Here's a list of ezQuake tips I figured people might not be fully aware of. With no further comments, let's roll...
== Observing ==These features work only when you are observing a game via QuakeTV or watching MVD replay.
/show teamfrags/teamfrags extra_spec_info 1This simple setting will give you easy overview in 4on4 games on which team has how many rocket launchers. It's one of the very basic measurements of how well the team is doing in the game, so it's quite helpful to have this setting enabled.
/scr_teaminfo 1Pretty well known "team table" with all the info about every player - location, powerups, health, armor, best weapon. When spectating you can even view both teams stats wit scr_teaminfo_show_enemies 1. It works even if it's disabled for the players themselves.
/show itemsclockSimplistic countdown clock for items spawning in the game. Now you know when that next Quad is about to spawn. No, you cannot use it when playing, only when observing
/scr_autoid 5This is enabled by default, but just to make sure: the text you can show above player's heads now contains much more info then just the nick. Of course works only for spectators.
/score_diffThe ultimate frag counter - the only number you actually need to know. Quite useful for your own games too. Simply displays score difference. When it's negative (also red) - you are losing - and you immediately see by how much. No need to subtract two numbers in your head.
== Misc ==/cl_onload "cfg_save config-backup-$date"This is simple and automated backup system for you config. On each client startup your config gets saved to file name containing the current date. No more silly losing of all your settings.
/bind * "addserver $lastip"This one is so useful I have it bound to a key. When somebody pastes an address of a QW server into the console, just issue this command (press a key). A server info window will appear telling you what is the name of this server, what players are there, and so on. By pressing enter you can join that server, by pressing [o] you can spectate, and by pressing [q] in latest ezQuake you can try to connect via QuakeTV to that server.
/observeqtv $lastipJust a shorter variation of the previous goal - simply observe via QuakeTV the last server address that was pasted into the console.
/cl_gibfilter 2It still surprises me how many players do not use this setting. Enemies you frag will disappear instantly, instead of an animation which can block your view and takes a bit longer to recognize whether the enemy is really dead.
/qtvplay various reasons some players do not launch their ezQuake client in a standard way (with custom launch script), so they want a quick way to launch QTV streams. The qtvplay command now supports also this format of stream specification. So you can simply select "Copy link to clipboard" in your web browser on the "Watch now!" QTV button and then use the same link in your client's console.
/bind * agreeSimple command, agrees with a map vote. Each time you play you vote for a map, don't you? So why not bind this command to a key. You need it every time you play a map, so it really helps - and makes the voting procedure much faster.