N.o.M.a.D ok, let's start with this simple quaestion... is 1 quad rocket enough to take down a Shambler?
]SR[Insane haha seriously i have no idea B)
N.o.M.a.D ok, that was joke

what's your name, age, where you live, work/study... tell us anything you want about your non-qw-life?
]SR[Insane ok my name is Karol Sakowski im almost 23 , i live in Swidnica (kinda small city in south-west Poland) im studying marketing and management in Wroclaw (one of biggest polish cities) My interests beside qw are mostly cars, partying, working out and football b> Thats all i guess ?
N.o.M.a.D cars? do you got your own?
]SR[Insane yea i went to work to holland last year (damn tulips ;e) earned like 3000E and bought myself a nice shiny tuned up Honda Civic from 1993
N.o.M.a.D wow... that's a rarity i'd say
]SR[Insane hehe. Its easy to pick up chicks now B>>>
N.o.M.a.D ok, when did you start to play computer games and what were the games before quake for you?
]SR[Insane well i started playing games LONG time ago it was like 1993 or 1994 when my father bought first pc (it was 386 dx40 with 4mb ram damn that was hot machine!) played some civilization at the start, duke nukem 3d ( we had a lan with friends ) Then i got online in like early 1998. First i started out with diablo 1, then moved to quakeworld
N.o.M.a.D who introduced qw to you?
]SR[Insane i dont think it was someone who showed me the game, guess i bought some games magazine ready about quake then got some pirat copy and tried it over the net on 33.6 modem

ping 200 plus like 20 fps (i had a cyrix 166 back then)
N.o.M.a.D was it fun?
]SR[Insane hell yeah, i played loads of ffa games, then i became quite good, went to some lan tournament that was held nearby, and HGC members spotted me and since i live like 20 km from most of them they offered me to join the clan
N.o.M.a.D that was my next question actualy

ok, so HGC was your first clan?
]SR[Insane well, i think there was SoA (sons of anarchy) first which i got kicked from
then was some clan BIO (i dont even remember what that stands for) and then HGC
N.o.M.a.D kicked from??? for what?
]SR[Insane I guess i wasnt that good i guess, at first i played with keyboard only!
N.o.M.a.D HGC, was it a Poland "dream team" to compete with best European clans? or was it "just" the best Poland clan?
]SR[Insane hehe, at start we were really sucky. Best clans in 1998-1999 were D2 (yes that d2 that also plays now), FX (frag executors) and IM (the immortals) we were getting bashed all the time at start but after like 2 years we became quite good, like top3. hgc got best in poland when we took some foreign players in like 3-4 years ago, was more like european hgc then B> i remember when we entered nqr2 or 3 that was, we finished on 4th place and that was huge success for a polish clan. After that we focused more on playin in european leagues since polish leagues had the tendency not to get finished
N.o.M.a.D if i remember right, first couple of seasons HGC had a hard times against top clans, except for DM2, where you played very good. What makes DM2 so special for almost every Poland team?
]SR[Insane hehe, thats actually truth, dm2 is often called "the kurwa map"
I dont know its the same as swedes or fins with dm6 when you join some polish server for a 2on2 all ppl will want to play on dm2, thats why i think 80% of 2on2`s in poland are dm2 games
N.o.M.a.D wasn't it like .au story - "dm2 is good with high pings because of no LG"?
]SR[Insane nah i dont think thats the case since actually poles get quite good pings in poland (usually 25 or 39)
N.o.M.a.D then it must be some DM2-chemistry
]SR[Insane maybe

or just alot of practise
im quite pissed on that nowadays
its hard to play some random 2on2 game in poland on other map than dm2, that sux since i love 2on2 on dm6 and dm4
N.o.M.a.D ok... HGC made a big step towards the top... and then disbanded. what happened?
]SR[Insane It was always like that, no matter how many ppl we would take in, it was always me who kept the shit together, i went to university and couldnt be online so often
i could only play at weekends so rest of members would idle all week and we would only play on weekends
we just had to disband since it didnt have any sense
we were always placed in div1, div1 means alot of practise good tp etc and we didnt have any of that so i decided that hgc should go inactive
N.o.M.a.D is there anychance to get HGC back?
]SR[Insane i dont think so
im really happy with being in Slackers now plus there arent any good div1 polish players left
N.o.M.a.D ok... next your clan i know of was Left0vers. Why you joined them? And were there any clans between HGC and L0?
]SR[Insane huh there were alot of clans i think
from what i remember there was !MM! (miscellanous misfitz) with players like exile and serox playing then after i think there was Insanity (with optimizer murdoc and riker to mention) then Insanity died and Leftovers agreed to take me in, I probably missed few clans i were in for few days/weeks
true clan-hopper, aren't you?
]SR[Insane hah not really
i was in hgc for quite few years and then i just want an active clan since im away for like 3-4 days in a week i need a clan that plays alot so i get to play when i come back, thats all
N.o.M.a.D Left0vers were a real surprise in EQL2, do you pleased by its results? could L0 beat LA?
]SR[Insane I guess we were just underestimated with players like murdoc, dragon and seese it was obvious we can beat most of clans, we pracced really much, started using mm3 and it payed out
I think it would end 3:2 for la anyway they are just too good on other maps beside dm3
we could have won that last dm3 yesterday with some luck but it just didnt happen
N.o.M.a.D mm3... is it a problem, or your english is good enough? did HGC use mm3?
]SR[Insane Its really fun after you play like 20 maps with it at first it might seem confusing but after a while it really makes a difference now when i play some mix games without it it feels so lol
noone in slackers has english problems so its ok.
Actually few years ago we used qizmo voice with HGC
hehe that was fun also with Kosa saying "kurwa kurwa kurwa bla bla bla kurwa kurwa" on the mic all the time
N.o.M.a.D ok... what were the reasons for almost all L0 members to join SR?
]SR[Insane It was like that we were wondering who should we ask to join us for next nqr, because cage had to quit qw and we needed a solid and active 4th player
then i thought we could ask para, others agreed and he joined us
He offered we could use all the slackers facilities (webpage and stuff) so with that + great history from Slackers we`ve decided to change clan name
N.o.M.a.D and what about... erm... SR karma? as i can see, many peoples got some bias towards Sr
]SR[Insane Thats actually funny and makes all things more spicy flamewars are part of quakeworld (especially div1) wheter you want that or not B>
N.o.M.a.D famous SR-luck... will it stay with new lineup?
]SR[Insane i sure hope so! we can count on some Krab luck maybe now ;e;e
N.o.M.a.D what do you expect from SR this season? both EQL and NQR?
]SR[Insane I think we have really great lineup now with offensive players like murdoc para and seese and some cs backup with me krab and dragon we can really do some damage, I think we should finish in top4 both leagues
N.o.M.a.D only top4? i thought for SR there's only 1st place
]SR[Insane hehe, im just carefull so we get to be the underdogs later HEHE
N.o.M.a.D ok, who will be the toughest team for SR?
]SR[Insane after playing alot of prac games during last month, i can say that LA will be really tough (especially now when they took muti in) they have perfect e1m2 and good dm2
also fOm with martin valla the dm3 god
i think we can beat other teams without big problems
N.o.M.a.D i remember your famous demos vs Janne, they were the first "+forward" demos i ever seen. Why you chose that style of duelling?
]SR[Insane hehe yea those were fun games really
janne was kinda inspiration for my style, he had perfect movement
i remember spending many hours running on my localserver just to get some moves right
+forward might be interesting for spectators i think, altho in tournaments you need to cs some also B>
N.o.M.a.D at that time you played dm2 and dm4 very well, but seemed to not like dm6 and aerowalk. Later you improved on these map alot. But now there is ztndm3. What do you think of it? Is it the 5th map in "TB5"? or you'd prefer some other map?
]SR[Insane I think there should be 3 maps played in serious tournaments
aero, dm4 and dm6, dm2 iz just too cs and ztn isnt a good one also (mega close to ra etc)
N.o.M.a.D maybe skull or rf2?
]SR[Insane yea i played some skull, its really fun, reminds me of aerowalk
rf2 is more like dm2, so it sucks imo
N.o.M.a.D you don't play many duels lately, why?
]SR[Insane i kindaa lost interest in duels
not that many players in poland to play with and playing with 52 ms isnt the same
also i dont have that much time to prac etc guess im focused on 4on4 now
N.o.M.a.D hehe... and here goes the next question
]SR[Insane but theres going to be some invitational tb3 tournament right after duelmania
and if i get invited, surely ill prac some B>
N.o.M.a.D there always were ALOT of arguing about who's the best POland dueller - you or Avenger... Will this "competition" continue in next Duelmania?
]SR[Insane well i think from this duelmania results its clear hes better dueller than i am but yea im going to try and prac some to get better so i can face him maybe

i think we represent different types of playing, hes more calculating, positioning and stuff and im more like a bit unpredictable etc
N.o.M.a.D who's the toughest opponent (competition) you ever played duel against? and who's the most enjoyable?
]SR[Insane hmm hard one, i must say its para hes just the complete player with great movement, tactics aim and everything, super lg etc enjoyable duelling hmm
i like to play vs reppie, altho that not happens very often, games vs him are always fun and +forward
(not competition games ofc)
N.o.M.a.D who will win this duelmania?
]SR[Insane hard one, again B>
well im counting on Avenger since he`s polish but i think Reppie has the routine to take home this one again
N.o.M.a.D what can you say about GGL tournament? was there any chance for any european player to win it?
]SR[Insane hehe even with reppie`s incredible performances its almost impossible
N.o.M.a.D so... why participate?
]SR[Insane i know he`s still in the tournament but i predict he will loose when he meets top NA players like Def, Cyan or Kovaak, i entered just for fun
N.o.M.a.D and was it fun?
]SR[Insanefew times i got pissed

cuz of ping but mostly yea, it was fun, especially winning dm4 games with like 80 ms disadvantage
N.o.M.a.D if there'd be new TGI with EVERY top dueller play... who'd win?
]SR[Insane i`d go with dag or reppie
N.o.M.a.D not Reload or Def?
]SR[Insane please B> def lost dm4 vs 90-100 ms reppie in ggl, guess that proves some ?
and reload, heh, he was good in the past maybe but now he`s just a legend
wouldnt stand a chance vs top eu players i think
N.o.M.a.D i see new flamewar with aussies coming
]SR[Insane hehehe, bring`em on!
N.o.M.a.D fair pings... it's always been a problem for both Poland and Russian clans. What do you think of it? Is it hard to get used to ping 50 from 28? And why it's the swedes who always got an advantage?
]SR[Insane i think that in teamplay ping is not that much important but sure playing 52 vs 13 ms isnt fair
i think the minping 39 max rule for tdm is fine, i dont get any problems with adjusting from 25 ms to 52
N.o.M.a.D but why Polands plays at .swe servers with ping disadvantage and not vice versa?
]SR[Insane in duels ping makes a difference, mostly cuz of lg, haha
cuz polish qw scene i almost dead, so if we want to play ANY qw we need to accept their conditions :/
that doesnt concerns me tho, i dont have problems with playin 52 ms and im the only pole in slackers so rest gets good pings, thats why i play defensive positions B>
N.o.M.a.D fallbunny, what's your opinion about it?
]SR[Insane i think it should be on, more speed in the game = more fun B>
N.o.M.a.D oh... there's one more serious question

our qw.ru readers insists on "your qw-gear" question in every interview
]SR[Insane i use fuhquake gl on 320x240 res (i know it might seem weird), some regular keyboard razer diamondback mouse on 500 hz and func surface
N.o.M.a.D maybe some... erm... "insane" key-bindings? like mouse1 "+moveleft" mouse2 "+moveright"?
]SR[Insane ah, nah nothing like that. I use esdf for movement , mouse1 for attack and mouse2 for jump
N.o.M.a.D so... who are your favorite players?
]SR[Insane hehe. As for tdm i will have to mention: nabbe (for his very tactical solid style of playing), Gamer (sr luck, tree ppl movement hot skillz etc) and Valla of course (for owning teh abandoned base + killer lg). As for duels i would pick: dag (for professional attitude), reppie (for his unpredictability) and griffin (for his perfect movement)
N.o.M.a.D 1x1, 2x2 or 4x4?
]SR[Insane 4x4
N.o.M.a.D best duel map?
]SR[Insane dm4
N.o.M.a.D best 4x4 map?
]SR[Insane dm3
N.o.M.a.D rl or lg?
]SR[Insane lg
N.o.M.a.D top-fragger or best efficiency?
]SR[Insane best effi
N.o.M.a.D gaz or sassa?
]SR[Insane gaz ofc , sassa iz full of hate :E
N.o.M.a.D last and most important... Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer? :p
]SR[Insane Chuck Norris all the way!
N.o.M.a.D hehe
]SR[Insane can i say hello to some ppl ? B>
N.o.M.a.D hmm... well, i got to ask our sponsors... 1 sec pls...
N.o.M.a.D it's ok they say
]SR[Insane id like to say hello to all ppl reading this and also to Slackers members (mr danny valla jr murdoc "dont block me man", effffan dallgonia, mr krabby and all the rest) also Gamcio from teh Koff,Valla and other nice antiego quakers out there B)
N.o.M.a.D well, thank you very much for an interview

good luck with SR and i hope to see Insane vs Avenger in... WB semis next DM
]SR[Insane hjaha thanx man! I hope so too (no pingwhine at least)