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2006-03-06, 15:34
News Writer
2260 posts

Jan 2006
around 1 month ago the russian webbsite did a interview with milton, I asked for a translation of that interview and got it!
The two Quakeworld sites (.ru and .nu) we will hopefully help each other out in the future with news so expect some top notch .ru news writers

The interview was done by N.o.m.a.D from on [tVS]Milton on Thu Feb 09 13:12:12 2006

ok, first question: what color were weapons in Q1Test?
milton brown :?

just didn't want to start with usual stuff like who are you, how long you play qw, etc... but for the second question it fits nice, so... who are you, how old, work/school?
I'm Joni Siwula from Finland. I'm 20 years old and a first year student at the Tampere university of technology

what's your study?
computer science

when did you start to play qw? what clans you played in before SSC?
I started in August 1997. I played with some crappy clans that I can't even remember and then I played some games with noskill just before i joined ssc...

who invited you to ssc?
Hmm...I think it was me that asked Slaughter if I could join. Not 100% sure though.

have you tried other FPSs? if yes, then why you still play qw?
Yeah I have tried loads of them. We actually tried to play Quake 4 with SSC(everyone bought new computers etc.) but it just sucked. I still play qw because I know how to play it and no other game comes even close to it.

close in what? dynamics, design, fun? what makes qw so special for you?
Well qw hasn't been that much fun in years, it's just a habit. And compared to other games qw is faster, weapons are well balanced and it's always easy to start playing qw. For example in quake4 it was a nightmare to even get into the game(takes forever to load etc.)

ok... why Milton? do you like Al Pacino?
What has Milton to do with Al Pacino :? I just took this nick from one book I read when I was little.

well, afraid it's pacino's role in devil's advocate
Ok. I think I have seen that but didn't remember any Miltons there :L

in SSC Frags Done Satanic you looks kinda scary on photos in that black outfit I guess it comes from your musical taste. What music do you like? And what are your other interests irl?
I mostly listen to black/thrash metal but sometimes some rock and even electronic music when I feel like it. When I'm not playing I'm probably training for SSC-triathlon or reading.

ssc-thriathlon? is it usual swimming-biking-jogging?
Nope. We made triathlon of our own. We do push-ups, pull-ups and we run cooper's test(12min).

in 2 words - what is cooper's test?
Two words isn't enough :L. But it is a test where you run as far as you can in 12 minutes.

ok, i see. last book you enjoyed?
Stephen King's Dark Tower.

you played in ssc for many years. what were the reasons for leaving them and joining tvs?
I didn't exactly leave them. I still play pracs and ladder with them. This tvs thing is just a one season contract for eql2 .

but why?
Well tvs needed a fourth player and I've always thought that if I'm going to play in any other clan than SSC it's going to be TVS.

but with you ssc could play in div1...
Heh. They've lost almost every game in div2 this season :L. But somehow when I play with them, they all seem to play better too. I think we are something between div1 and div2 with ssc.

in ssc you're the main quadrunner, in tVS they has Ihminen. is it hard to share lonely quad with another great quadrunner?
Yeah it is actually quite hard. I'm really not used to keep any other position than quad or lower rl @ dm2. Sometimes it of course helps to have two quadrunners but we still need some pracs to take full advantage of it.

how much does tVS prac?
Not enough. We have only four players and it means that if someone has something else to do, we can't prac at all. Ihminen has a girlfriend, I have school stuff and mirage is just somewhere away. Blaze is the only at the moment who is ready to play 24/7.

on a scale from 0 to 5 tVS' form now is...?

you played in div1 with SSC before (eql1), and this season with tVS. Is it harder for you now because of higher responsibility or is it easier because of teammates' skills?
It seems that I can't pull off my best performance with tvs at all. With ssc if something needed to be done, you had to it for yourself. In tvs it's easy to think that "well someone else is going to do that, i'll just sit here" and that often leads to some crappy situations.

maybe we'll see your best games in play-off?
I hope we make it to the play-offs first :L.

does tVS use mm3?

in which way does mm3 help your teamplay? can it be useful for not-skilled clans?
It's easier to report where opponent's rl-guys are heading to and a lot easier to whine to your teammates. MM3 needs time to develope. At first it's just useless, everyone is just quiet or everyone is yelling all the time. But with some time it helps teamplay a lot.

would it be problem for you to play with mm3 on english?
At first at least. My pronounciation is damn rusty but I think that it might be fun after a while.

what are your predictions on this eql season, for tVS and div1 championship?
Hard to predict at this stage but we definately try to win :L. Firing Squad has been tough though. Leftovers also practice like maniacs so maybe they will surprise by getting to the top4. LA and AQ are also in good shape. Hard to even predict which teams are going to the play-offs.

make a wild guess then
TVS, LA, AQ and FS. TVS wins :L.

does Europe need more 4x4 tournaments or eql and nqr-ladder are enough? do you miss smackdown?
I think that this is enough. We have enough trouble playing even these games mostly because of inactivity. Scene is dying.

no hope?
It doesn't look too good at this point.

if i'd ask you to describe qw-player milton, what would you say? what are his strenghts and (maybe) weaknesses?
My weakness is definately shaft. Strenghts are movement, rocket aim and tactics.

is there a player who makes you think "damn, i wish i could play qw like him"?
I could use Skisso-like lg-aim.

there are/were some russian clans and players you played vs. what do you think of them? are there skilled qw-ers in russia?
It's always easy to play vs. russian clans. There is hardly any whine at all about pings etc. XN and Gor are top notch @ dm2 2on2.

what does a clan need to succesfully compete in div1? and what russian clans lacks of?
Good basic knowledge of 4on4 tactics(sadly only t"b"3). At least three players need to have proper aim(unless they have some superior movement skills or something else). That one player without good aim can sit at the ra/tele :L. After this you need to prac a lot and more. I think russian clans need to practice more to get the routine. Sometimes for example dt pulled off some really good rounds against div1 clans but they couldn't keep that level all the time
Of course you can always replace one good aimer with better teamplay etc.
But that was my recipe for division 1 :e.

what do you think of minping issue? say, if you know there will be important game with minping set, how long will it take to get used to ping 50?
30 seconds? I played with modem for 2.5 years so ping isn't really a problem for me. It sucks to play against 13ms with 65ms though. But 65ms vs. 65ms is ok.

there was a FF-era when they dominated Europe qw. Is there 4-6 players that could do the same this days?
Slackers did it and I think they could do it again.

have you tried q-mods like TeamFortress or CTF?
We played some CTF with ssc(hib joined our ctf-team a year ago and back in the days i tried to play tf but it was horrible with modem/isdn-pings.

if you could pick ANY player to play 2x2 as your teammate, who would you pick?

what makes him great for 2x2?
His superior shaft and our tactics. I've played a lot with him lately. I always know where he's going, he knows what I'm doing etc.

as far as i know, you don't play duels much, right?
That's right. After I kinda retired from duels although I play one or two every month or so.

tired or what?
That and the fact that at one point it was really hard to do anything new in duels. You can always get better aim but i.e. in dm4 the tactics are already there.

what's your qw-gear?
3500+ a64, 1gbit ddr400, gf 6600gt, samtron 96p, logitech deluxe access keyboard, logitech mx510, allsop mousemat and case logic wrist rest for keyboard. and of course philips headphones from 1998 :L


ok, here comes blitz

Gl or soft?

rl or lg?

dm2, dm3 or e1m2?

playing 4x4 mix or speccing some "not-so-high-div" clan battle?
speccing, i hate mix

reppie-style or dag-style (duel-wise)?

top fragger or best efficiency?
top fragger, fragrank = life

bunnyhop on or off?

sentenced or amorphis?

vodka or what?

Angelina Jolie or Keira Knightley?

ok, and now some words for readers
XN + Gor some 2on2?

well, thank you very much, it was really great experience for me (first intrview in english )
thank you

gl with SSC and tVS
thanks :L
2006-03-06, 16:47
811 posts

Jan 1970
nice interview
nice questions, some relevant ones, asking opinions..
more more!
2006-03-06, 17:35
447 posts

Jan 2006
What's this stuff I hear about a translation? Since the interview was conducted in English I don't understand what you're talking about. On the whole it was nice reading though - I think the QW scene needs more of this, it's always interesting to "get to know" the good players.
Teamplay is nothing. Aim is everything. OBEY YOUR AIM
2006-03-06, 17:44
693 posts

Jan 2006
The interview was on and was translated into English, duh?
2006-03-06, 18:28
447 posts

Jan 2006
well, thank you very much, it was really great experience for me (first intrview in english )
thank you

Well, duh?
Teamplay is nothing. Aim is everything. OBEY YOUR AIM
2006-03-06, 18:37
693 posts

Jan 2006
My guess is that it was conducted in English, translated into Russian and then Sassa either posted the original transcript or got it re-translated. *shrug*
2006-03-06, 22:05
811 posts

Jan 1970
seems like a waste of time translating it again but maybe the english version got lost at the post office!
2006-03-06, 22:30
News Writer
2260 posts

Jan 2006
I got the log back but forgott that he didnt translate it from the webbsite witch he was supposed to do, thnx god that he got the log
2006-03-07, 08:33
15 posts

Jan 2006
yes, it's the original log, that's why my english is so bad re-translating from russian back to english would be more polished... but way much longer :p
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