/// ///
/// ///
/// E Z Q U A K E C O N F I G U R A T I O N ///
/// ///
/// ///
// andeh's config
// ezQuake 3.6.4 1~3925ba3 Oct 29 2023, 22:23:40
// ezquakenew.exe-allowmultiple
// //
// V A R I A B L E S //
// //
//Only variables with non-default values are listed below.
//You can use "cfg_save_unchanged 1" to save all variables.
menu_advanced "1"
hud_ammo2_order "1"
hud_ammo3_order "2"
hud_ammo4_order "3"
hud_ammo_order "285"
hud_ammo_show "0"
hud_armor_order "1"
hud_armor_show "0"
hud_armordamage_order "2"
hud_bar_armor_order "2"
hud_bar_health_order "285"
hud_democlock_show "0"
hud_face_show "0"
hud_fps_show "0"
hud_frags_align_x "center"
hud_frags_align_y "center"
hud_frags_bignum "0.7"
hud_frags_cell_height "24"
hud_frags_cell_width "42"
hud_frags_extra_spec_info "0"
hud_frags_order "1"
hud_frags_padtext "0"
hud_frags_place "group4"
hud_frags_rows "0"
hud_frags_space_x "90"
hud_frags_space_y "0"
hud_frags_style "2"
hud_frametime_order "10"
hud_gameclock_big "0"
hud_gameclock_blink "0"
hud_gameclock_pos_x "-332.75"
hud_gameclock_pos_y "298.25"
hud_gameclock_scale "3"
hud_gun2_show "0"
hud_gun3_order "1"
hud_gun3_show "0"
hud_gun4_order "2"
hud_gun4_show "0"
hud_gun5_order "3"
hud_gun5_show "0"
hud_gun6_order "4"
hud_gun6_show "0"
hud_gun7_order "5"
hud_gun7_show "0"
hud_gun8_order "6"
hud_gun8_show "0"
hud_health_order "1"
hud_health_show "0"
hud_healthdamage_order "2"
hud_iammo2_order "1"
hud_iammo3_order "2"
hud_iammo4_order "3"
hud_iammo_order "286"
hud_iammo_show "0"
hud_iarmor_order "2"
hud_iarmor_show "0"
hud_key1_show "0"
hud_key2_order "1"
hud_key2_show "0"
hud_netproblem_show "0"
hud_ownfrags_show "0"
hud_pent_order "5"
hud_pent_show "0"
hud_ping_show "1"
hud_quad_order "7"
hud_quad_show "0"
hud_ring_order "2"
hud_ring_show "0"
hud_score_difference_order "2"
hud_score_enemy_order "1"
hud_score_position_order "3"
hud_sigil2_order "1"
hud_sigil3_order "2"
hud_sigil4_order "3"
hud_suit_order "6"
hud_suit_show "0"
hud_teamfrags_show "0"
hud_tracker_align_right "1"
hud_tracker_pos_x "365.25"
hud_tracker_pos_y "85"
hud_tracking_order "286"
hud_tracking_show "0"
//Player Settings
ruleset "smackdown"
b_switch "1"
w_switch "1"
bottomcolor "3"
topcolor "10"
name "andeh"
rate "50000"
skin "andeh"
team "com"
//Teamplay Communications
cl_sv_packetsync "0"
tp_weapon_order "78564321"
//Skin Settings
teamskin "red"
enemyskin "miltonenemy"
//Console Settings
con_notifylines "6"
con_notifytime "7"
scr_conalpha "0.5"
scr_consize "0.533333"
scr_conspeed "99999999999999999999999"
//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_deadbodyFilter "2"
cl_fakeshaft "1"
cl_gibFilter "1"
cl_maxfps "2310"
cl_muzzleflash "0"
cl_newlerp "0.1"
cl_novweps "1"
cl_physfps "77"
cl_physfps_spectator "0"
cl_r2g "1"
r_drawflame "0"
r_drawvweps "0"
r_explosionLight "0"
r_explosionType "3"
r_grenadeTrail "0"
r_lightflicker "0"
r_powerupGlow "2"
r_rlbloodColor_big "55"
r_rocketTrail "2"
r_shaftalpha "0.7"
//Particle Effects
gl_part_trails "1"
gl_fb_models "red"
gl_flashblend "1"
gl_loadlitfiles "0"
//Turbulency and Sky Settings
gl_caustics "1"
r_fastsky "1"
r_lavacolor "25 25 25"
r_skycolor "0"
r_telecolor "0 0 0"
//Weapon View Model Settings
r_drawviewmodel "0"
//Texture Settings
gl_anisotropy "0"
gl_max_size "8"
gl_playermip "5"
gl_scaleAlphaTextures "1"
r_drawflat "1"
r_drawflat_mode "2"
r_floorcolor "50 50 50"
r_wallcolor "150 150 150"
//OpenGL Rendering
gl_outline "3"
gl_outline_color_enemy "200 200 200"
gl_outline_color_team "255 0 0"
gl_outline_scale_model "1"
gl_outline_world_depth_threshold "1000"
//System Settings
sys_disableWinKeys "1"
sys_yieldcpu "1"
//Video Settings
vid_conheight "360"
vid_conscale "2"
vid_conwidth "640"
vid_framebuffer "1"
vid_framebuffer_sshotmode "0"
//Sound Settings
bgmvolume "1.0"
cl_staticSounds "0"
s_ambientfade "0"
s_ambientlevel "0"
s_khz "44"
volume "0"
//Input - Keyboard
cl_backspeed "320"
cl_forwardspeed "320"
cl_pitchspeed "20000000"
cl_idrive "1"
//Input - Misc
lookspring "0.000000"
sensitivity "1.25"
//Network Settings
cl_c2sdupe "1"
cl_chunksperframe "99"
cl_pext_lagteleport "1"
//Server Browser
sb_findroutes "1"
sb_hideempty "0"
sb_sortservers "-632"
//Status Bar and Scoreboard
cl_useimagesinfraglog "1"
con_fragmessages "2"
scr_drawHFrags "2"
scr_newhud "2"
//Crosshair Settings
crosshaircolor "254 1 154"
crosshairimage "7"
crosshairscale "2"
crosshairsize "1.5"
//Screen Settings
gl_gamma "0.3"
r_tracker_flags "1"
r_tracker_frags "2"
r_tracker_messages "6"
r_tracker_x "-100"
r_tracker_y "50"
scr_damage_floating "1"
scr_menualpha "0.8"
scr_teaminfo_align_right "0"
scr_teaminfo_low_health "75"
scr_teaminfo_scale "0.85"
scr_teaminfo_x "-7"
scr_teaminfo_y "50"
show_fps "1"
//Screen & Powerup Blends
gl_custom_grenade_color "0 150 255"
gl_custom_spike_color "255 0 255"
v_contentblend "0.000000"
v_damagecshift "0"
v_pentcshift "0"
v_quadcshift "0.1"
v_ringcshift "0"
v_suitcshift "0.05"
//View Settings
default_fov "125"
fov "125"
v_kickpitch "0"
v_kickroll "0"
v_kicktime "0"
v_viewheight "-6"
//Match Tools
match_auto_logconsole "2"
match_auto_sshot "1"
//Demo Handling
demo_capture_codec "XVID"
qizmo_dir "D:\Spel\QUAKE\QIZMO"
//Screenshot Settings
sshot_format "jpg"
//Item Names
tp_name_gl "{&c299gl&cfff}"
tp_name_rlg "{&cf31r&cfff}{&c29flg&cfff}"
tp_name_rl "{&cf31rl&cfff}"
tp_name_lg "{&c29flg&cfff}"
tp_name_ra "{&ce00ra&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ga "{&c693g&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ya "{&c991y&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ra "{&c911r&cfff}"
tp_name_mh "{&c0ffmega&cfff}"
tp_name_backpack "{&cf2apack&r}"
tp_name_enemy "{&cf55enemy&cfff}"
tp_name_someplace " "
tp_name_at "{&c999at&r}"
tp_name_nothing " "
tp_name_separator "$x20"
//Item Need Amounts
tp_need_ga "70"
tp_need_ya "70"
tp_need_ra "70"
tp_need_rockets "6"
tp_need_cells "6"
//Unsorted Variables
cl_net_clientport "30004"
cl_username "andeh"
fraglimit "50"
hostname "Frogbot Clan Arena"
maxclients "8"
samelevel "8393473"
teamplay ""
timelimit "10"
watervis ""
//User Created Variables
set_tp _.b "&c05f"
set_tp _.b2 "&c66f"
set_tp _.b3 "&c99f"
set_tp _.c "&c0ff"
set_tp _.c2 "&c5ff"
set_tp _.c3 "&c9ff"
set_tp _.g "&c0f0"
set_tp _.g2 "&c5f5"
set_tp _.g3 "&c9f9"
set_tp _.isPowerful "0"
set_tp _.m "&cf0f"
set_tp _.m2 "&cf5f"
set_tp _.m3 "&cf9f"
set_tp _.r "&cf00"
set_tp _.r2 "&cf55"
set_tp _.r3 "&cf99"
set _.stp.version "0.8.0"
set_tp _.str.armor ""
set_tp _.str.dropped "{&cf31rl-pack&r}"
set_tp _.str.health ""
set_tp _.str.killme ""
set_tp _.str.need ""
set _.str.nick "and"
set_tp _.str.powerups ""
set_tp _.str.rlg "rl"
set_tp _.str.rlgc "{&cf31rl&cfff}"
set_tp _.str.took ""
set_tp _.str.weapon ""
set_tp _.str.youtake "{&c0ffmega&cfff}"
set _.t.int.d1 "30"
set _.t.int.d2 "0"
set _.t.int.early "0"
set _.t.int.i1 "0"
set _.t.int.i1.val "30"
set _.t.int.i2 "0"
set _.t.int.i2.val "30"
set _.t.int.i3 "0"
set _.t.int.i3.val "60"
set _.t.int.kp "0"
set _.t.int.late "0"
set _.t.int.quad "55"
set _.t.int.quad.val "60"
set _.t.int.rl "57"
set _.t.int.rl.val "30"
set _.t.int.u1 "0"
set _.t.int.u2 "30"
set _.t.n "1"
set_tp _.t.str.d1 ""
set_tp _.t.str.d2 ""
set_tp _.t.str.elate ""
set_tp _.t.str.eol ""
set _.t.str.i1 "rl"
set _.t.str.i2 "lg"
set _.t.str.i3 "quad"
set _.t.str.kp1 "0"
set _.t.str.kp2 "0"
set _.t.str.map "maphub_v1"
set_tp _.t.str.u1 ""
set_tp _.t.str.u2 ""
set_tp _.u "&cfa1"
set_tp _.u2 "&cfa6"
set_tp _.u3 "&cfa9"
set_tp _.w "&cfff"
set_tp _.w2 "&caaa"
set_tp _.w3 "&c666"
set_tp _.y "&cff0"
set_tp _.y2 "&cff5"
set_tp _.y3 "&cff9"
set ___.t.debug "0"
set __intmax "10000000"
set __lm "$x90$d$x91$x20{&c990l&r}{&c777AA&r}{&c359KA&r}{&c371D&r}$x20{&c990m&r}{&c209ATAT&r}{&c155AAAA&r}{&c197G&r}{&c151!&r}{&caaa$x20normalin$x20normalin..&r}"
set __lmr "151"
set __lmr2 "152"
set _blue "$B$B"
set _green "$G$G"
set _red "$R$R"
set _space ""
set _yellow "$Y$Y"
set loc_name_ga "ga"
set loc_name_mh "mega"
set loc_name_ra "ra"
set loc_name_separator "-"
set loc_name_ya "ya"
set nick "{&cf68and&r}"
set_tp powerful "1"
set randomsay_count "10"
set randomsay_try "1"
set randomsay_value "0.42268"
set_tp stacked "0"
set_tp stp_loc "$[{%l}$]"
set_tp stp_locd "$[%d$]"
set_tp stp_name_lg "lg"
set_tp stp_name_p "{&cf00p&cfff}"
set_tp stp_name_q "{&c05fq&cfff}"
set_tp stp_name_r "r"
set_tp stp_name_rl "rl"
set stp_nick_pure "and"
set stp_nick_rgb "f68"
set stpstyle "2"
set tmp "0"
set tmp1 "0"
set tmp2 "0"
set tmpcalc "60"
set_tp tp_name_early "early"
set_tp tp_name_late "late"
set_tp tp_name_mega "{&c0ffmega&cfff}"
set_tp tp_name_ontime "on$x20time"
set_tp tp_name_timer_gl "{&c299gl&cfff}"
set_tp tp_name_timer_lg "{&c29flg&cfff}"
set_tp tp_name_timer_quad "{&c05fquad&cfff}"
set_tp tp_name_timer_rl "{&cf31rl&cfff}"
set_tp tp_name_timer_rl-high "{&cf31rl-high&cfff}"
set_tp tp_name_timer_rl-low "{&cf31rl-low&cfff}"
set_tp {&c29fg&r} "${&c29fg&r}$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20"
// //
// S E L E C T E D S O U R C E S //
// //
sb_sourcemark "QuakeServers URL"
sb_sourcemark "QuakeServers.net"
sb_sourcemark "Asgaard"
sb_sourcemark "Global"
sb_sourcemark "Poland"
// //
// A L I A S E S //
// //
alias +fire1 "weapon 1; +attack"
alias -fire1 "-attack; weapon 2"
alias +fire2 "weapon 2; +attack"
alias -fire2 "-attack; weapon 2"
alias +fire3 "weapon 3 2; +attack"
alias -fire3 "-attack; weapon 2"
alias +fire5 "weapon 5 4 3 2; +attack"
alias -fire5 "-attack; weapon 2"
alias +fire6 "weapon 6 3 2; +attack"
alias -fire6 "-attack; weapon 2"
alias +fire7 "weapon 7 5 3 2; +attack"
alias -fire7 "-attack; weapon 2"
alias +fire8 "weapon 8 3 2; +attack"
alias -fire8 "-attack; weapon 2"
alias +gl "impulse 6; +attack"
alias -gl "-attack"
alias +lg "impulse 8;+attack"
alias -lg "-attack"
alias +rl "impulse 7 5 3 2; +attack"
alias -rl "-attack"
alias +sg "impulse 2; +attack"
alias -sg "-attack"
alias +sng "impulse 5 4; +attack"
alias -sng "-attack"
alias +ssg "impulse 3 2; +attack"
alias -ssg "-attack"
alias .msg.coming "say_team $\$nick coming {%l}"
alias .msg.dm2.slipped "say_team $\ {&cf2aenemy slipped&cfff} {tele}"
alias .msg.dm2.trickjump "say_team $\ {&cf2aquad jump&cfff} {%l}"
alias .msg.dm3.diss "say_team $\ {&cf2adiss warning&cfff} {%l}"
alias .msg.dm3.tunnel "say_team $\ {&cf2aenemy going&cfff} {ra-tunnel}"
alias .msg.e1m2.spikes "say_team $\ {&cf2aenemy going&cfff} {spikes}"
alias .msg.enemy.powerup "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy %q"
alias .msg.getpent "say_team $\$nick get $tp_name_pent"
alias .msg.getquad "say_team $\$nick get $tp_name_quad"
alias .msg.help "say_team $\$nick {&cff0help&cfff} {%l}"
alias .msg.kill.me.cells "say_team $\$nick {&cb1akill me [&cfff}{%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} {&c2aac&cfff}:{$cells}"
alias .msg.kill.me.lg "say_team $\$nick {&cb1akill me [&cfff}{%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} $tp_name_lg:{$cells}"
alias .msg.kill.me.lg.rox "say_team $\$nick {&cb1akill me [&cfff}{%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} $tp_name_lg:{$cells} {&cf13r&cfff}:{$rockets}"
alias .msg.kill.me.rl "say_team $\$nick {&cb1akill me [&cfff}{%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} $tp_name_rl:{$rockets}"
alias .msg.kill.me.rl.cells "say_team $\$nick {&cb1akill me [&cfff}{%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} $tp_name_rl:{$rockets} {&c2aac&cfff}:{$cells}"
alias .msg.kill.me.rl.lg "say_team $\$nick {&cb1akill me [&cfff}{%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} $tp_name_rl:{$rockets} $tp_name_lg:{$cells}"
alias .msg.kill.me.rox "say_team $\$nick {&cb1akill me [&cfff}{%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} {&cf13r&cfff}:{$rockets}"
alias .msg.kill.me.rox.cells "say_team $\$nick {&cb1akill me [&cfff}{%l}{&cf2a]&cfff} {&cf13r&cfff}:{$rockets} {&c2aac&cfff}:{$cells}"
alias .msg.lost "say_team $\$nick {&cf00lost&cfff} {%d} {%E}"
alias .msg.lost.pack "say_team $\$nick {&cf00dropped&cfff} $weapon {%d} {%E}"
alias .msg.need "say_team $\$nick need %u {%l}"
alias .msg.point "say_team $\$nick %x at {%y}"
alias .msg.point.eyes "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy {&cff0eyes&cfff} at {%y}"
alias .msg.point.eyes.pented "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy {&cf00pent&cfff} {&cff0eyes&cfff} at {%y}"
alias .msg.point.eyes.quaded "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy {&c05fquad&cfff} {&cff0eyes&cfff} at {%y}"
alias .msg.point.eyes.quaded.pented "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy {&cf00pent&cfff} {&c05fquad&cfff} {&cff0eyes&cfff} at {%y}"
alias .msg.point.pented "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy {&cf00pent&cfff} at {%y}"
alias .msg.point.quaded "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy {&c05fquad&cfff} at {%y}"
alias .msg.point.quaded.pented "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy {&cf00pent&cfff} {&c05fquad&cfff} at {%y}"
alias .msg.quadover "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_quad over"
alias .msg.replace "say_team $\$nick replace {%l}"
alias .msg.rlkilled "say_team $\ rl killed! $[{%l}$]"
alias .msg.safe "say_team $\$nick {&c0b0safe&cfff} {%l}"
alias .msg.soon "say_team $\$nick soon $[{%l}$]"
alias .msg.status.nada "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} {%l} $powerups"
alias .msg.status.report "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $bestweapon {%l} $powerups"
alias .msg.status.report.cells "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $bestweapon {%l} c:$cells $powerups"
alias .msg.status.report.lg "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $tp_name_lg{&cf60:$cells&cfff} {%l} $powerups"
alias .msg.status.report.lg.rox "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $tp_name_lg{&cf60:$cells&cfff} {%l} $powerups"
alias .msg.status.report.rl "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $tp_name_rl{&cf60:$rockets&cfff} {%l} $powerups"
alias .msg.status.report.rl.cells "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $tp_name_rl{&cf60:$rockets&cfff} {%l} $powerups"
alias .msg.status.report.rl.lg "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $tp_name_rl{&cf60:$rockets&cfff} $tp_name_lg{&cf60:$cells&cfff} {%l} $powerups"
alias .msg.status.report.rox "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $bestweapon {%l} r:$rockets $powerups"
alias .msg.status.report.rox.cells "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $bestweapon {%l} r:$rockets c:$cells $powerups"
alias .msg.team.powerup "say_team $\$nick %p"
alias .msg.team.powerup.need "say_team $\$nick %p {%l} need %u "
alias .msg.took "say_team $\$nick took $took $[{%Y}$]"
alias .msg.took.powerup "say_team $\$nick {&c0b0team&cfff} %p; say_team $\$nick {&c0b0team&cfff} %p"
alias .tsay.coming ".tsay$stpstyle.coming"
alias .tsay.dm2.rjump ".tsay$stpstyle.dm2.rjump"
alias .tsay.dm2.secret ".tsay$stpstyle.dm2.secret"
alias .tsay.dm2.slipped ".tsay$stpstyle.dm2.slipped"
alias .tsay.dm2.trick ".tsay$stpstyle.dm2.trick"
alias .tsay.dm3.diss ".tsay$stpstyle.dm3.diss"
alias .tsay.enemy.bedoemd ".tsay$stpstyle.enemy.bedoemd"
alias .tsay.enemy.pent ".tsay$stpstyle.enemy.pent"
alias .tsay.enemy.quad ".tsay$stpstyle.enemy.quad"
alias .tsay.enemy.ring ".tsay$stpstyle.enemy.ring"
alias .tsay.get.pent ".tsay$stpstyle.get.pent"
alias .tsay.get.quad ".tsay$stpstyle.get.quad"
alias .tsay.help ".tsay$stpstyle.help"
alias .tsay.killme ".tsay$stpstyle.killme"
alias .tsay.lost ".tsay$stpstyle.lost"
alias .tsay.lost.pack ".tsay$stpstyle.lost.pack"
alias .tsay.lost.weapon ".tsay$stpstyle.lost.weapon"
alias .tsay.point ".tsay$stpstyle.point"
alias .tsay.quad.over ".tsay$stpstyle.quad.over"
alias .tsay.replace ".tsay$stpstyle.replace"
alias .tsay.report ".tsay$stpstyle.report"
alias .tsay.safe ".tsay$stpstyle.safe"
alias .tsay.team.powerup ".tsay$stpstyle.team.powerup"
alias .tsay.timer.gl "say_team $\ $tp_name_timer_gl {&cfffis&r} $_.t.str.elate {&cfff$_.t.str.eol&r} {&c9f9:$_.t.str.u1/$_.t.str.u2&r} {&cfffor&r} {&cf99:$_.t.str.d1/$_.t.str.d2&r}"
alias .tsay.timer.lg "say_team $\ $tp_name_timer_lg {&cfffis&r} $_.t.str.elate {&cfff$_.t.str.eol&r} {&c9f9:$_.t.str.u1/$_.t.str.u2&r} {&cfffor&r} {&cf99:$_.t.str.d1/$_.t.str.d2&r}"
alias .tsay.timer.quad "say_team $\ $tp_name_timer_quad {&cfffis on&r} {&c9f9:$_.t.int.u1&r} {&cfffor&r} {&cf99:$_.t.int.d2&r}"
alias .tsay.timer.rl ".tsay.timer.rlx $tp_name_timer_rl"
alias .tsay.timer.rl-high ".tsay.timer.rlx $tp_name_timer_rl-high"
alias .tsay.timer.rl-low ".tsay.timer.rlx $tp_name_timer_rl-low"
alias .tsay.timer.rlx "say_team $\ %1 {&cfffis&r} $_.t.str.elate {&cfff$_.t.str.eol&r} {&c9f9:$_.t.str.u1/$_.t.str.u2&r} {&cfffor&r} {&cf99:$_.t.str.d1/$_.t.str.d2&r}"
alias .tsay.took.any ".tsay$stpstyle.took.any"
alias .tsay.took.died ".tsay$stpstyle.took.died"
alias .tsay.took.nopack ".tsay$stpstyle.took.nopack"
alias .tsay.took.pent "say_team $\ {&cf11$stp_nick $x87$x87 team pent&r} $x87$x87"
alias .tsay.took.quad "say_team $\ {$_.b$stp_nick&r} $x89$x89 {$_.bteam quad typ&r} $x89$x89"
alias .tsay.took.ring "say_team $\ {&cff1$stp_nick $x88$x88 team ring - dont shoot me&r} $x88$x88"
alias .tsay.version "say_team $\$nick {$_.ystp version: $_.w$_.stp.version (style: $stpstyle)&r}"
alias .tsay.weapon.killed ".tsay$stpstyle.weapon.killed"
alias .tsay.you.take ".tsay$stpstyle.you.take"
alias .tsay0.coming "say_team $\$nick {$_.u2coming&r} $[{%l}$] {$_.w3$_.str.need&r}"
alias .tsay0.dm2.rjump "say_team $\$nick {$_.u2coming rjump high&r} $[{%l}$]"
alias .tsay0.dm2.secret "say_team $\$nick {$_.udo not enter&r} $[{%l}$] %A%a/%h $_.str.rlgc"
alias .tsay0.dm2.slipped "say_team $\$nick {$_.r2enemy slipped&r} $[{tele}$]"
alias .tsay0.dm2.trick "say_team $\$nick {$_.ctrick&r} $[{quad-low}$]"
alias .tsay0.dm3.diss "say_team $\$nick {$_.udischarge warning!&r} $[{%l}$] {&c29flg:$cells&r}"
alias .tsay0.enemy.bedoemd "say_team $\$nick {$_.renemy bedoemd... $_.ymen $_.y2inte $_.r3doed!&r} $[{%y}$]"
alias .tsay0.enemy.pent "say_team $\{$_.r2enemy&r} $tp_name_pent"
alias .tsay0.enemy.quad "say_team $\{$_.r2enemy&r} $tp_name_quad"
alias .tsay0.enemy.ring "say_team $\{$_.r2enemy&r} $tp_name_ring"
alias .tsay0.get.pent "say_team $\{$_.wget&r} $tp_name_pent"
alias .tsay0.get.quad "say_team $\{$_.wget&r} $tp_name_quad"
alias .tsay0.help "say_team $\$nick {$_.yhelp&r} $[{%l}$] {$_.y3%a/%h&r}"
alias .tsay0.killme "say_team $\$nick {$_.mkill me!! $_.m3(%hhp)&r} $[{%l}$] $_.str.killme"
alias .tsay0.lost "say_team $\$nick {$_.rlost&r} $[{%d}$] {$_.w2%E&r}"
alias .tsay0.lost.pack "say_team $\$nick {$_.rdropped&r} $tp_name_backpack $[{%d}$] {$_.w2%E&r}"
alias .tsay0.lost.weapon "say_team $\$nick {$_.rdropped&r} $_.str.dropped $[{%d}$] {$_.w2%E&r}"
alias .tsay0.point "say_team $\{&c1ff$d&r} %x $tp_name_at $[{%y}$]"
alias .tsay0.quad.over "say_team $\$tp_name_quad {&c00fover&r}"
alias .tsay0.replace "say_team $\$nick replace $[{%l}$]"
alias .tsay0.report "say_team $\$nick $_.str.armor/$_.str.health$_.str.weapon $[{%l}$] $_.str.powerups {$_.w2$_.str.need}"
alias .tsay0.safe "say_team $\$nick {$_.gsafe&r} $[{%l}$] $_.str.rlgc"
alias .tsay0.team.powerup "say_team $\$nick $powerups"
alias .tsay0.took.any "say_team $\$nick took $took $[{%Y}$]"
alias .tsay0.took.died "say_team $\$nick took $took but died $[{%Y}$]"
alias .tsay0.took.nopack "say_team $\$nick took empty pack $[{%Y}$]"
alias .tsay0.weapon.killed "say_team $\$nick {$_.gweapon killed!&r} $[{%l}$] {\}{&c0ff0&cfff}{/}"
alias .tsay0.you.take "say_team $\$nick you take $_.str.youtake $[{%l}$]"
alias .tsay1.coming "say_team $\$nick coming $[{%l}$] $_.str.need"
alias .tsay1.dm2.rjump "say_team $\$nick coming rjump high $[{%l}$]"
alias .tsay1.dm2.secret "say_team $\$nick do not enter $[{%l}$] %A%a/%h $_.str.rlg"
alias .tsay1.dm2.slipped "say_team $\$nick {$_.menemy slipped&r} $[{tele}$]"
alias .tsay1.dm2.trick "say_team $\$nick quad-jump $[{quad-low}$]"
alias .tsay1.dm3.diss "say_team $\$nick discharge warning! $[{%l}$] {&c29flg:$cells&r}"
alias .tsay1.enemy.bedoemd "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy {$_.r2bedoemd... $_.ymen $_.y2inte $_.r3doed!&r} $[{%y}$]"
alias .tsay1.enemy.pent "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy $tp_name_pent"
alias .tsay1.enemy.quad "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy $tp_name_quad"
alias .tsay1.enemy.ring "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy $tp_name_ring"
alias .tsay1.get.pent "say_team $\$nick get $tp_name_pent"
alias .tsay1.get.quad "say_team $\$nick get $tp_name_quad"
alias .tsay1.help "say_team $\$nick {$_.yhelp&r} $[{%l}$]"
alias .tsay1.killme "say_team $\$nick {$_.mkill me&r} $[{%l}$] $_.str.killme"
alias .tsay1.lost "say_team $\$nick {$_.rlost&r} $[{%d}$] {%E}"
alias .tsay1.lost.pack "say_team $\$nick {$_.rdropped&r} $tp_name_backpack $[{%d}$] {%E}"
alias .tsay1.lost.weapon "say_team $\$nick {$_.rdropped&r} $_.str.dropped $[{%d}$] {%E}"
alias .tsay1.point "say_team $\$nick %x $tp_name_at $[{%y}$]"
alias .tsay1.quad.over "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_quad over"
alias .tsay1.replace "say_team $\$nick replace $[{%l}$]"
alias .tsay1.report "say_team $\$nick $_.str.armor/$_.str.health$_.str.weapon $[{%l}$] $_.str.powerups $_.str.need"
alias .tsay1.safe "say_team $\$nick {$_.gsafe&r} $[{%l}$]"
alias .tsay1.team.powerup "say_team $\$nick {$_.gteam&r} $powerups"
alias .tsay1.took.any "say_team $\$nick took $took $[{%Y}$]"
alias .tsay1.took.died "say_team $\$nick took $took but died $[{%Y}$]"
alias .tsay1.took.nopack "say_team $\$nick took empty pack $[{%Y}$]"
alias .tsay1.weapon.killed "say_team $\$nick {$_.gweapon killed!&r} $[{%l}$] {\}{&c0ff0&cfff}{/}"
alias .tsay1.you.take "say_team $\$nick you take $_.str.youtake $[{%l}$]"
alias .tsay2.coming "say_team $\{$_.u$_.str.nick&r} {$_.ucoming $_.u2[$_.u3%l$_.u2]&r} {$_.w2$_.str.need}"
alias .tsay2.dm2.rjump "say_team $\{$_.u$_.str.nick coming rjump high $_.u2[$_.u3%l$_.u2]&r}"
alias .tsay2.dm2.secret "say_team $\{$_.u$_.str.nick do not enter $_.u2[$_.u3%l$_.u2]&r} %A{$_.u2%a/%h&r} $_.str.rlg"
alias .tsay2.dm2.slipped "say_team $\{$_.r2enemy slipped&r}"
alias .tsay2.dm2.trick "say_team $\{$_.c$_.str.nick trick $_.c2[$_.c3%l$_.c2]&r}"
alias .tsay2.dm3.diss "say_team $\{$_.b$_.str.nick discharge warning! $_.b2[$_.b3%l$_.b2]&r} {&c29flg:$cells&r}"
alias .tsay2.enemy.bedoemd "say_team $\$nick {$_.renemy bedoemd... $_.ymen $_.y2inte $_.r3doed!&r} $[{%y}$]"
alias .tsay2.enemy.pent "say_team $\{$_.r2enemy&r} $tp_name_pent"
alias .tsay2.enemy.quad "say_team $\{$_.r2enemy&r} $tp_name_quad"
alias .tsay2.enemy.ring "say_team $\{$_.r2enemy&r} $tp_name_ring"
alias .tsay2.get.pent "say_team $\{$_.r3get&r} $tp_name_pent"
alias .tsay2.get.quad "say_team $\{$_.b3get&r} $tp_name_quad"
alias .tsay2.help "say_team $\{$_.y$_.str.nick help $_.y[$_.y2%l$_.y]&r} {$_.y3%a/%h&r}"
alias .tsay2.killme "say_team $\$nick {$_.m2%hhp $_.mkill me!!&r} $_.str.killme $[{%l}$]"
alias .tsay2.lost "say_team $\{$_.r$_.str.nick lost&r} {$_.r[$_.r2%d$_.r]&r} {$_.r2%E&r}"
alias .tsay2.lost.pack "say_team $\{$_.r$_.str.nick dropped&r} $tp_name_backpack {$_.r[$_.w%d$_.r]&r} {$_.r2%E&r}"
alias .tsay2.lost.weapon "say_team $\{$_.r$_.str.nick dropped&r} $_.str.dropped {$_.r[$_.w%d$_.r]&r} {$_.r2%E&r}"
alias .tsay2.point "say_team $\{&c1ff$d&r} %x $tp_name_at $[{%y}$]"
alias .tsay2.quad.over "say_team $\$tp_name_quad {$_.bover&r}"
alias .tsay2.replace "say_team $\{$_.c$_.str.nick replace $_.c[$_.c2%l$_.c]&r} {$_.c3$_.str.rlg&r}"
alias .tsay2.report "say_team $\$nick $_.str.armor/$_.str.health$_.str.weapon $[{%l}$] $_.str.powerups {$_.w2$_.str.need}"
alias .tsay2.safe "say_team $\{$_.g$_.str.nick safe $_.g[$_.g2%l$_.g]&r} {$_.g3$_.str.rlg&r}"
alias .tsay2.team.powerup "say_team $\$nick $powerups"
alias .tsay2.took.any "say_team $\{$_.w$_.str.nick took&r} $took {$_.w3[$_.w2%Y$_.w3]&r}"
alias .tsay2.took.died "say_team $\{$_.w$_.str.nick took&r} $took {$_.w2but died&r}"
alias .tsay2.took.nopack "say_team $\{$_.w$_.str.nick took $_.w2empty pack $_.w2[$_.w3%Y$_.w2]&r}"
alias .tsay2.weapon.killed "say_team $\{$_.g$_.str.nickn weapon killed! $_.g2[$_.g3%l$_.g2]&r} {\}{&c0ff0&cfff}{/}"
alias .tsay2.you.take "say_team $\{$_.w$_.str.nick $_.wyou take $_.c$d&r} $_.str.youtake {$_.w3[$_.w%l$_.w3]&r}"
alias _.armor.need "if ($_.isPowerful) then app_tp _.str.armor %A{&cf66%a&r} else _.armor.normal"
alias _.armor.normal "app_tp _.str.armor %A{&cfff%a&r}"
alias _.armor_need "if ($_.isPowerful) then app_tp _.str.armor %A{&cf66%a&r} else _.armor_normal"
alias _.armor_normal "app_tp _.str.armor %A{&cfff%a&r}"
alias _.check.all "_.check.power; _.check.stack; _.check.powerups; _.check.armor; _.check.health; _.check.weapons; _.check.need"
alias _.check.armor "set_tp _.str.armor $qt$qt; if ('$tp_name_armor' isin '$need') then _.armor.need else _.armor.normal"
alias _.check.health "set_tp _.str.health $qt$qt; if ('$tp_name_health' isin '$need') then _.health.need else if ($health > 100) then _.health.stacked else _.health.normal"
alias _.check.need "set_tp _.str.need $qt$qt; if ('$matchtype' == '2on2') then _.need.2on2 else _.need.4on4; wait; _.need.any"
alias _.check.power "if ('$bestweapon' isin '$tp_name_rl $tp_name_lg' OR '$powerups' != '') then set_tp powerful 1 else set_tp powerful 0; wait"
alias _.check.powerups "set_tp _.str.powerups $qt$qt; if ('$powerups' = '') then _.do.nothing else _.pu"
alias _.check.rlg "set_tp _.str.rlg $qt$qt; set_tp _.str.rlgc $qt$qt; if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons' AND '$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then _.has.rlg.both else if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons') then _.has.rlg.rl else if ('$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then _.has.rlg.lg"
alias _.check.stack "if (($armor > 50 AND $health > 100) OR ($armor >= 100)) then set_tp stacked 1 else set_tp stacked 0; wait"
alias _.check.weapons "set_tp _.str.weapon $qt $qt; set_tp _.str.rlg $qt$qt; _.check.rlg; if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons' AND '$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then _.has.weapon.both else if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons') then _.has.weapon.rl else if ('$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then _.has.weapon.lg else _.has.weapon.weak"
alias _.check_all "_.check_power; _.check_powerups; _.check_armor; _.check_health; _.check_weapons; _.check_need"
alias _.check_armor "set_tp _.str.armor $qt$qt; if ('$tp_name_armor' isin '$need') then _.armor_need else _.armor_normal"
alias _.check_health "set_tp _.str.health $qt$qt; if ('$tp_name_health' isin '$need') then _.health_need else if ($health > 100) then _.health_stacked else _.health_normal"
alias _.check_need "set_tp _.str.need $qt$qt; if ('$matchtype' == '2on2') then _.need_2on2 else _.need_4on4; wait; _.need_any"
alias _.check_power "if ('$bestweapon' isin '$tp_name_rl $tp_name_lg' OR '$powerups' != '') then set_tp _.isPowerful 1 else set_tp _.isPowerful 0"
alias _.check_powerups "set_tp _.str.powerups $qt$qt; if ('$powerups' = '') then _.do_nothing else _.pu"
alias _.check_weapons "set_tp _.str.weapon $qt$qt; set_tp _.str.rlg $qt$qt; if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons' AND '$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then _.has_weapon_rlg else if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons') then _.has_weapon_rl else if ('$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then _.has_weapon_lg else _.has_no_weapon"
alias _.do.nothing ""
alias _.do_nothing ""
alias _.echo.re "echo 0:$re_trigger_match_0 1:$re_trigger_match_1 2:$re_trigger_match_2"
alias _.extract_nick "set stp_nick $qt$qt; set stp_nickc $qt$qt; if ('$nick' =~ '{(&c[0-9a-f]{3})(.{3})') then _.extract_nick_set1b else _.extract_nick_set1a"
alias _.extract_nick_set1a "set stp_nick $nick; if_exists alias _.nickc.$nick _.nickc.$nick _.nickc.default"
alias _.extract_nick_set1b "set stp_nick_color $re_trigger_match_1; set stp_nick $re_trigger_match_2; _.extract_nick_set2"
alias _.extract_nick_set2 "set stp_nickc {$stp_nick_color$stp_nick&r}"
alias _.has.no.weapon "set_tp _.str.weapon $bestweapon"
alias _.has.rlg.both "set_tp _.str.rlg rlg; set_tp _.str.rlgc $tp_name_rlg"
alias _.has.rlg.lg "set_tp _.str.rlg lg; set_tp _.str.rlgc $tp_name_lg"
alias _.has.rlg.rl "set_tp _.str.rlg rl; set_tp _.str.rlgc $tp_name_rl"
alias _.has.weapon.both "_.has.weapon.rl; _.has.weapon.lg"
alias _.has.weapon.both.rox "_.has.weapon.rl; _.has.weapon.lg"
alias _.has.weapon.lg "app_tp _.str.weapon $tp_name_lg; _.has.weapon.lg.low"
alias _.has.weapon.lg.low "if ($cells <= $tp_need_cells) then app_tp_nosp _.str.weapon {&cf66:$cells&r} else app_tp_nosp _.str.weapon {&c29f:$cells&r}"
alias _.has.weapon.no "set_tp _.str.weapon $qt$qt"
alias _.has.weapon.rl "app_tp _.str.weapon $tp_name_rl; _.has.weapon.rl.low"
alias _.has.weapon.rl.low "if ($rockets <= $tp_need_rockets) then app_tp_nosp _.str.weapon {&cf66:$rockets&r} else app_tp_nosp _.str.weapon {&cf31:$rockets&cfff}"
alias _.has.weapon.rlg "app_tp _.str.weapon $tp_name_rlg; _.has.weapon.lg.low"
alias _.has.weapon.weak "if ('$bestweapon' isin 'sg ng') then _.has.weapon.no else app_tp _.str.weapon $bestweapon"
alias _.has_no_weapon "set_tp _.str.weapon $bestweapon"
alias _.has_weapon_lg "app_tp _.str.weapon $tp_name_lg; _.has_weapon_lg_low; if ('$_.str.rlg' != '') then app_tp {&c29fg&r} else app_tp _.str.rlg $tp_name_lg"
alias _.has_weapon_lg_low "if ($cells < $tp_need_cells) then app_tp_nosp _.str.weapon {&cf66:$cells&r} else app_tp_nosp _.str.weapon {&c29f:$cells&r}"
alias _.has_weapon_rl "app_tp _.str.weapon $tp_name_rl; _.has_weapon_rl_low; app_tp _.str.rlg $tp_name_rl"
alias _.has_weapon_rl_low "if ('$tp_name_rockets' isin '$need') then app_tp_nosp _.str.weapon {&cf66:$rockets&r} else _.do_nothing"
alias _.has_weapon_rlg "_.has_weapon_rl; _.has_weapon_lg"
alias _.health.need "if ($_.isPowerful) then app_tp _.str.health {&cf66%h&r} else _.health.normal"
alias _.health.normal "app_tp _.str.health {&cfff%h&r}"
alias _.health.stacked "_.health.normal"
alias _.health_need "if ($_.isPowerful) then app_tp _.str.health {&cf66%h&r} else _.health_normal"
alias _.health_normal "app_tp _.str.health {&cfff%h&r}"
alias _.health_stacked "_.health_normal"
alias _.killme "set_tp _.str.killme $qt$qt; if ('$bestweapon' == '$tp_name_rl') then _.killme.rl else if ('$bestweapon' == '$tp_name_lg') then _.killme.lg else _.killme.ammo"
alias _.killme.ammo "if ($rockets < 1 AND $cells < 1) then _.do.nothing else if ($rockets > 0) then app_tp _.str.killme {&cfa6$tp_name_rockets:$rockets&r} else _.do.nothing; if ($cells > 0) then app_tp _.str.killme {&c6af$tp_name_cells:$cells&r} else _.do.nothing"
alias _.killme.lg "app_tp _.str.killme $tp_name_lg{&c29f:$cells&r} else _.do.nothing"
alias _.killme.rl "app_tp _.str.killme $tp_name_rl{&cf31:$rockets&r} else _.do.nothing"
alias _.killme_ammo "if ($rockets < 1 AND $cells < 1) then _.do_nothing else if ($rockets > 0) then app_tp _.str.killme {&cfa6$tp_name_rockets:$rockets&r} else _.do_nothing; if ($cells > 0) then app_tp _.str.killme {&c6af$tp_name_cells:$cells&r} else _.do_nothing"
alias _.killme_lg "app_tp _.str.killme $tp_name_lg{&c29f:$cells&r} else _.do_nothing"
alias _.killme_rl "app_tp _.str.killme $tp_name_rl{&cf31:$rockets&r} else _.do_nothing"
alias _.lost "set_tp _.str.dropped $qt$qt; if ($health < 1 AND '$weapon' == '$tp_name_rl') then _.lost.rl else if ($health < 1 AND '$weapon' == '$tp_name_lg') then _.lost.lg else _.lost.nothing"
alias _.lost.lg "app_tp _.str.dropped {&c29flg-pack:$cells&r}; wait; .tsay.lost.weapon"
alias _.lost.nothing "app_tp _.str.dropped {$_.r2%E&r}; wait; .tsay.lost"
alias _.lost.pack "if ($health < 1 AND '$bestweapon' isin '$tp_name_rl $tp_name_lg') then _.lost else .tsay.lost.pack"
alias _.lost.rl "app_tp _.str.dropped {&cf31rl-pack&r}; wait; .tsay.lost.weapon"
alias _.lost_lg "app_tp _.str.dropped {&c55f(dropped$x20lg-pack:$cells)&r}"
alias _.lost_nothing "app_tp _.str.dropped {$_.r2%E&r}"
alias _.lost_rl "app_tp _.str.dropped {$_.r(dropped$x20rl-pack)&r}"
alias _.need.2on2 "_.need.armor; _.need.health;"
alias _.need.4on4 "_.need.armor; _.need.health; _.need.weapon"
alias _.need.ammo "if (('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons' AND '$tp_name_rockets' isin '$need') OR ('$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons' AND $cells <= $tp_need_cells)) then app_tp _.str.need ammo else _.do.nothing"
alias _.need.any "if ('$_.str.need' != '') then set_tp _.str.need need$x20$_.str.need"
alias _.need.armor "if ('$tp_name_weapon' !isin '$need' AND '$tp_name_armor' isin '$need' AND $armor < 999) then app_tp _.str.need $tp_name_armor else _.do.nothing"
alias _.need.health "if ('$tp_name_weapon' !isin '$need' AND '$tp_name_health' isin '$need') then app_tp _.str.need $tp_name_health else _.do.nothing"
alias _.need.weapon "if (($powerful > 0 OR $stacked > 0) AND '$bestweapon' !isin '$tp_name_rl $tp_name_lg') then app_tp _.str.need weapon else _.do.nothing"
alias _.need_2on2 "_.need_armor; _.need_health"
alias _.need_4on4 "_.need_armor; _.need_health"
alias _.need_any "if ('$_.str.need' != '') then set_tp _.str.need need$x20$_.str.need"
alias _.need_armor "if ('$tp_name_weapon' !isin '$need' AND '$tp_name_armor' isin '$need' AND $armor < 999) then app_tp _.str.need $tp_name_armor else _.do_nothing"
alias _.need_health "if ('$tp_name_weapon' !isin '$need' AND '$tp_name_health' isin '$need') then app_tp _.str.need $tp_name_health else _.do_nothing"
alias _.nick.andeh "set nick {&cf68and:&r}; skin andeh"
alias _.nick.bps "set nick {&cc93bps:&r}; skin bps"
alias _.nick.carapace "set nick {&c693car:&r}; skin carapace"
alias _.nick.color.get "set stp_nick_rgb $qt$qt; if ('$nick' =~ '&c([0-9a-f]{3})') then _.nick.color.get.m else _.nick.color.get.d"
alias _.nick.color.get.d "set stp_nick_rgb 555"
alias _.nick.color.get.m "set stp_nick_rgb $re_trigger_match_1"
alias _.nick.extract "_.nick.color.get; _.nick.pure.get; _.nick.set"
alias _.nick.ganon "set nick {&c48fgan:&r}; skin ganon"
alias _.nick.goblin "set nick {&c859gob:&r}; skin goblin"
alias _.nick.lethalwiz "set nick {&c358lwz:&r}; skin lethalwiz"
alias _.nick.molle "set nick {&c962mol:&r}; skin molle"
alias _.nick.name "if_exists alias _.nick.$name _.nick.$name _.do.nothing"
alias _.nick.pure.get "set stp_nick_pure $qt$qt; if ('$nick' =~ '(&c[0-9a-f]{3})?([a-zA-Z0-9]{3})\:?') then _.nick.pure.get.m"
alias _.nick.pure.get.m "set stp_nick_pure $re_trigger_match_2"
alias _.nick.razor "set nick {&ccc6raz:&r}; skin razor"
alias _.nick.rio "set nick {&c825rio:&r}; skin rio"
alias _.nick.rst "set nick {&c777rst:&r}; skin rst"
alias _.nick.set "if ($stpstyle == 1) then set nick {&c$stp_nick_rgb$stp_nick_pure:&r} else set nick {&c$stp_nick_rgb$stp_nick_pure&r}; if ($stpstyle == 2) then set _.str.nick $stp_nick_pure"
alias _.point "if_exists alias shownick _.shownick1 _.do.nothing; if ('$point' != '$tp_name_nothing') then .tsay.point"
alias _.pu "if ('$tp_name_quad' isin '$powerups' AND '$tp_name_pent' isin '$powerups' AND '$tp_name_ring' isin '$powerups') then _.pu.all else if ('$tp_name_quad' isin '$powerups' AND '$tp_name_pent' isin '$powerups') then _.pu.quadpent else if ('$tp_name_quad' isin '$powerups' AND '$tp_name_ring' isin '$powerups') then _.pu.quadring else if ('$tp_name_ring' isin '$powerups' AND '$tp_name_pent' isin '$powerups') then _.pu.pentring else _.pu.single"
alias _.pu.all "set_tp _.str.powerups $stp_name_q$stp_name_p$tp_name_ring"
alias _.pu.pentring "set_tp _.str.powerups $stp_name_p$tp_name_ring"
alias _.pu.quadpent "set_tp _.str.powerups $stp_name_q$tp_name_pent"
alias _.pu.quadring "set_tp _.str.powerups $stp_name_q$tp_name_ring"
alias _.pu.single "set_tp _.str.powerups $powerups"
alias _.pu_all "set_tp _.str.powerups $x20$stp_name_q$stp_name_p$tp_name_ring"
alias _.pu_pentring "set_tp _.str.powerups $x20$stp_name_p$tp_name_ring"
alias _.pu_quadpent "set_tp _.str.powerups $x20$stp_name_q$tp_name_pent"
alias _.pu_quadring "set_tp _.str.powerups $x20$stp_name_q$tp_name_ring"
alias _.pu_single "set_tp _.str.powerups $x20$powerups"
alias _.report "_.check.all"
alias _.resetAll "unalias_re ^\.tsay\.(.+)$; unalias_re ^\_\.(.+)$; unalias_re ^stp\_(.+)$; unset_re ^stp\_(.+)$; unset_re ^\_\.(.+)$"
alias _.shownick "if_exists alias shownick _.shownick1 _.do_nothing"
alias _.shownick1 "shownick 1"
alias _.smart "if ('$mapname' == 'dm3') then _.smart.dm3 else if ('$mapname' == 'dm2') then _.smart.dm2 else if ('$mapname' == 'e1m2') then _.smart.e1m2 else stp_coming"
alias _.smart.dm2 "if ('$location' isin 'quad quad-low') then .tsay.dm2.trick else if ('$location' isin 'ng tele-entry tele') then .tsay.dm2.slipped else if ('$location' == 'big-stairs') then .tsay.dm2.rjump else if ('$location' == 'secret') then .tsay.dm2.secret else .tsay.coming"
alias _.smart.dm3 "if ('$location' isin 'water water-lg water-gl water-rox water-tunnel' AND '$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then .tsay.dm3.diss else stp_coming"
alias _.smart.e1m2 "stp_coming"
alias _.smart_dm2 "if ('$location' isin 'quad quad-low') then .tsay.dm2.trick else if ('$location' isin 'ng tele-entry tele') then .tsay.dm2.slipped else if ('$location' == 'big-stairs') then .tsay.dm2.rjump else if ('$location' == 'secret') then .tsay.dm2.secret else .tsay.coming"
alias _.smart_dm3 "if ('$location' isin 'water water-lg water-gl water-rox water-tunnel' AND '$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then .tsay.dm3.diss else stp_coming"
alias _.smart_e1m2 "stp_coming"
alias _.stp.default.style "stp_setstyle 1"
alias _.t.calc "_.t.calc.up %1; _.t.calc.down %1; wait; _.t.calc.elate"
alias _.t.calc.down "set_calc tmpcalc 60 - $_.t.int.i%1; set_calc _.t.int.d2 $tmpcalc % $_.t.int.i%1.val; set_calc _.t.int.d1 $_.t.int.d2 + $_.t.int.i%1.val"
alias _.t.calc.elate "set _.t.int.early $_.t.int.d2; set _.t.int.late $_.t.int.u1"
alias _.t.calc.up "set tmpcalc $_.t.int.i%1; set_calc _.t.int.u1 $tmpcalc % $_.t.int.i%1.val; set_calc _.t.int.u2 $_.t.int.u1 + $_.t.int.i%1.val"
alias _.t.calcn "_.t.calc $_.t.n"
alias _.t.clamp "if ($%1 >= 60) then set %1 0 else if ($%1 < 0) then set %1 59"
alias _.t.create.str "_.t.create.str.eol; _.t.itostp $_.t.int.u1 _.t.str.u1; _.t.itostp $_.t.int.u2 _.t.str.u2; _.t.itostp $_.t.int.d1 _.t.str.d1; _.t.itostp $_.t.int.d2 _.t.str.d2; _.t.itostp $_.t.int.early _.t.str.early; _.t.itostp $_.t.int.late _.t.str.late"
alias _.t.create.str.eol "set_tp _.t.str.eol $qt$qt; set _.t.str.elate $qt$qt; if ($_.t.int.early == 0 AND $_.t.int.late == 0) then set_tp _.t.str.eol $tp_name_ontime else if ($_.t.int.early < $_.t.int.late) then set_tp _.t.str.eol $tp_name_early else set_tp _.t.str.eol $tp_name_late; if ($_.t.int.early < $_.t.int.late) then set _.t.str.elate $_.t.int.early else if ($_.t.int.late < $_.t.int.early) then set _.t.str.elate $_.t.int.late"
alias _.t.debug "echo &caaa$_.t.str.i%1(%1) | utime: $_.t.int.i%1 | kp1:$_.t.str.kp1 kp2:$_.t.str.kp2 | u:$_.t.int.u1/$_.t.int.u2 d:$_.t.int.d1/$_.t.int.d2 | e:$_.t.int.early l:$_.t.int.late"
alias _.t.debugn "if ($___.t.debug > 0) then _.t.debug $_.t.n"
alias _.t.get "set %2 $_.t.int.i%1"
alias _.t.getn "_.t.get $_.t.n %1"
alias _.t.item "if ('$mapname' != '$_.t.str.map') then _.t.map.items; set _.t.n %1; _.t.getn tmp; _.t.setn $tmp; _.t.kp.norm $tmp tmp; _.t.kp.set $tmp; wait; _.t.kp.echon; _.t.debugn"
alias _.t.item.set "set _.t.str.i%1 %2; set _.t.int.i%1 %3; set _.t.int.i%1.val %4"
alias _.t.itos "if (%1 < 10) then set %2 0%1 else set %2 %1"
alias _.t.itostp "if (%1 < 10) then set %2 0%1 else set %2 %1"
alias _.t.kp.bind1 "bind kp_0 _.t.kp.set1 0; bind kp_1 _.t.kp.set1 1; bind kp_2 _.t.kp.set1 2; bind kp_3 _.t.kp.set1 3; bind kp_4 _.t.kp.set1 4; bind kp_5 _.t.kp.set1 5; bind kp_6 _.t.kp.setb 0 6; bind kp_7 _.t.kp.setb 0 7; bind kp_8 _.t.kp.setb 0 8; bind kp_9 _.t.kp.setb 0 9"
alias _.t.kp.bind2 "bind kp_0 _.t.kp.set2 0; bind kp_1 _.t.kp.set2 1; bind kp_2 _.t.kp.set2 2; bind kp_3 _.t.kp.set2 3; bind kp_4 _.t.kp.set2 4; bind kp_5 _.t.kp.set2 5; bind kp_6 _.t.kp.set2 6; bind kp_7 _.t.kp.set2 7; bind kp_8 _.t.kp.set2 8; bind kp_9 _.t.kp.set2 9"
alias _.t.kp.dec "_.t.kp.setint; inc _.t.int.kp -1; _.t.clamp _.t.int.kp; wait; _.t.kp.set $_.t.int.kp; _.t.kp.norm $_.t.int.kp tmp; _.t.setn $tmp; _.t.kp.echon"
alias _.t.kp.early "_.t.kp.setint; set_calc tmp 60 - $_.t.int.kp; _.t.setn $tmp; if ($hud_gameclock_countdown > 0) then _.t.kp.set $_.t.int.kp else _.t.kp.set $tmp; _.t.kp.enter"
alias _.t.kp.echo "_.t.kp.echo2 $_.t.str.i%1 "
alias _.t.kp.echo2 "echo $tp_name_timer_%1 $_.t.str.kp1$_.t.str.kp2"
alias _.t.kp.echon "_.t.kp.echo $_.t.n"
alias _.t.kp.enter "_.t.sayn; _.t.kp.echon; _.t.debugn"
alias _.t.kp.final "_.t.kp.setint; _.t.kp.set $_.t.int.kp; _.t.kp.norm $_.t.int.kp tmp; _.t.setn $tmp"
alias _.t.kp.inc "_.t.kp.setint; inc _.t.int.kp 1; _.t.clamp _.t.int.kp; wait; _.t.kp.set $_.t.int.kp; _.t.kp.norm $_.t.int.kp tmp; _.t.setn $tmp; _.t.kp.echon"
alias _.t.kp.late "_.t.kp.setint; _.t.setn $_.t.int.kp; _.t.kp.norm $_.t.int.kp tmp; _.t.kp.set $tmp; _.t.kp.enter"
alias _.t.kp.norm "if ($hud_gameclock_countdown > 0) then set_calc tmp 60 - %1; _.t.clamp tmp; set %2 $tmp"
alias _.t.kp.set "set_calc tmp2 %1 % 10; set_calc tmp1 %1 - $tmp2; set_calc tmp1 $tmp1 / 10; set _.t.str.kp1 $tmp1; set _.t.str.kp2 $tmp2; _.t.kp.setint; _.t.kp.bind1"
alias _.t.kp.set1 "set _.t.str.kp1 %1; set _.t.str.kp2 ?; _.t.kp.bind2; _.t.kp.setint; wait; _.t.kp.echon"
alias _.t.kp.set2 "set _.t.str.kp2 %1; _.t.kp.bind1; _.t.kp.final; wait; _.t.kp.echon"
alias _.t.kp.setb "set _.t.str.kp1 %1; set _.t.str.kp2 %2; _.t.kp.bind1; _.t.kp.final; wait; _.t.kp.echon"
alias _.t.kp.setint "_.t.stoi $_.t.str.kp1$_.t.str.kp2 _.t.int.kp"
alias _.t.map.any "_.t.item.set 1 rl 0 30; _.t.item.set 2 lg 0 30; _.t.item.set 3 quad 0 60; _.t.item 1"
alias _.t.map.dm2 "_.t.item.set 1 rl-low 0 30; _.t.item.set 2 rl-high 0 30; _.t.item.set 3 quad 0 60; _.t.item 1"
alias _.t.map.dm3 "_.t.item.set 1 rl 0 30; _.t.item.set 2 lg 0 30; _.t.item.set 3 quad 0 60; _.t.item 1"
alias _.t.map.e1m2 "_.t.item.set 1 rl 0 30; _.t.item.set 2 gl 0 30; _.t.item.set 3 quad 0 60; _.t.item 1"
alias _.t.map.items "set _.t.str.map $mapname; if ('$mapname' == 'dm3') then _.t.map.dm3 else if ('$mapname' == 'dm2') then _.t.map.dm2 else if ('$mapname' == 'e1m2') then _.t.map.e1m2 else _.t.map.any"
alias _.t.say "_.t.kp.final; _.t.create.str; wait; .tsay.timer.$_.t.str.i%1 %1"
alias _.t.sayn "_.t.say $_.t.n"
alias _.t.set "set tmp %2; _.t.clamp tmp; set _.t.int.i%1 $tmp; _.t.calcn; wait; "
alias _.t.setn "_.t.set $_.t.n %1"
alias _.t.stoi "set_calc %2 %1 * 1"
alias _.team.powerup "if ('$powerups' == '') then .tsay.quad.over else .tsay.team.powerup"
alias _.team_powerup "if ('$powerups' =='') then .tsay.quad.over else .tsay.team.powerup"
alias _.took "if ('$took' == '$tp_name_nothing') then _.do.nothing else if ('$took' isin '$tp_name_ring $tp_name_pent $tp_name_quad') then _.team.powerup else if ('$took' isin '$tp_name_backpack $bestweapon' AND $health < 1) then _.took.died else if ('$took' isin '$tp_name_rl $tp_name_lg' AND '$bestweapon' !isin '$tp_name_rl $tp_name_lg') then _.took.died else if ('$tp_name_backpack' == '$took') then _.took.pack else _.took.any"
alias _.took.any ".tsay.took.any"
alias _.took.died ".tsay.took.died"
alias _.took.pack "if ('$bestweapon' isin '$tp_name_rl $tp_name_lg') then _.took.any else .tsay.took.nopack"
alias _.took.pent ".tsay.took.pent"
alias _.took.powerup "if ('$tp_name_ring' == '$took') then _.took.ring else if ('$tp_name_quad' == '$took') then _.took.quad else if ('$tp_name_pent' == '$took') then _.took.pent else _.do.nothing"
alias _.took.quad "if ($health < 1 OR '$powerups' == '') then .tsay.quad.over else .tsay.took.quad"
alias _.took.ring ".tsay.took.ring"
alias _.took_any ""
alias _.took_pent ".tsay.took.pent"
alias _.took_powerup "if ('$tp_name_ring' == '$took') then _.took_ring else if ('$tp_name_quad' == '$took') then _.took_quad else if ('$tp_name_pent' == '$took') then _.took_pent else _.do_nothing"
alias _.took_quad "if ($health < 1 OR '$powerups' == '') then .tsay.quad.over else .tsay.took.quad"
alias _.took_ring ".tsay.took.ring"
alias _.youtake "set_tp _.str.youtake {$_.w2x&r}; if ('$point' != '$tp_name_nothing') then _.youtake.point else _.youtake.regxp"
alias _.youtake.dm2 "if ('$location' =~ '^(low\-stairs|low\-lift|low\-button)$') then _.youtake.tp rl else if ('$location' =~ '^(floating)$') then _.youtake.tp mh"
alias _.youtake.dm3 "if ('$location' =~ '^(sng\-ledge|hill)$') then _.youtake.tp mega else if ('$location' =~ '^(water)$') then _.youtake.tp lg"
alias _.youtake.e1m2 "if ('$location' =~ '^([^\-]+)\-([^\-]+)$') then _.youtake.item2 else if ('$location' =~ '^(bridge|bridge\-room)$') then _.youtake.tp ga"
alias _.youtake.item "_.youtake.tp $re_trigger_match_1"
alias _.youtake.point "set_tp _.str.youtake $point"
alias _.youtake.regxp "if ('$location' =~ '^(quad|pent|ring|rl|lg|ra|ya|mega)$') then _.youtake.item else if ('$location' =~ '-?(quad|pent|ring|rl|lg|ra|ya|mega)-?') then _.youtake.item else if ('$mapname' == 'dm3') then _.youtake.dm3 else if ('$mapname' == 'dm2') then _.youtake.dm2 else if ('$mapname' == 'e1m2') then _.youtake.e1m2"
alias _.youtake.tp "set_tp _.str.youtake $tp_name_%1"
alias __attack_lost_pos "say_team $\ {&cf00attack&cfff} $[{%d}$] %E"
alias __awaits "say_team $\$nick awaits $[{%l}$]"
alias __coming "if ('$health' < '1') then __lost else .msg.coming"
alias __dm2 "if ('$location' = 'quad-low') then .msg.dm2.trickjump else .msg.dm2.slipped"
alias __dm3 "if ('$location' = 'water') then .msg.dm3.diss else if ('$location' = 'water-lg') then .msg.dm3.diss else if ('$location' = 'water-gl') then .msg.dm3.diss else if ('$location' = 'water-rox') then .msg.dm3.diss else if ('$location' = 'water-tunnel') then .msg.dm3.diss else if ('$location' = 'pent') then .msg.dm3.diss else .msg.dm3.tunnel"
alias __e1m2 ".msg.e1m2.spikes"
alias __enemy_powerup ".msg.enemy.powerup"
alias __getpent ".msg.getpent"
alias __getquad ".msg.getquad"
alias __help "if ('$health' < '1') then __lost else .msg.help"
alias __lm.fl "if ($__lmr2 > $__lmr) then set_calc __lmr $__lmr2 - 1 else set __lmr $__lmr2"
alias __lm.r "__lm.rnd 999; wait; if ($__lmr < 10) then __lma {&c00$__lmr%1&r} else if ($__lmr < 100) then __lma {&c0$__lmr%1&r} else __lma {&c$__lmr%1&r}"
alias __lm.rnd "set_calc __lmr $rand * %1; __lm.ro"
alias __lm.ro "set_calc __lmr2 $__lmr + $__intmax; set_calc __lmr2 $__lmr2 - $__intmax; __lm.fl"
alias __lm0 "__lma $x90$d$x91$x20{&c990l&r}; __lm.r AA ; __lm.r KA; __lm.r D; __lma $x20; __lma {&c990m&r}; __lm.r ATAT; __lm.r AAAA; __lm.r G; __lm.r !; __lma {&caaa$x20normalin$x20normalin..&r}"
alias __lma "set __lm $__lm%1"
alias __lost "if ('$weapon' = '$tp_name_rl') then .msg.lost.pack else if ('$weapon' = '$tp_name_lg') then .msg.lost.pack else .msg.lost"
alias __mypack "say_team $\$nick {&cf00dropped&cfff} {&cf2apack&cfff} {%d} {%E}"
alias __need_check "if ('$need' == '$tp_name_nothing') then else .msg.need"
alias __need_team_powerup "if ('$powerups' == '') then __need_check else __need_team_powerup_check"
alias __need_team_powerup_check "if ('$need' == '$tp_name_nothing') then .msg.team.powerup else .msg.team.powerup.need"
alias __point "if ('$tp_name_nothing' isin '$point') then else if ('$ledpoint' = '$tp_name_status_green') then else if ('$ledpoint') = '$tp_name_status_red') then __point_powerup else .msg.point"
alias __point_eyes "if ('$tp_name_quaded' isin '$point') then __point_eyes_quaded else if ('$tp_name_pented') isin '$point') then .msg.point_eyes_pented else .msg.point.eyes"
alias __point_eyes_quaded "if ('$tp_name_pented' isin '$point') then .msg.point.eyes.quad.pented else .msg.point.eyes.quaded"
alias __point_powerup "if ('$tp_name_eyes' isin '$point') then __point_eyes else if ('$tp_name_quaded' isin '$point') then __point_quaded else if ('$tp_name_pented' isin '$point') then .msg.point.pented else .msg.point"
alias __point_quaded "if ('$tp_name_pented' isin '$point') then .msg.point.quaded.pented else .msg.point.quaded"
alias __quadover ".msg.quadover"
alias __replace "if ('$health' < '1') then __lost else .msg.replace"
alias __rlkilled ".msg.rlkilled"
alias __safe "if ('$health' < '1') then __lost else .msg.safe"
alias __slipped "if ('$mapname' = 'dm2') then __dm2 else if ('$mapname' = 'dm3') then __dm3 else if ('$mapname' = 'e1m2') then __e1m2"
alias __soon ".msg.soon"
alias __status_report "if ('$bestweapon' = '$tp_name_lg') then __status_report_lg_check else if ('$bestweapon' = '$tp_name_rl') then __status_report_rl_check else __status_report_normal"
alias __status_report_lg_check "if ('$rockets' > '0') then .msg.status.report.lg.rox else .msg.status.report.lg"
alias __status_report_normal "if ('$cells' > '0') then __status_report_normal_check else if ('$rockets' > '0') then .msg.status.report.rox else if ('$bestweapon' = '$tp_name_sg') then .msg.status.nada else .msg.status.report"
alias __status_report_normal_check "if ('$rockets' > '0') then .msg.status.report.rox.cells else .msg.status.report.cells"
alias __status_report_rl_check "if ('$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then .msg.status.report.rl.lg else if ('$cells' > '0') then .msg.status.report.rl.cells else .msg.status.report.rl"
alias __took "if ('$took' == '$tp_name_nothing') then else if ('$took' isin '$tp_name_pent $tp_name_quad $tp_name_ring') then .msg.took.powerup else .msg.took"
alias __youtake "say_team $\$nick you take $[{%l}$]"
alias app_tp "if ('$%1' == '') then set_tp %1 $%1%2 else set_tp %1 $%1$x20%2"
alias app_tp_nosp "set_tp %1 $%1%2"
alias axemen "name and.........^a^x^e; team oeks; color 0 1"
alias bot_1on1 "exec configs/fb_1on1.cfg"
alias bot_2on2 "exec configs/fb_2on2.cfg;team blue;color 13"
alias bot_4on4 "exec configs/fb_4on4.cfg;team blue;color 13"
alias bot_arena "exec configs/fb_arena.cfg"
alias bot_carena "exec configs/fb_ca.cfg"
alias bot_ffa "exec configs/fb_ffa.cfg"
alias bps1 "say oj, har vare livat! (c) bps"
alias bps10 "say flickshots? jag tanker bara pojkshots och flickshots (c) bps"
alias bps2 "say kann ingen press, men du maste vinna (c) bps"
alias bps3 "say jag har fatt en mygga eller nagot i ogat, det ar darfor (c) bps"
alias bps4 "say molle roer ju sig som nan programledare fran antikrundan eller nat (c) bps"
alias bps5 "say Vax upp nan gang din javla smastadsidiot (c) bps"
alias bps6 "say NOOB (c) bps"
alias bps7 "say du vander dig och satter tva klockor i motvind, och du havdar att du inte kor med hacks? (c) bps"
alias bps8 "say parkeringshuslodis (c) bps"
alias bps9 "say SPORTLUNCH? va ere for javla namn pa en chokladbit? (c) bps"
alias draftbps "team ^p; color 1 3"
alias echo_tecken "echo_tecken50; echo_tecken60; echo_tecken70; echo_tecken80; echo_tecken90"
alias echo_tecken50 "echo 50:$x50 51:$x51 52:$x52 53:$x53 54:$x54 55:$x55 56:$x56 57:$x57 58:$x58 59:$x59"
alias echo_tecken60 "echo 60:$x60 61:$x61 62:$x62 63:$x63 64:$x64 65:$x65 66:$x66 67:$x67 68:$x68 69:$x69"
alias echo_tecken70 "echo 70:$x70 71:$x71 72:$x72 73:$x73 74:$x74 75:$x75 76:$x76 77:$x77 78:$x78 79:$x79"
alias echo_tecken80 "echo 80:$x80 81:$x81 82:$x82 83:$x83 84:$x84 85:$x85 86:$x86 87:$x87 88:$x88 89:$x89"
alias echo_tecken90 "echo 90:$x90 91:$x91 92:$x92 93:$x93 94:$x94 95:$x95 96:$x96 97:$x97 98:$x98 99:$x99"
alias feffe1 "say HAR DET FUNNITS EN JAVLA HISS?!?! (c) feffe"
alias feffe2 "say jag ar sa dalig att jag bara reportar LOST (c) feffe"
alias fixping "disconnect; inc cl_net_clientport; reconnect"
alias foppa1 "connect qw.foppa.dk:27501"
alias foppa2 "connect qw.foppa.dk:27502"
alias foppa3 "connect qw.foppa.dk:27503"
alias ganon1 "say jag ar ledig imorgon, alltsa efter att jag jobbat (c) ganon"
alias infoset "cmd info ev 8 "
alias ip "connect $lastip"
alias lakadmatatag "set __lm $qt$qt; __lm0; wait; say $__lm"
alias lakadmatatags "play lakadmatatag; set __lm $qt$qt; __lm0; wait; say $__lm"
alias lakso1 "say just need to hit a seven (c) lakso"
alias lip "connect $lastip"
alias locdl "download locs/$mapname.loc; loadloc $mapname"
alias locke1 "say EN...TVA...TRE...FYRA...FEM... HAHAHA SKA JAG FORTSATTA ELLER?! (c) LocKtar"
alias locke2 "say Morvis is suffering from early ejaculation (c) LocKtar"
alias mawe1 "say men jag tankar po konkelbaer nar jag hor dinglarn (c)mawe"
alias on_connect "authenticate"
alias on_enter ""
alias on_matchend ""
alias pg2 "connect pangela.se:28002"
alias qw1 "connect qw2.irc.ax:28501"
alias qw2 "connect qw2.irc.ax:28502"
alias qw3 "connect qw2.irc.ax:28503"
alias randomsay "randomsay_roll;set randomsay_try 1;randomsay_pick"
alias randomsay_1 "say {&c009=&r}{&c900)&r}"
alias randomsay_10 "say {&c090=&r}{&c900)&r}"
alias randomsay_2 "say {&c900=&r}{&c900)&r}"
alias randomsay_3 "say {&c192=&r}{&c900)&r}"
alias randomsay_4 "say {&c000=&r}{&c900)&r}"
alias randomsay_5 "say {&c279=&r}{&c900)&r}"
alias randomsay_6 "say {&c111=&r}{&c900)&r}"
alias randomsay_7 "say {&c979=&r}{&c900)&r}"
alias randomsay_8 "say {&c999=&r}{&c900)&r}"
alias randomsay_9 "say {&c911=&r}{&c900)&r}"
alias randomsay_pick "if ( $randomsay_try > $randomsay_value ) then randomsay_$randomsay_try else randomsay_picknext"
alias randomsay_picknext "inc randomsay_try 1;randomsay_pick"
alias randomsay_roll "set_eval randomsay_value $rand*$randomsay_count"
alias rst1 "say jag ar sa fruktansvart sugen po en kopp te och lite yoga (c) rst"
alias set_color_tp "set_tp {%1%2$r}"
alias stp_aol "if ($health > 0) then %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 else stp_lost"
alias stp_coming "_.check.all; wait; .tsay.coming"
alias stp_dropped "_.lost.pack"
alias stp_enemy_bed ".tsay.enemy.bedoemd"
alias stp_enemy_pent ".tsay.enemy.pent"
alias stp_enemy_quad ".tsay.enemy.quad"
alias stp_enemy_quad_ok98 "play ok98_enemy_quad; wait; .tsay.enemy.quad"
alias stp_enemy_ring ".tsay.enemy.ring"
alias stp_get_pent ".tsay.get.pent"
alias stp_get_quad ".tsay.get.quad"
alias stp_help ".tsay.help"
alias stp_init_echo "echo &cff0$x80Sudden Teamplay lite $_.stp.version (style: $stpstyle) loaded$x82&r"
alias stp_killme "impulse 7 8 6 5 4 3 2; _.check.health; wait; _.killme; wait; .tsay.killme"
alias stp_lost "_.lost"
alias stp_point "_.point"
alias stp_powerup "_.team.powerup"
alias stp_replace "_.check.weapons; wait; .tsay.replace"
alias stp_report "_.report; wait; .tsay.report"
alias stp_safe "_.check.weapons; wait; .tsay.safe"
alias stp_setstyle "set stpstyle %1; _.nick.extract; stp_init_echo"
alias stp_smart "_.check.all; wait; _.smart"
alias stp_spec "if ('$spectator' == '1') then echo $_.wSudden teamplay message supressed when spectator = 1. else %1 %2 %3 %4 %5"
alias stp_style "stp_setstyle %1"
alias stp_timer_dec "_.t.kp.dec"
alias stp_timer_early "_.t.kp.early"
alias stp_timer_enter "_.t.kp.enter"
alias stp_timer_inc "_.t.kp.inc"
alias stp_timer_item "_.t.item %1"
alias stp_timer_late "_.t.kp.late"
alias stp_timer_say "_.t.sayn"
alias stp_took "_.took"
alias stp_version ".tsay.version"
alias stp_version_say_team "say_team {&rSudden Teamplay lite $_.stp.version}"
alias stp_wpkilled ".tsay.weapon.killed"
alias stp_youtake "_.youtake; wait; .tsay.you.take"
alias tp1 "connect troopers.fi:28001"
alias tp2 "connect troopers.fi:28002"
alias tp3 "connect troopers.fi:28003"
alias trash1 "say jag kan val inte ra for att tp-kabeln aker ut? (c) trash"
alias trash2 "say Varfor star det medelalder 20,14? Det finns ju bara 12 manader pa ett ar? (c) trash"
alias trygve1 "say jevla whiskey (c) trygve"
alias yolo "team y^.; color 0 6; echo &cf9aYOLO!"
// //
// Q W 2 6 2 H U D //
// //
// //
// T E A M P L A Y C O M M A N D S //
// //
tp_pickup powerups weapons armor mh pack cells
tp_took powerups weapons armor mh pack cells rockets
tp_point powerups weapons armor mh pack cells rockets enemy
filter clear
// //
// M I S C E L L A N E O U S C O M M A N D S //
// //
mapgroup clear
skygroup clear
floodprot 4 4 10
// //
// P L U S C O M M A N D S //
// //
// //
// K E Y B I N D I N G S //
// //
bind TAB "+showteamscores"
bind ENTER "say proxy:menu select"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+gl"
bind ' "__awaits"
bind + "gamma 0.4"
bind , "say =)"
bind - "sizedown"
bind . "say =("
bind / "say <3"
bind 0 "gamma 0.4"
bind 1 "bind mouse1 +fire1"
bind 2 "bind mouse1 +fire2"
bind 3 "stp_aol stp_report"
bind 4 "stp_lost"
bind 5 "stp_youtake"
bind 6 "stp_point"
bind 7 "stp_killme"
bind 8 "setinfo wswfix 1"
bind 9 "__coming"
bind = "sizeup"
bind ? "stp_enemy_bed"
bind \ "+mlook"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind b "say_team $\ status ra / ya?"
bind c "stp_took"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "bind mouse1 +fire3"
bind f "bind mouse1 +fire5"
bind g "__attack_lost_pos"
bind h "klist"
bind i "__rlkilled"
bind j "stp_get_quad"
bind k "stp_get_pent"
bind m "say_team $\ {&cf50report&cfff}"
bind n "__need_team_powerup"
bind o "stp_wpkilled"
bind p "lakadmatatag"
bind q "bind mouse1 +fire6"
bind r "stp_aol stp_safe"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind u "attack_lost_pos"
bind v "stp_coming"
bind w "+forward"
bind x "stp_aol stp_replace"
bind y "messagemode2"
bind z "stp_aol stp_help"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind BACKSPACE "stp_timer_item 3"
bind CAPSLOCK "shownick"
bind PAUSE "say proxy:menu"
bind UPARROW "say proxy:menu up"
bind DOWNARROW "say proxy:menu down"
bind LEFTARROW "say proxy:menu left"
bind RIGHTARROW "say proxy:menu right"
bind ALT "+strafe"
bind CTRL "stp_killme"
bind SHIFT "bind mouse1 +fire7"
bind F1 "__slipped"
bind F2 "__slipped"
bind F3 "stp_smart"
bind F4 "__quadover"
bind F5 "__replace"
bind F6 "echo Quicksaving...; wait; save quick"
bind F9 "echo Quickloading...; wait; load quick"
bind F10 "quit"
bind F11 "zoom_in"
bind F12 "screenshot"
bind INS "__enemy_powerup"
bind DEL "stp_enemy_quad"
bind PGDN "say proxy:menu pgdn"
bind PGUP "say proxy:menu pgup"
bind HOME "say proxy:menu home"
bind END "say proxy:menu end"
bind KP_SLASH "stp_timer_item 1"
bind KP_STAR "stp_timer_item 2"
bind KP_HOME "_.t.kp.setb 0 7"
bind KP_UPARROW "_.t.kp.setb 0 8"
bind KP_PGUP "_.t.kp.setb 0 9"
bind KP_MINUS "stp_timer_late"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "_.t.kp.set1 4"
bind KP_5 "_.t.kp.set1 5"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "_.t.kp.setb 0 6"
bind KP_PLUS "stp_timer_early"
bind KP_END "_.t.kp.set1 1"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "_.t.kp.set1 2"
bind KP_PGDN "_.t.kp.set1 3"
bind KP_INS "_.t.kp.set1 0"
bind KP_DEL "stp_timer_say"
bind KP_ENTER "stp_timer_enter"
bind MOUSE1 "+fire8"
bind MOUSE2 "+jump"
bind MOUSE3 "+lg"
bind MOUSE4 "bind mouse1 +fire8"
bind MOUSE5 "toggleready"
bind MWHEELUP "bind mouse1 +fire8"
bind MWHEELDOWN "randomsay"