demos while you were an upcoming player?Actually there is one player whose demos I used to watch a lot. I still consider him the best qw player that has ever played 4on4. His style was really aggressive and he never made any mistakes. That’s pietro if you didn’t guess already

I suppose I tried to play like him, and at that time my connection was really good so I usually had the lowest ping on the servers what still matters more than most people are willing to admit.
7. What do you feel are your main strengths as a 4on4 player? And your weaknesses? Where do you think you can improve?I would say my biggest asset is reading the game. For example, if we are playing a polish clan on dm2 and we are securing quad before it spawns, we leave the quad area empty and just camp at high-tele because every pole rjumps from 2xya to upper tele. My biggest weakness is probably aiming. Also, I sometimes overestimate my own abilities and as a result die in “stupid†situations

8. What are you’re thoughts about ‘MM3’? Do you think that it helps or hinders team play? Is CMF using MM3?Definitely helps. That’s why we are not using it so our opponents can win a game here and there. Actually we have talked about trying it sometime, but the language barrier is just so very big between Finnish and Swedish

9. Who do you think will be the toughest opposition in EQL this season?It’s hard to name one, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if la, fs, sr, tvs, fom or koff would win one map against us. If I had to pick one, it would be la because we have never(?) beaten them.
10. What you think about the “new star players†are they strong enough to compete in div1? And which players are you thinking of?I’ve played against most of the new players and think they will do just fine. Perhaps not being the topfraggers but definitely not going to be pushed around. I’m thinking of darkki and bamsen from AQ, inferno from LA and almost the whole SR team

11. What has been your greatest achievement in QW?Hmm, probably the 4on4 competition at qhlan with fix, siv and janne. Pretty much every top team was there (sr missing hib though) and we managed to win 14 straight maps without any losses. Maybe it’s just me, but doing that in 100% fair environment means more than on internet where things are never completely equal

It’s also very subjective view as we usually lose in playoffs

12. Which clan has been the toughest to play against in your whole QW career? And what about the toughest player?That would have to be ff/la. Always felt like you had to be 100% so it doesn’t turn into fragfest. The single toughest player to play against for me is riker because it feels like he doesn’t care if he dies and gives away rl.
13. Are you a fan of any maps besides the big 3? Would you like to see any custom maps brought back into the top level of QW?Personally I would like to see other maps in qw. I enjoy cmt3 and cmt1 to some extent, but the problem is that not everyone, especially in div1, will learn the new maps. That results in decline of div1-teams participating in tournaments that use other maps.
14. Do you have any tips for 4on4 players who are striving to improve and work their way up from the lower divisions?Have patience. Even if you get destroyed against better players/teams, you should still play against them because the things you learn in-game are more valuable than the things you pick up on watching demos.
15. What do you think of the current QW community? Do you enjoy listening to TeamSpeak coverage and reading the opinions of ‘pundits’ in the scene?I think it’s great. I enjoy the commentary very much when it’s about the game. I don’t belong in the group that listens to sassa tell about his quest to the supermarket trying to find julmustard 8)
16. As you may have seen, I wrote div1 predictions this time. Do you agree with me or do you have a different view?They look about right, though I think you might underestimate tvs a little. Their strength has never been the individual skill but solid teamplay which will be really good now that they have already played one season. There are a lot of “it depends†but it’s going to be an interesting season.
17. As I heard on IRC, you got back and Angua is done with the army very soon. Will there be an active and solid cmf this season?Well, we have played at least seven rounds of 4on4 this week which is a lot for us. Angua will be in army for another 2-3 weeks so I think it’s safe to say that our playoff hopes are destroyed well before he gets out 8)
18. What do you think about EQL itself, is it good the way it is or would you like to see some changes?I would like to see five maps in the map pool but other than that, it looks nice. The best thing is that you have to play well already in the group stages. Usually you could cruise in autopilot until playoffs, but now that only four teams go through, you can’t.
Now Some Fast multiple choice questions
Fix or Angua?siv
Dm3 or Dm2?dm2
RL or LG?rl
NQR or EQL?eql
Fried Chicken or Pizza?chicken
QW or Sex?too obvious
Quad or Pent?quad
19. Any final words?no
murdoc: Ok, thank you for your time and hf/gl with cmf in eql3!
Also a thanx to gaz cuz i used his interview as an example.
#1 2006-03-23 15:43 by Nosfer4tu (82.154.54.XXX)
I’m currently running gl-fuhquake@1024x768. I’m using razer diamondback on func which seems to work quite well. As for the juicy details: I use fullbright skins and no weaponscripts.
Man, that´s exactly my setup... So why can´t i play like him???

#2 2006-03-23 15:44 by B1aze (212.5.80.XXX)
>Fix or Angua?

#3 2006-03-23 15:44 by sassa (213.113.96.XXX)
my julmust commentary is fucking important to get ppl in shape for gaz-commentary

#4 2006-03-23 15:45 by sassa (213.113.96.XXX)
Nosfer4tu, u need the 9 year experiece
#5 2006-03-23 15:45 by error (213.114.99.XXX)
nice interview!
#6 2006-03-23 15:54 by nas (83.226.240.XXX)
#7 2006-03-23 15:57 by Mursu (85.131.93.XXX)
Fifi ftw
#8 2006-03-23 16:02 by lord (83.144.87.XXX)
so QW? :<
#9 2006-03-23 16:03 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Nice to rip-off my questions murdoc, thanks for asking.
#10 2006-03-23 16:10 by murdoc (84.53.64.XXX)
yep i copied yours and edited the most of it. There aint a copyright on your interview

Don't be so hard on it i will mention your name if its such a big deal.
#11 2006-03-23 16:11 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Well it is a big deal, I spent time writing questions and phrasing them in my own way, so it's a little rich to just see them ripped off and pasted here. If you had asked then I might not have minded.
#12 2006-03-23 16:15 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Oh no, there might not be a copyright but there are things called 'intellectual property' and 'plagiarism'. It's a bit much to just post an interview and claim it to be yours.
#13 2006-03-23 16:18 by murdoc (84.53.64.XXX)
stop the hate jesus :/ i already mentiont you in the interview. Its not like a lifetime job

#14 2006-03-23 17:07 by tumult (85.224.198.XXX)
sue him for 7.000€
#15 2006-03-23 17:21 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
#16 2006-03-23 18:06 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Thanks for mentioning me, but please write your own questions next time. As you say it's not a lifetime job so it won't take too long for you to think of your own phrasings.
#17 2006-03-23 18:57 by xhrl (70.71.136.XXX)
enjoyed the interview. i wish you had asked fifi more about his wicked e1m2 boomstick quad runs though

i know cmf has had many run ins with la and ff. i wonder if fifi has ff more in mind in his comments? for it seems to me some of cmf's biggest games and near losses were against sr, and less so against la. maybe purity can clarify this for me, as he can always recall the facts the best.
the cool thing about fifi to me is that he has been with cmf for 7 of his 9 years of quaking; that is likely the record for time spent in one clan? but iirc fifi did take a year off a few years ago...or am i mistaken, and it was fix? that said, i don't think he ever was in another qw clan.
one sort-of-funny fifi interview ancedote:
about 5 years ago or so, dk asked me to write up some interview questions for fifi's interview on chtv. and i did put a lot of thought and research into my questions, being a huge cmf fan. and when i told dk that i was ready to roll, dk said to meet fifi at one the next day. so i showed up at 1pm and did not find fifi around. i was shocked, crushed, smashed and surprised
(things fifi's opponents probably always experience). How could this cmf dude not want me to interview him? So being to try to talk with an afk-fifi,
i went and told dk of chtv that i couldn't connect with fifi. Then i heard the really bad news: dk had meant for me to meet fifi at 1 am my time, and that because i hadn't showed, dk had gone ahead and asked fifi his own questions. i am sure dk's questions were fine, but i know i put loads of loving care into formulating mine....the fifi questions no one evr got to hear answered

i should write a book on "fifi through the generations of qw; the man behind the boomstick"

that would be a manly book, i bet even janne would read it

#18 2006-03-23 19:34 by blAze (130.230.1.XXX)
"the cool thing about fifi to me is that he has been with cmf for 7 of his 9 years of quaking; that is likely the record for time spent in one clan?"
Well, tVS was founded '97.

#19 2006-03-23 21:22 by PairofsockS (212.247.63.XXX)
in case you didn't know, plagiarism is the most honest way of complementing someone gaz, and as for your so called "intellectual property" .. why don't you just shove that one as well, if you can fit it in.
'Ma gavte la nata' - onegai
#20 2006-03-23 23:27 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
plagiarism seems to be popular atm.. first dan brown with the da vinci code and then murdoc with this.. where is the world heading? :<<<
#21 2006-03-24 00:29 by xhrl (70.71.136.XXX)
wow, then blaze and Ihm would be 9 for 9 years with the viper squad

that is the record, unless you can find me an older crew still active?
#22 2006-03-24 01:49 by qmole (130.88.96.XXX)
Not sure about clans, but there's some really oldschool players still about. One that springs to mind is TheChosenOne... he was in probably the first demo I ever watched. His clan got destroyed by Z though

#23 2006-03-24 03:28 by Vertigo (157.24.219.XXX)
I guess there's no doubt that tVS is the oldest QW clan alive at the moment.
#24 2006-03-24 05:52 by blAze (193.166.233.XXX)
I think ToT is really old too and they are playing again. I don't know if their current members have been there all that time though. Me and Ihm have been in tVS since our very first game and this is the only clan we have ever been in too.
Some of our old stuff can be found in the web archive: 990218051508/

The name was changed from WVC to tVS at some point though.
#25 2006-03-24 08:28 by xhrl (70.71.136.XXX)
blAze, does tVS still have its website up somewhere? google sent me to some debian-in-progress site on system7.
#26 2006-03-24 11:47 by Ari (81.197.136.XXX)
Hmm, Satanic Slaughter Clan has been founded in 1997 also. 2nd of October to be exact. And Slaughter and Blob have been playing there since. I can't recall the date when tVS was founded because I didn't even own a computer back then

Nevertheless, it's obvious that tVS and SSC are the oldest active clans still around.
#27 2006-03-24 11:49 by Ari (81.197.136.XXX)
Oh, I was too hasty

The dates are on that URL blAze gave us

So tVS is the oldest, respect.
#28 2006-03-24 13:44 by lord (83.144.87.XXX)
aX3 was founded in '97 too and its still active :}
nice to see so many oldskool clans/player back to qw/still fragging \o/
#29 2006-03-24 13:45 by lord (83.144.87.XXX)
#30 2006-03-24 14:30 by JohnNy_cz (195.113.25.XXX)
Someone send me sassa julmust commentary mp3? Please?!?!
#31 2006-03-24 15:38 by dje (194.47.63.XXX)
Oblivion was founded in -97 as well and has been active mostly all the time through the years. Nakoz can perhaps give a more exact date, but im sure it's around (or maybe even before) tVs/SSC so you can add [o] to the "oldest clans still playing"-list.
#32 2006-03-24 15:52 by nakoz (80.217.82.XXX)
oblivion was founded christmas 1998 (, and this is the oldest screenshot with date I can find:
http:/ /

#33 2006-03-24 16:05 by nakoz (80.217.82.XXX)
christmas 1997 that is... type-o.... but the rq-clan rage (who became oblivion) was founded mid -97 =)
#34 2006-03-24 17:49 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
omg tvs is even almost older than me :<
#35 2006-03-24 18:41 by lord (83.144.87.XXX)
AX3 = founded 09.10.1997
hagge ur sooo young <pampers> :{
#36 2006-03-24 20:55 by Oho (85.156.190.XXX)
Samojedit was founded in 1997..

maybe we are oldest clan

#37 2006-03-24 22:01 by gaz (195.112.29.XXX)
<strong> out of nowhere?