Age :35
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Location: Ekerö, Stockholm, Sweden

Personality and talent within QuakeWorld.
Misc  /  11 Apr 2010, 23:51
Ownage FINALS Preview!
We got to see some AWESOME games tonight between Milton and Valla, and especially LocKtar and Slabi! I'm sure Phil had a few orgasms commentating the dm6, a dm6lover as he is. Definetly great games to watch and I can't wait for the VoDs to be up (which appearently can take a while due to's VoD system being in beta stage) in order to watch them again!

Match no.1:
Milton vs.
Valla 2 - 0 (ztndm3: 11-7, dm6: 12-6)
Match no.2:
Slabi vs.
LocKtar 1 - 2 (dm4: 1-6, dm6: 6-4, dm2: 0-1)

GGs to the players, and let's look forward towards the FINALS!


It's Finland vs. Sweden, it's the ringmail versus the bjud, it's
Milton, with only 1 maploss (against
bps on aerowalk) so far, vs.
LocKtar, with two maplosses (one versus
xpr on ztndm3, and one versus
Slabi on dm6).

From my point of view, I think anyone can win this game. Milton is still definetly the favourite, but if things work out for LocKtar, I'm sure he can do some heavy damage to Milton. Milton has his 10 clocks in his head, hardly ever making any mistakes, and has aim enough, so it's not the easiest player to bring down. LocKtar on the other hand is very unpredictable, has a great shaft and is very fast on most maps.

I think most people already know everything about these two players, so I'm not gonna write too much about them. I rather feel like asking; what do YOU think? What are your predictions and anticipations?

I know for a fact anyway, that I can't wait!!!

Good luck to both players!!
2010-04-12, 00:01
Worth mentioning (which i forgot) is that these are the WINNER BRACKET finals, and not the GRAND finals ;p
2010-04-12, 00:04
btw you should also point out it's only WB final and not _the_ final.
2010-04-12, 00:04
2010-04-12, 03:52
yeah i wrote that 3 minutes before your post ^^
2010-04-12, 05:56
I feel drawn to both players, but Milton's chance seems considerable better for me.
But, of course, Locktar can pull it off
2010-04-12, 06:54
Couldn't have asked for a better WB-final imo! Think theres also abit of tension between these players, which makes it more interesting as well :-)

As for the game, this could go any way, but the odds are clearly on Miltons side. Its BO5 now, which makes it even harder for Locktar. The only 99.9% certain map here, is ztn, which I'm pretty sure Milton will take home. Locktar have improved a lot on Aerowalk the last year from what I've seen, but Milton is capable of beating anyone there, and also got the odds in his favor on this map. If we get to see a DM2 game, this could be very interesting. I'm quite sure people will see a completely different Locktar here now that he is facing Milton in an official (finally an opponent he respects enough to not go all out on the bjuding?). Both DM4 and DM6 should be really tight, but again, I'd say the odds are on Miltons side.

Expected result: 3-1 (LocKtar taking home either DM2, DM4 or DM6)
Expected maps: 1st: ztndm3 (milton pick), 2nd: DM6(locktar pick), 3rd: DM4(milton pick), DM2(locktar pick). I think aero would be played last if its 2-2 after 4 maps.
2010-04-12, 06:58
Nice predictions there Rikoll... still I don't think Locktar will pick dm6 :|
2010-04-12, 07:02
On the other hand, glad to see LockTar got so far with his dueling skills and is not considered a top dueler for some time... I remember watching a Pietro vs Locktar game while ago on dm2 and used to think "omg who's this Locki guy, how can you get owned like this??" ) But now the padawan has grown into a full Jedi Knight (his shaft being his lightsaber )
2010-04-12, 07:03
ERR... "and is not considered a top dueler" - this is without NOT
2010-04-12, 07:27
ztndm3 is far from certain imo, locke is really good there if he's on a roll
dm4 is gonna be a spectacle i bet .. but so hard to say who is gonna win

im guessing/hoping locke will win dm4/dm2, milton ztn/aero and we'll have a thriller on dm6
2010-04-12, 08:48
This is probably the most interesting final since dag played vs griffin at some qhlan forever ago. Two insanely skilled duelers going at it with good pings, can't get much better tbh. I'd give Milton the advantage because he seems to be the only player atm who can control a game for the full 10 minutes with his shift in pace no matter who he plays against. His style is definitely comparable to that which made Dag and Griffin imfamous (constant control, knows exactly when to play defensive and when to go on full out offense), much thanks to his good item timing. LocKtar on the other hand has probably the best offensive skills out of any dueler atm. I'm pretty sure he's gonna feel confident even when being down a few frags because he knows his aim will give some slight advantage. I guess LocKtars outcome will depend on how well we can handle his nerves this time around. Silly mistakes won't be dealt with lightly when playing Milton, that's for sure.

It's most likely going to be a thriller. I think the first maps we'll see are going to be ztndm3 picked by Milton and DM4 as LocKtars choice. I wouldn't really count anyone as a favourite on any map, in a final anything can happen. But these maps are probably the maps where both players feel the most confident on, and that's what matters in a final, you can't start on a map which you only feel slightly confident about, you need a good result from the beginning. It's best of 5 maps and I'm sure everyone involved in this game is stoked we might finally have a final comparable to what the golden years of quake had to offer.

Best of luck to the finalists.
2010-04-12, 10:07
Agreed Valla, definately H!O!T! stuff indeed! I really hope Locktar will be in his best shape for this, but he has shown us before that he is the man of big games. It feels hard to pick any favourites for any of the maps. Locktar has done great improvements on aerowalk and ztndm3. Dm4 and dm2 could go either way. The only map where I would favour someone would be dm6, where I think Milton has the upper hand. Feel free to prove me wrong Locktar :E Game on!
2010-04-12, 13:22
Lock will win with 3-0!
2010-04-12, 14:05
well, not easy to imagine
2010-04-12, 14:27
the heat is rising, I'm actually getting excited for this! my guesstimation goes here...
dm2: locke
dm4: milton
dm6: locke
aero: milton
ztn: milton
2010-04-12, 14:31
i still think milton will win the whole tournament
locktar, even while being very good, is just another step on the path to glory
2010-04-12, 15:34
I think Milton will win because of his ability to defend against the aggressive onslaught of Locktar (along with everything else)... but I can see dm4/dm2 potentially going Locktar's way depending on the start / first frag, so long as Locke can time the items and be cautious/patient when needed.

It's going to be a thriller that's for sure, can't wait...
2010-04-12, 16:09
This sure will be a great game. Really looking forward to it.
It's a bloody shame I haven't seen Milton play duels for a long time so I can't really predict this.
Still I think Milton will win this. He's the qw superstar atm. Ofcourse this puts a lot of pressure on his shoulder. I'm pretty sure he can handle it tho.
Allready many thanks to the admins/commentators and mostly the players.
An duel league with this much prestige was a while ago.
2010-04-13, 01:38
Milton`s return to the duel scene has sure made the tournament alot more interesting, he is the man to beat in the qw scene at the moment and considered the best overall player by many. And I think Locktar is the only guy that have a shot to beat him in a BO5, so it will be one hell of a WB final. I don`t see locktar taking away ztndm3 vs milton, and sadly I don`t think he will win on aerowalk either although he has improved a lot on these maps, but it`s still not enough....But he is capable of winning all the oldschool maps, Dm2 u can never count out locktar, beeing on of the greatest dm2 duelist there has ever been. Dm4 is locktars second homemap or maybe even his first now a days, but Milton has a really good dm4 as well, so that map will be really tight and spawns will probably decide the winner . Dm6 I think Locktar has the advantage, given that he has a better shaft, and my oppinion is that dm6 is Milton`s weakest of the 5. The way I see it Milton will either win it rather easy with 3-0 or 3-1 (what an anticlimax) or Locktar will put on his tournament game face and nerves of steel and take it home 3-2 Hoping for the last...whatever outcome I hope these two, who I think is the best overall duellers on the scene will fight it off again in the grand final with low ping and equal conditions, people can say what they want. But a final should not be played with 51 ms, that does not do the game justice GL to both participants!
2010-04-13, 06:45
GG Arnette
2010-04-13, 11:20
Since everyone is bringing on predictions, I figured you should place your bets.
2010-04-13, 13:36
I sprayed everywhere during dm6
2010-04-13, 13:39
The way I see it, is DM4 *has* to be played, and both players are crazy dm4 players in their respects. If its 12ms, then slight edge to LocKtar, otherwise slight edge to Milton

Then Milton picks DM6 and shuts locktar out (prove me wrong!!!) Just historically, LocKtar doesn't give 100% concentration on dm6 (maybe for 9 minutes but not 10... and vs slabi he kept trying to get telefrags, etc...) while Milton can have nerves of still 10 minutes like he displayed already.

Or maybe kenya, but then Milton will see the hidden training LocKtar has on aero/ztn, which he has not used up until this point. Of course if the first two maps are kenya, then the score will be 60-0, 60-0 for Finland (prove me wrong!!!)

Final map? If it is DM2, then omg. No comments.
2010-04-13, 14:13
what has happend to lb? seems like more or less all players in lb has gone into idle
2010-04-13, 15:13
great anticipations and predictions i'd say unfortunately for our bjudfriend LocKtar, milton seems pretty solid (as usual i guess) and will take it 3-1 i think LocKtar will take dm2 home, but fall to the other maps, but who knows?

hagge about LB, yeah i wonder that too a little, but I'm prolly gonna write some about them soon since the matches there are hot now
2010-04-13, 16:08
Hagge: i'm active!
2010-04-13, 18:42
Yeah, I have seen that Zepp! Nice game vs xpr Lots of games seems not to be happening. Bulat vs Arnette should've been played 9 days ago, and the next round 5 days ago. What's happening?!? Don't give up just because you got knocked down to lb
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