Age :41
Group: News Writer
Location: New York City
new one = ripped
LANs  /  30 Nov 2007, 13:38
Here comes the cavalry [updated]
I have sampled all the various stuff that Dreamhack has to offer (mostly hardcore digital pornography (nothing on stage unfortunately) and world of warcraft), taken a bunch of showers (which has a little sauna right there: nice!), tried sleeping in the sleeping areas a little bit, eaten some Swedish LAN cuisine (hot dogs and mishmash burrito) and I am still a walking zombie.

[update: pics at the bottom]
Now the good news. I've finally found some better seats in the LAN, and am now in a less populated, less hot and less humid area of the LAN. And, they are 5 meters away from the QuakeWorld tournament area. (Props to Dronar)

I've finally met ParadokS, and right now he is busy setting up his own private ParaworlD in the tournament area, as he is scheduled to play shortly. Ake Vader of the QWNU crew, and three (or so) of the DH crew that are assigned to QW, they are making sure that ther will be online feeds. Look for Ake's posts on ESR and QWNU for more information (I am finally to tired to make links).

I am also collecting more pictures, but they need to reach a certain quantity before I can upload more of them. (That's another excuse because I'm so wasted right now; they will be up eventually).

I can also see reppie's head swiveling back and forth in the tournament area, cool and composed, bps is also contemplating something serious, probably his future in this tournament, there is also riker, destrux (who I think is a dark horse favorite, now that I've seen some of his latest practice demos) and a whole lot of other people. The tournament area is great, but the rest of the LAN area has tables that are too high (or chairs that are too low) so its too hard or me to play

I am still waiting to meet nabbe and locust, and get more pictures of all of these super quake nerds

One note: in the very quiet sleeping area which just so happens to look like a huge aircraft hangar, it is a bad idea to suddenly play really loud aircraft crashing noises... =8[]

Update: I am still waiting for the games to start as I write this. Here are some new photos:

Swedish sense of humor (actually there's a letter hidden hehe)

half of Ake, Reppie (seated), blze, Dronar, ParadokS

Ake drawing positive energy from the humanoid sitting next to him

Adrenalin made it! In this picture, I am crushing his will-power with my sheer gaze (riker, destrux in the background)

Coach LocKtar (seated behind: another half of Ake, Back of ParadokSes head, Reppie, Back of Lurifixes head)

Elite high-end mouse sensitivity measuring tool

Coach Nabbe (Or Saboteur Nabbe, in the center, keeping a keen eye on his possible opponents riker (left) and Inferno. The open box behind them contains 75 kilograms of snus)

I've removed one of the pictures, because Adrenalin was really serious. It just said "jew" on it, but he does not want to be associated with any thoughts about Nazis, so there you go It was probably a bad idea on my part not to ask his thoughts about the picture before I uploaded it. More pics coming soon
2007-11-30, 13:56
Keep the updates coming Have fun in the games
2007-11-30, 13:57

nice. Isnt destrux Inferno from LA?

qw games are about to start! What about some links? ake's esreality news for example.

2007-11-30, 14:00
here's ake vader post at 15:00 cet on esreality:
2007-11-30, 14:04
yes Destrux = inferno

Nice phil.. get those pics coming, I know how it is to be at a lan and feel wasted just hang in there dude.

I cant see anygames on the eztv
2007-11-30, 14:04
has it started yet? paradoks game? has it??


damn, nothing on eztv??
2007-11-30, 14:28

There are now some people on servers getting the last little things out of the way so they can start.

Edited by !phil on 30 Nov 07 @ 15:29CET
2007-11-30, 14:44
ups... i made the links, but i forgot to actulaly upload the photos. they ar eup now :>
2007-11-30, 15:02
Adrenalin really plays with viewsize 80?
2007-11-30, 15:27
oldman: yup!
2007-11-30, 16:06
maybe he's not used to such large screens
i c its all tft's - how are the qw guys handling with them? ***
2007-11-30, 16:23
the pics are great phil!! keep em coming
2007-11-30, 16:34
paradoks is quite vocal about the tft being blurry, like he is seeing three healthpacks when there are two, when he moves the mouse. but i cannot see it, it is as sharp as my crt and 2ms lcd at home. (the tournament lcds are also 2ms)

riker says his computer is very smooth so para will try to use some of riker's graphical config maybe. my honest opinions, the computers are good, but then, I'm not para
2007-11-30, 18:46
qw on tft can be experienced as blurry, if not playing at the screens native resolution. I also found an improvment by disabling the gfx-driver's scaling...
2007-11-30, 22:53
great work with all info !phil
2007-11-30, 23:35
What brand and model are the 2ms screens ?
2007-11-30, 23:52
The look alot like these ^^ Asus 22" TFT PG221 (2ms)
2007-12-01, 07:29
In the first adrenalin photo you can see that it is the PG191 (19" version)
2007-12-01, 09:16
Ahh, I mistook that for a computer numbering sticker.
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