Age :39
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Location: Sweden
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Misc  /  2 Aug 2007, 19:43
Quakecon - a fashion show?
When people thought the QuakeCon staff couldn't get worse - it did.
This link speaks for itself and also make sure you check out the QuakeCon main site to see that they are actually using that shit.

And as the whole article with pictures and all magically vanished off of Crossfire, i hereby present to you an animated gif.
2007-08-02, 20:43
hehe, it was quite an upset for ET fans.. several new posts appeared on crossfire + on quakecon forums.. no quakecon staff reacted though. pretty disrespectful :/
2007-08-02, 22:00
very very disrespectful by the QuakeCon admins... is it that important to edit one single photo? like people wouldnt figure it out sooner or later, its shit!
2007-08-02, 22:04
2007-08-02, 22:05
heh, okey =p
2007-08-03, 05:45
haha they replaced the photo shopped image on the front page with the original..
2007-08-03, 06:38
If they really think the images must look in a certain way, they should just have had the camera man tell them where to stand etc...

Anyways, editing the photo....
2007-08-03, 09:24
oh my god that guy just turned into chick.

someone alert the authorities!
2007-08-03, 10:53
ye that was low, they guy who did it should be punched in the face.
2007-08-03, 10:54
how about photoshopping all of the plastic looking "QuakeCon" babes into normal.
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