Ive talked with Ogzr from the Oldones #oldones and Parasite from Death Rabbits #rabbit about the new maps which are played at Qw4ever (midcit, ctm1b, e1m6tdm)
Defcon_5: which map is your personel favourite?ogzr: we played cmt1b vs BLT earlier.. and they had 2 players who dominated whole cmt1b pretty easy, so we didn t feel like playing it :p
hmm, e1m6tdm is my fav map.
Defcon_5:you think these maps can hold with tb3?ogzr: e1m6tmd seems real fun for me.. crazy fights under quads and for rl

I just like to play new maps and these r not the worst. but got just a little exp. on them now..
Defcon_5: Midcit is really small, and easy to understand: did you enjoy playing on it?ogzr: midcit i dont like for 4on4 atm, i like it better for 2on2
I think cmt1b has some similar feeling to cmt3. personally i have hard time moving there cause its so huge.
I like that map though but want more games on it
Defcon_5: Do you think new maps in qw are essential for beeing more fresh and do you think the community will grow if new maps will be played more often?ogzr: im all for new maps. they are fun, with new stuff to learn and mess around with. gives me a fuzzy feeling of a team spirit, when i talk about them with rest of the Oldones. and they are more fun to play vs a LOT better opponents. it evens out the odds. so its definately good for noobs.
Just playing new maps wont bring new players to qw, but it gives the few a better chance to duke it out vs teams that have been around for ages
Defcon_5: There are 13 teams in qw4ever right now. Even some Div3 and Div2 are in it May even proplayers bored with tb3?ogzr: I think we all love TB3. but some like change more than others. The scene is pretty small, and we dont have much chance to get bored playing qw. I know proplayers like to play a lot, so i'd figure they like new maps too, since less skilled opponents can play them with better chance... i hope
Defcon_5: What map would you add to the current map pool of qw4ever?ogzr: I dont know. i like what we have now of the cmt maps. id prefer to see some other exmytdm-version
Some of them have a nice vibe in them, cant remember the name :p
Defcon_5: Cool, anything you want to say to the qw community?ogzr: HAPPY fragging, i guess
k thx and gl for the tournament!_____________________________________________________________
Defcon_5: ok, which map is your personel favourite?Parasite|: midcit
Defcon_5: why?Parasite|: I guess it's about how to control the map. There is a small chance that u actually can control it after a couple of quads. Even though it's small u get som space to move on, and i like that. Two rl's is just perfekt aswell
Defcon_5: So you dont think this map is too small for 4v4?Parasite: No no! I think the space is perfekt. You have the small areas around the rl's to gather ammo and armor. And then it's just serious fraggin

Defcon_5: Do you think new maps in qw are essential for beeing more fresh
Do you think the community will grow if new maps will be played more often?Parasite: Offcourse! If we play more maps, specially in 4vs4. As everyone know, 4on4 is the best way of playing qw, so if we add more wonderful maps to the community more ppl will play. And i think the "oldtimers" will come back just to "try" it, and then get hooked. TB3 is kind of boring now, everyone has sky high skills on those three maps, i would like new names to come and rule som new maps. So, yeah, its to the better for the scene
Defcon_5: There are 13 teams in qw4ever right now. Even some Div3 and Div2 are in it, do you think that even proplayers are bored with tb3?Parasite: Its hard to say. Proplayers are pro's because they own @ dm2,dm3,e1m2. If new maps are starting to popup the gameplay will change, and some of the "pro's" may not like that, and some may love that. Generally i think pro's are a bit to lazy to learn new maps, and own at them, but i dunno, some mey love the change.. i hope so
Defcon_5: What map would you add to the current map pool of qw4ever?Parasite|: I love e3m1. Its a "lockdown" map. I like it for the same reasons i like "midcit" its a small map with alot of action.
Defcon_5: anything you want to say to the qw community?Parasite|: take this : "just keep it up, qw is fun"