Bores Done Lame 2
Hopefully you've seen last week's Bores Done Lame, so the concept should not be unfamiliar. We want to see epic bores, *trollface* and facepalm induced moves. As always we are first introduced to what we expect from a QW movie. Few nice airgibs and leet tricks.. now get on with it .. WE WANT MOAR BORES!! Unfortunately the ratio of bores:nice-frags is just not high enough for me
Unique views: 598
(2 votes)
Added by: ParadokS
Added date: 2012-05-01
Release date: 2002-10-22
Author: Diablo
Category: Movies
2012-05-02, 10:42
The amount of bores done lame leaves you wanting more, they sure are fun to watch and timeless. Specially the one where dag jumps down from high-bridge on dm3, waiting for his teammate to pass, shoots a rocket only to find another one jumping infront of him. Hilarious.

6/10. It is some fun after all.
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