1. Hello Nussi, thank you for your time. I wanna start of with the standard question. Who are you, where are you from, how old are you and what do you do besides quake?
Im Nussi from stockholm im 20years and since im a no-lifer i dont do anything
else then playing quake if im not playing on any server im probbably just
fakenicking with Tuoppis nick
2. Sassa told me that you joined Suddendeath, What made you leave AntiQuad after all these years? Is it because of the new players that joined AQ?
Nah it got nothing to do with the new players, bamse and darkki are two
really cute guys.
AntiQuad got a really good team without me if not better. And i needed a new
challenge, sassa asked me if i wanted to join them and i saw it as a big
challenge that i maybe but just maybe could make sassa the best quakeplayer
ever if i just could play a few games with him so thats why im now playing
EQL3 with sd...
3. After messing up my predictions, i think sd will be alot stronger now, what are your thoughts about EQL?
dont know think every clan has a chance nowadays in eql since you can report
in pracs as offical games...
4. Can you give us some background history, like what clans have you played in?Huh... since im a traitor iv played in so many clans that i cant remember
them all. The one worth remembering is ofcourse Bad luck troopers with some
really cool fins! and maybe some more :>
5. What setup do you use? Which client which mouse etc etc.
GRrr im no 1337 h4xx0r... I got an old mx300 with an even older "IKEA"
mousepad and i gibb "skill3or" with fuhquake
6. After playing quite a good EQL1 by ending on third place what made you decide to drop out half eql2?
Aminds suxxed big floppy donkey dick!
7. I have always seen you as one of the keyplayers of aq. What made you this starplayer? Did you watch a lot of demos or was it just alot of practice?
Demos kind of suxxinen if its not a nice frag. I like it live! SIV made me
the man i am today with hes "QW school" @ heddan lans. He is one of the best
quakers i know and he took the time to teach me everything he knew.
8. Which player/clan do you like the most? and which one you hate the most, if hagge wasn't included? 
I hate u all!
9. Whats your favourite tb3 map and why? Do you like any others maps besideds tb3?
Favourite map has to be dm2 with all the action players everywhere, it used
to be dm3 but nowadays there are to many [tVS] players camping behind every
wall with lg!
And then this shit with others map then tb3? whats that shit about.
I have to quote my friend HEDDAN here. "it took me 10years to learn 3maps
and know they whant me to learn 3 more?!?"
10. Did you played any other games besides QW?
Yeah ofcoz NHL94 is the shit
11. Do you play any other gamemode except for 4on4? Which one is you're favourite?
1on1 2on2 4on4 its all quake ofcourse im playing duel or 2on2 from time to
time but 4on4 is my favourite gamemode
12. What are you're thoughts about MM3, does it help the teamplay or do you think its annoying cuz its ez to scream and blame you're teammates?
OOHHH!! I love mm3 we always played with mm3 in AQ. Dont really know if it
helped us anything but its always fun shouting ojoj vittun helpoo with your
closest quakefriends
13. Can you tell me something about you're greatest acrhievement in you're QW carrier?
Dont really know when it was but after a few years with siv always raping me
in duels it was finally my day when the student won over the teatcher and
14. What do you think of the current QW community? Do you enjoy listening to TeamSpeak coverage and reading the opinions? would you like to do some coverage yourself?
ehhh Its all good
15. Who do you think is the most overrated div1 player atm? (*HINT* Angua, payback!
)Sorry to say it murdoc but murdoc...

And ofcourse the famous multiple choice questions!
dm3, dm2, e1m2?cmt2b
rl, lg, gl?rl
la, sr, fs?cmf
nqr, eql?the same shit?
diki, pinevester?have to add div3mega,egoTuoppi,millondollarcougar and mate!
quad, ring, pent?why not all of them?
div2 winner, div1 mid table?who cares?
17. Any final words?Lots Of LOVE! *ler*
Thanx for the interview, and hf/gl with AQ ehhh Suddendeath !I read it wrong first time and thought he said it was me who learned him qw.... but thats off course not true because then he would have been div1 a looong time ago
New challenges? Pfft... give us some drama!
The most interesting part is missing. What made nussi the fi-flood-master?