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European Quake League
2006-02-13, 23:52
News Writer
2260 posts

Jan 2006
post all ur concerns here
problems u got with getting a game..
if any clan has been lame...
if u want wo

NOTE: wo's cant be given after the groupgames!!!

There will be no catch-up week in eql2 (for any div) and unplayed div4 matches will be removed on Sunday (2006-02-19) at 23:59 CET, ie you may not report matches or request WO after that!

for div 1 2 3 and 5 the group games ends @ 2006-03-05 23:59 !!
2006-02-14, 00:14
811 posts

Jan 1970
About game 060212.
They refused talking away all scripts and they said that according rules on eql it wasnt a must. We claimed ofcourse that they should read the rules again. At this point we have been waiting for over a hour for THEM to get a server there THEY could play. Zzzz So i said ok. If you will win with "cheat" we will get WO vs you.
They said allright/ok to my proposal and i even took screenshot on this ridicilous agreement since i just had this gutfeeling about them NOT keep this promise..

So ok they did win vs us. 1-2

Did they cheat?

Who knows but since it was very importent to them to NOT takeaway scripting you can only guess

There were also other annoyance going on with this game.
When one of them timed out they stopped playing at dm2 and wanted rematch on it. If they had been acting classy and not being so pain in the butts we usually wanna win fair and square but in this case we just gave them the finger.

Then why so importent with rematch when they a no win situation?
We shouldn't have started this game and trust them on the stupid agreement

2006-02-14, 15:55
248 posts

Jan 2006
what clan?

Edit: I say go with the world of sports: Refusing to take a test for doping is same as take the test and fail!
2006-02-14, 16:38
1754 posts

Jan 2006
vets :rolleyes:
2006-02-27, 23:03
23 posts

Feb 2006
We would like a WO vs luis clan. They are dead.

[00:52] <menth0l> [00:52] * Now talking in #luis
[00:52] <menth0l> [00:52] * Topic is 'FUCK YOU AND YOUR POINT OF VIEW...'
[00:52] <menth0l> [00:52] * Set by plate on Mon Feb 27 15:11:02
[00:52] <menth0l> [00:52] -L- [#luis] luis is dead. gg mac.
2006-02-28, 16:07
569 posts

Feb 2006
a2k vs BLT

BLT idle/dead
2006-03-02, 11:26
811 posts

Jan 1970
compot vs
blt (idle)
nnm (idle)
phc (idle)
Must be wo!
2006-03-02, 12:24
693 posts

Jan 2006
PHC aren't idle, they signed up for NQR anyway
2006-03-03, 20:50
811 posts

Jan 1970
There should be some award for teams that cant get a game going vs phc
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