Got hold of Nukie, a 2 month young QW player, to ask him of his thoughts about the QW community...
Hi and welcome to nukie, can u tell abit about yourself, irl etc ?Yeah sure. Well.. My name is Johan. I live right outside Gothenburg in sweden. For you quakers I'm just a child, couse I'm only 16 years old. On normal days I go to school and in the afternoons I usually spend my time here or at the gym.
How did you start getting into QW?Haha

My history of playing computer games goes way back. I've always been playing games as far as I know. It all started in small when I was about 5 years old, I played Pac Man, Captain Comic, Prince of Persia, Wacky Wheels etc on my fathers computer. But he didn't like me occupying his computer all days, so he gave me my own. Then when I started groundschool I found some new friends who showed me DOOM. I loved it. Running around mazes and killing monster with a chainsaw was great.
We started playing other games aswell, like DOOM2, Duke Nukem 3D and Quake. After that I got Supernintendo and Playstation etc, so the computer wasn't my no1 entertainment-center anymore. But when my friends started playing Counter-Strike 1.0 I couldn't recist. It was so cool and I could keep playing versus bots all day. In the year 2001 I got a descent connection, and it's there my history as a CS-player starts, but I guess that doesn't Interesst you guys.
Late 2005 I quit CS, and started trying other games again. So one day when I played Q3 with my friends they brought up that we should try CPMA. And I said that I want to try QW. So my friend told me he allready had QW and showed me a site where I could download it.
We all did that, and I really liked it. So we decided to start playing it together.
We played a few games together for a few days. But then one day they said "We shall play CPMA now, QW was yesterday". So I followed them and we played CPMA for a while. But after a few weeks we got into a fight while playing CPMA. So I quit and havn't spoke to them since. I wen't back to QW, and here I've been since.
What are the global differences between qw and your old game (comunity, teamplay, gameplay...) ?Well, if you refer to Counter-Strike the difference is big. The CS-sceene is alot bigger and alot easier to get a hang of. But I don't like it, it's so random. There's almost no way of knowing who your opponents are, and it's all so serious.
CS is also a game that's grown to be less fun for every update.
The old counter-strike feeling is all gone. Everything just feels stiff.
The QW community is great. It's easy to get an answer to any question and not at all hard to find people who's willing to help with tips and tricks.
What kind of problems did u have when u just started playing QW?Hehe, I had alot of problems. Mostly movement in-game but also that I didn't know anyone or anything about the community. But one day after school I asked for someone to play some 1on1 in the quakeworld channel. Some guy called ]SR[ParadokS told me he wanted to play. So we played 1 map which I choose. I picked DM6, I had no idea of who I was facing

. So 10 minutes later he won with like 59 to -3 or so. We talked sometime after the game and he
told be stuff about the community and how to make weaponscripts in my cfg etc. Since then we've been talking from time to time.
What can we improve to make the way of getting into QW easier?I think it's great as it is. It's childproof, but other than that it's good. As I said it's just to ask anyone for help and you can almost be sure to get it. The hard part is getting into a clan and start playing TDM. You have to be pretty good even for div 5. I'm not the best player, but I've made some really good strides

And I was lucky and found Eipert who took me in even that I told him I couldn't play. But It's worked out great.
what you like the most about qw ?I'm pretty nostalgic and love the old spirit of the game. But I also love the speed and action.
If I was a beginner and wanted to play quake, what 10 things would you say to me?Never give up. Always move, never stand still. Stay sharp and focus. Play alot, it's the only way of becoming something. Watch demos, that's what I did and still do. That's how I learned how to play TDM. You will loose alot in the beginning, but instead of becoming angry, try to think of what you did wrong. Ask some other player to watch you play, and listen to what they think you should improve.
Don't forget the powerups, they're the key of winning. In the beginning, don't go too far from the powerups when if play 1on1. If you play TDM, try to follow the teamsays, and do just as you're beeing told.
That's about what I would tell them about in-game play.
what do you think of the current leagus we got running (nqr/eql / 4on4 ladder / 2on2 ladder / duelmania)?It's great leagues, and I admire the people who take care of all this and make it possible. But sometimes you can face a team in Div 5 who's not really that special, but has this 1 player who got 40 frags more than all the others. I think the teams should be looked through better, there's no fun in playing against a team who get all their weapons handed to them and then get comeplete maplock.
But they leagues are really good.
you have played QW for a little while and already using the terms such as NO kenya map, etc! did it take long for you to understand those terms? do we need a FAQ for them?Haha, in the beginning I had no idea what some poeple ment. Some guy in my team kept calling me Leif, and I had no idea why. But now I got the hang of it. I think that there should be no FAQ, it's more fun if others are totally clueless

What do you think about the commentary team we me handeling the pre/after-show and gaz fixing the games with Hangtime?Oh, I havn't looked in to that really. Can't answer that one.
Which player/clan do you like the most? and which one you hate the most?Hehe, that's hard. But I have to say that I admire ParadokS. He's always been great to me and in-game he's a god. My favorite team.. Hmm I don't think I have one.
I don't think I have any player or team that I hate either.
Maybe ZAK, with the players znappe and almeida which are way too good for div 5.
Thnx for your time, and good luck in the world of QuakeWorld, any last comments?Ehm.. Only that I know what Leif means now. And that my team Jägarna had our first won in EQL yesterday! 2-0 vs The Outcast Clan.