Ake Vader  /  29 Nov 2007, 20:16
Dreamhack tournament coverage
As the LAN is under way and the Quakeworld players start dropping in, a post where people can see the status on the Quakeworld tournament is in place. Here i present to you results and other stuff that is of interest for a Quakeworld player.
Dreamhack is under way and there are probably several thousands of people at place, gibbing it out already. Our very own correspondent !phil has already reported from his trip to sweden too, so soon there will be live coverage from the actual LAN when he is in place.

Final Standings wrote:

1: ParadokS
2: Locktar
3: Locust
4: Reppie

Group stages results wrote:

Grand Final: Saturday 20:00 CET

Paradoks [3:1] Locktar
DM6: [22:9]
DM2: [2:23]
ZTNDM3: [24:13]
DM4: [12:10]

3rd Place PlayOff:

Locust [2:0] Reppie
Aerowalk: [27:7]
DM4: [22:6]

Semi Finals at 18:00 CET:

Paradoks [2:1] Locust
DM4: [11:23]
ZTNDM3: [21:13]
DM2: [14:7]

Locktar [2:1] Reppie
DM2: [5:4]
Aerowalk: [8:41]
DM4: [16:9]

Quarterfinals at 16:00 CET:

Paradoks [2:0] Destrux (Inferno)
Aerowalk: [17:14]
ZTNDM3: [29:12]

Riker [1:2] Locust
DM6: [13:4]
DM4: [1:24]
ZTNDM3: [7:31]

Reppie [2:1] Bps
DM4: [18:14]
ZTNDM3: [16:20]
DM6: [17:7]

Locktar [2:0] Nabbe
DM2: [11:4]
ZTNDM3: [17:15]

1/8 Finals:

14:00 CET]
Paradoks [2:0] Ncr
DM6: [46:8]
DM4: [39:8]

Destrux (Inferno) [2:0] Emp
Aerowalk: [30:5]
DM4: [64:2]

Riker [2:0] !Phil
DM4: [34:5]
DM6: [27:8]

Locust [2:0] Tobes
DM4: [47:3]
DM2: [7:2]

15:00 CET
Reppie [2:0] Lurifix
Map1: W.O.
Map2: W.O.

Bps [x:x] Adrenalin
DM4: [42:10]
ZTNDM3: [44:4]

Åke Vader [0:2] Locktar
DM2: [3:26]
Aerowalk: [15:19]

Nabbe [2:0] GODIS!
ZTNDM3: [23:1]
DM4: [32:1]
[/hide][hide=Group Stage Matches:]
Group 1: Friday 15.00 CET – Registration 12.00 CET – 14.00 CET

ParadokS (W:2 - D:0 - L:0)
Lurifix (W:1 - D:0 - L:1)
slayzQ (W:0 - D:0 - L:2)

ParadokS [2:0] slayzQ
DM6: [68:-2]
ZTNDM3: [44:-1]

Paradoks [2:0] Lurifix
DM6: [45:4]
DM4: [25:12]

slayzQ [0:2] Lurifix
ZTNDM3: [-2:23]
DM4: [10:54]

Group stages results wrote:

Group 1: Friday 15.00 CET – Registration 12.00 CET – 14.00 CET
ParadokS [2:0] slayzQ (DM6: 68 - -2 ZTNDM3: 44 - -1)
Paradoks [2:0] Lurifix (DM6: 45 - 4 DM4: 25 - 12)
slayzQ [0:2] Lurifix (ZTNDM3: -2 - 23 DM4: 10 - 54)

Group 2: Friday 15.00 CET – Registration 12.00 CET – 14.00 CET
Destrux (Inferno) [2:0] Adrenalin (Aerowalk: 40 - 0 DM2: 17 - 0)
Destrux (Inferno) [2:0] drakdödarN (DM4: 57 - 2 Aerowalk: 41 - 4)
Destrux (Inferno) [2:0] kewm (Aerowalk: 44 - -2 DM6: 48 - 3)
drakdödarN [0:2] Adrenalin (DM4: -3 - 45 ZTNDM3: 11 - 21)
drakdödarn [2:0] kewm (Aerowalk: 27 - -2 ZTNDM3: 50 - 0)
kewm [0:2] Adrenalin (DM4: -9 - 53 Aerowalk: -1 - 55

Group 3: Friday 15.00 CET] – Registration 12.00 CET – 14.00 CET
riker [1:1] Åke Vader (DM4: 37 - 6 Aerowalk: 10 - 13)
riker [2:0] Lusius (DM6: 57 - -3 DM4: 94 - -10)
riker [x:x] Muppis (DM4: 65 - -12 DM6: 49 - 1)
Åke Vader [2:0] Lusius (Aerowalk: 70 - -3 DM6: 53 - 2)
Åke Vader [2:0] Muppis (Aerowalk: 59 - -3 ZTNDM3: 75 - -1)
Lusius [1:1] Muppis (DM6: 12 - 10 ZTNDM3: 3 - 18)

Group 4: Friday 19.00 CET] – Registration 16.00 CET – 18.00 CET
locust [2:0] GODIS! (DM4: 66 - 0 Aerowalk: 67 - 9)
locust [x:x] klosse
locust [x:x] Kapten Bus
GODIS! [x:x] klosse
GODIS! [x:x] Kapten Bus
klosse [x:x] Kapten Bus

Group 5: Friday 19.00 CET – Registration 16.00 CET – 18.00 CET
Note: Bosse took Spitfire's place as he wouldn't show up for some reason.
reppie [2:0] ncr (DM4: 45 - 15 Aerowalk: 75 - 3)
reppie [2:0] Bosse (Aerowalk: 85 - 0 DM6: 75 - -3)
reppie [x:x] Mattisboi
ncr [2:0] Bosse (DM4: 62 - -6 DM2: 43 - -5)
ncr [x:x] Mattisboi
Bosse [x:x] Mattisboi

Group 6: Friday 19.00 CET – Registration 16.00 CET – 18.00 CET
Note: Inethero took WaR's place as he wouldn't show up for some reason.
bps [2:0] emp (Aerowalk: 57 - -2 DM4: 82 - 4)
bps [2:0] Inethero (Aerowalk: 56 - 0 DM6: 54 - 4)
bps [2:0] kooin (DM4: 63 - 1 ZTNDM3: 46 - 5)
emp [x:x] Inethero (Aerowalk: 56 - 1 ZTNDM3: 64 - 0)
emp [2:0] kooin (Aerowalk: 15 - 4 ZTNDM3: 22 - 9)
Inethero [x:x] kooin (ZTNDM3: -1 - 59 Aerowalk: -1 - 47)

Group 7: Saturday 10.00 CET – Registration Friday 16.00 CET – 18.00 CET
LocKtar [x:x] !phil
LocKtar [x:x] Mazzer
LocKtar [x:x] Dreamion
!phil [x:x] Mazzer
!phil [x:x] Dreamion
Mazzer [x:x] Dreamion

Group 8: Saturday 10.00 CET – Registration Friday 16.00 CET – 18.00 CET
nabbe [x:x] Tobes (Zommy)
nabbe [x:x] eta
nabbe [x:x] W1lly
Tobes (Zommy) [x:x] eta
Tobes (Zommy) [x:x] W1lly
eta [x:x] W1lly

List of QTV connected servers at Dreamhack
Groups document, with a schedule that indicates when the groups starts playing
The rules document
A brief Quakeworld startup guide
Phil's blog from Dreamhack

#Dreamhack.qw - Official Quakeworld at Dreamhack channel on IRC (QuakeNet)

Dreamhack QW pictures at ESReality
2007-11-30, 05:12
Ake Vader Ver Ar Ju
2007-11-30, 09:23
I'll be there in like four hours (around 14:00 CET as that's the deadline for registration).
2007-11-30, 18:26

where are the results?

and the goldrush bets??
2007-11-30, 20:27
Sorry for not updating mushi, but i've been busy doing updates on ESReality, playing my games, talking to people, getting an ethernet cable, eating an excellent meal with Para, casey and Phil aaaand just having a good time.
2007-11-30, 20:48
dreamhack should be renamed to dreamrape after these scores
2007-12-01, 00:05
Flag for Zommy is using wrong code (should be GB not UK).
Will be interesting to see how he fares, I guess he is at the LAN with 4k or something...
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