Interview with dragon
2006-03-23 17:53 by murdoc
I tought it was some time for a interview with a rising star, this time its my clanmate dragon.
1. Hi Dragon, thank you for taking the time to talk to me. Who are you? What’s your name, where do you come from, what do you do when you’re not playing qw?Hello :p my name is Erfan Khodabaks I live In the Netherlands. My parents moved from Surinam to the Netherlands. And ehm what I’m doing when I’m not playing quake. That is Anarchy Online just a lame mmorpg : ) or I’m at school. Im 16 years old im in the third grade.
2. I know you from the old days, when we played like 24/7 2on2’s But can you give a little more background history of your QW career for the other ppl?Hmm I started to play at my ninth just some random noobish ffa. I started playing in VR some div 5 clan … and after I joined VVV and got kicked coz of my behaviour and after I joined a death clan boefje.
3. Have you ever tried playing any other online multiplayer games? How successful were you?Didn’t really tried an other game actually played a bit cs but was too boring.. and I wanted quake again

4. What setup do you use for QW? Fuhquake Ezquake? GL or soft? Logitech, MS or Razor?Well i’m using ofcourse GL and my Mouse is a mx510 .. have a cheap mousepad and a cheap keyboard
5. We know you're a great fan of 4on4. But are you a fan of any other QW game modes such as 1on1/2on2?w00t povdmm4 plz

6. Which players did you follow/observe to learn from? Did you study any demos?I don’t like watching games but was pretty amused the demo FF – SR pov akke so..

And I just mixed a lot
7. How come you always let you clan mates play dm2/e1m2, don’t you like the maps?Its just the maps doesn’t play as smooth as dm3 for me that is. So …
8. What do you feel are your main strengths as a 4on4 player? And your weaknesses? Which area's in your opnion could use improvement?Not sure about that. I just like to survive a lot of situations and my weakness that’s my ping.
And to improve it, lets play in NL?
9. What are you’re thoughts about ‘MM3’? Do you think that it helps or hinders team play?MM3 is nice to play with but annoying to play against, enuff said ?
10. Who do you think will be the toughest opposition in EQL this season?FOM seems to be in a great condition but I fear LA too though.
11. What has been your greatest achievement in QW?Well…. In VVV map take over vs la

12. Which clan has been the toughest to play against in your whole QW career? And what about the toughest player?FOM is the clan that’s toughest and reppie is just to annoying to play against
13. Are you a fan of any maps besides the big 3? Would you like to see any custom maps brought back into the top level of QW?I’d like to have CMT4 back it’s a nice map
14. Do you have any tips for 4on4 players who are striving to improve and work their way up from the lower divisions?Don’t be a pussy and prac vs teams in a higher div.
15. What do you think of the current QW community? Do you enjoy listening to TeamSpeak coverage and reading the opinions of ‘pundits’ in the scene?Its alright always funny how to hear what they think about it.
16. Wich player(s) would you like to play with in Slackers?Hmmm, my mates will hate this, but its purity

17. Any final words?Nope
Some short multiple choice questions:
Quad or PentPent
Boefje of SRSR
Hagge or CharlotteHagge
Anarchy or qwQw
Povdmm4 or 4on44on4
Okey thanx for your time, and hf/gl with SR in EQL3.
#1 2006-03-23 18:08 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Questions look familiar again!
#2 2006-03-23 18:09 by gaz (195.72.182.XXX)
Not as bad as the other one tho

#3 2006-03-23 18:18 by murdoc (213.84.248.XXX)
hehe, its quite hard to make an interview without almost the same questions. Unless its not going over qw

#4 2006-03-23 20:38 by mushi (84.39.1.XXX)
mmmmm... :/
#5 2006-03-23 23:33 by Hagge (83.233.145.XXX)
omg dragon <3<3<3
#6 2006-03-23 23:36 by oase (62.163.61.XXX)