Hey there,
long time since I wrote something here now and I felt that it's time for an update.
The summer has been kind of QW-inactive from what I've noticed. Apart from bps playing around under "Jaedong" and LocKtar beating him sometimes, I haven't seen a lot of QW activity - which is understandable during a summer.
Myself have been pretty inactive as well. Cought the bloody swine flu as well (or well, that's what the doctor said on the phone - he didn't want me to come and check it out, better stay home

) and was terribly sick for a week or so which fucked my sleeping pattern. Therefore, the time is now 08:06 in the morning and I still haven't gone to bed.
Just watched a few 2v2s, bps was playing (wonder what the fuck he was doing up at ~6 in the morning playing QW on a tuesday night?).
Enough of me.
The Ownage Duel Tournament signups has begun and I think that's bloody LOVELY!!! Someone needs to take the first step after a few months of QW inactivity and that's exactly what
anni just did when out of nowhere launching another season of Ownage Duel!
To contribute to bringing back activity, I've signed up as well for my first official QW tournament ever
...let's hope I don't finish last!!
I will make sure to pump QW as much as possible the coming weeks and perhaps do some CFG adjustments (been having some fps problems for some reason).
I will try to pump enough to actually beat Hagge... Don't know why, but that would be a great satisfaction!

Alright, so, Ownage Duel Tournament coming up. That's good. Very good.
On to other things... I saw Milton playing today as well! Yeah, that's right, he seems to be back from his summerbreak and he started it off by slaying Rikoll badly on ztndm3 (only watched two games though).
I don't know if I'm the only one, but I think everything looks so easy when Milton plays. He's always entirely sure of where his enemy is and always 0.5 seconds before his enemy, so to speak. He doesn't have to do these ze-omg-awesome-rockets or 50% shaftsessions because he never puts himself in a situation where such is needed. He's always one step before his enemy - not by speed - not by shaft - but by his way of thinking. He knows what the opponent is going to do next whilst his enemy has no idea what Milton is gonna do. It all sums up to making it look really easy beating the crap out of some of the top QW players around these days, which is sort of amazing. It could actually be BORING to watch Milton play as it looks so easy (if one could call spanking others boring...), yet so interesting.
What do you think? Try comparing it to perhaps the killer shaft of Locust or the weird things LocKtar always does which are so amusing and lovely to watch, but most of it certainly doesn't look easy.
I don't know... perhaps all of the top QW players can play the same way as Milton does but chooses not to. Who knows?
Either way, I have a really hard time putting my finger on what makes Milton so bloody good. Spectating him, his shaft seem to basically suck. I even think I can outshaft him if I play well. As soon as he starts shafting he seem to become shaky in his wrist and things really don't look as smooth as they usually do. So that's not it, he's not that bloody good because of his shaft.
What is it then? His rocket-skillz? One can't say that he doesn't have good rockets - of course he does - but I've definetly seen better.
The only thing I can think of would be Milton's excellent understanding of each game. He foresees everything so darn well and like I said - is always one step ahead of his opponent. That's sort of the only thing I can come up with...
So - what do you think?
Anyway, this article is starting to become really large so I better stop! See you guys in the Ownage Duel Tournament and I hope you enjoyed your summer - I did!