
Member 77 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Do someone have some Quake Live invites and wanna share?
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
plz  "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Lots, but won't share.... play qw instead!
Member 77 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Lots, but won't share.... play qw instead! Yea, but it's not for me ;D
Member 108 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
it seems its like everyone who as a quakelive betakey is a quake3 fanboy, so the people makint it are probably making a quake3 clone witch is sad. Should been more qw players giving feedback. Is a bit lol that it takes time to switch weapons, but u can teleport to another location in an instant. They kept teleporters in quake3 but instant weapon switch was viewd upon as to unrealistic or something. (in qw u are ofc teleporting your weapon from backpack to hands and back  ) Gamplay aside i woud like stuff like in_di_bufsize in quake live, in quake3 one cant adjust direct input buffer so u always get some overflow with 1000hz high dpi mouse (3g sensors etc) so it wont register some jumps (if u jump with a mousbutton)or shots. Raw mouseinput would been good to, and also independent physics. I think now q3 runs best on 120fps, sucks if u want to run monitor on 150 or 160hz witch is much better than 120 that most quake3 players use, but since u should leve fps to 120 one feel forced to use lower monitor hz to get it more synced. They should at least add instant weapon switch and air control, it makes things much more fun. The first quake game i played was quake 3, loved it and tought it was the greatest until i tryed qw after some years, and found it more fun mostly due to more freedom in movements and weapon switching. And that would ppry hold tru for most quake3 players, they would ppry love it but they dont have any idea what they are missing.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
it seems its like everyone who as a quakelive betakey is a quake3 fanboy, so the people makint it are probably making a quake3 clone witch is sad. It was decided already from the beginning that it basically would be "Quake 3 played from the web browser", so that's no surprise. They went for Quake 3 as it has been the FPS game that received the most attention during its prime in "E-sports" etc. The concept of Quake Live is interesting and when i last tried it, it really was Quake 3 (with a few new maps, most of them the same old, Q3DM6 etc) in a browser. It's fun for a change, although 1on1 is the only playable (as in enjoyable) mode for me.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
They have idea what they are missing. Now THE client is cnq3.exe which require CPMA to run. So basically is someone play Q3, they play it under CPMA, and i think it's impossible that they won't try cpm gameplay at least once. And there they have instant weapon switch, air control and bunny like in QW (and much more freedom of movement, stairjump, doublejump, strafejumping - they are not present in QW). And still many people prefer vq3 gameplay. Most of vq3 players don't like cpm gameplay (or warsow gameplay, which is basically cpm on steroids).
Quakelive is Q3 with boosted gfx, some cool features and slightly tweaked gameplay (i heard they made railgun less powerful, but didn't noticed it when i was playing @ friends laptop. I don't have beta account :/). That's ok, Q3 was easy enough to become 'mainstream' game, and was huge succes for id because of it. But i doubt they will add as many features and options to it as CPMA already have. So old Q3 players probably won't switch to QL instantly. Q3 div1,2,3 etc. players don't need matchmaker, they know each other and arrange matches on IRC.
Member 108 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Ye most have tested cpma. It takes a while, It ppry took me some months with qw before it feelt the most natural and q3 feelt alien. One have to test it so much so one surpases the "feel different" feel one first had testing qw or cpma after only playing quake3 for years. I think many tried cpma but never made own config for it and gave it a good amount of time.
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
i want to test quakelive! free money $$ "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 77 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Your speek is intrested, but what do you all say about to stick to topic?  I just need a invite. 
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 77 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Henrik Gadd skojiggubbe [at] gmail [dot] com
Member 1 post
Registered: Jan 2009
can i get a quake live invite too  yobbo1234@hotmail.com
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 77 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
