def 's QuakeWorld Setup (Aug 29th 2006) #american
download (47mb) /
Image Preview #1 (700kb) /
Image Preview #2 (140kb)
quick Q/A...
Q) Why did I create this package?
A) Many people request my config on a daily basis, and this is the most efficient way of providing help. There is alot more to a QuakeWorld setup than a simple config file, so I have provided a full package.
Q) What is the primary purpose of this package?
A) This package is intended for competetive play. It is perfect for players new to the game, so they can start with a base setup that has been optimzed and tweaked for years to produce the best results (in my experience). It is also great for veterans of the game to checkout and perhaps discover something new they weren't aware of.
// What's New? //
Ok, so I decided to release a new package this time officially with latest EzQuake. As for what's new since the last official FuhQuake version? Other than the port from FuhQuake to EzQuake, mostly minor differences of personal nature. I've also updated this thread with some new information on mice, settings, tweaking winxp services, and other relevant information so make sure you scan it thoroughly.
*my own custom hud
*new color-coded text teamplay config (thanks to ultimo)
*new crosshair (from Q4 recommended by KovaaK)
*extended weapon script by KovaaK that allows toggling of multiple weapons (lg > ssg/sng > sg) on a a single key (spacebar)
*better auto file naming scheme for demos including dates
*lots of minute miscellaneous improvements
*changed the default name / team / skin, so that there isnt one thousand [ag] def's running around out there triggering my friends ASE's buddy lists.
// Instructions //
1) Extract this archive into a new clean directory:
i.e. c:\quakeworld\
2) Disable vertical synchronization (vertical sync/vsync) in your display drivers by setting it to ALWAYS OFF. Vsync enabled can add as much as 26ms of combined mouse input and image rendering lag to your game. You can achieve this through the nVidia control panel or ATI Catalyst control center depending on your graphics card manufacturer. I cannot detail the exact method as it varies from driver version to driver version, however you can always google for help if you are unsure.
3) Start the game in 800x600 @ 75hz resolution by running quakeworld.bat in the root directory.
4) Don't forget to change the following commands and feel free to customize the setup to your needs:
/name yourname
/team teamname
/color 0 0
/skin name
/set nick def (this is the name used in team chat teamplay messages)
5) To connect to servers:
i) you may use the ezquake server browser by hitting escape
-> main menu -> multiplayer -> sources
select your master server sources, i.e.
"id dm master server"
and your regional location i.e. "north american servers"
hit spacebar to update the sources
-> hit arrow key left to go from "sources" to "servers"
hit spacebar to refresh the servers, select a server using the arrow keys
hit [enter] to join or [o] on your keyboard to observe.
ii) you may search for additional servers via an external server browser
i.e. The All Seeing Eye |
iii) or optionally use the command /join ip:port to play and /observe ip:port to spectate
// Default Keys //
Just because I use a certain keyset does not mean its the best one for you.
Use whatever you are most comfortable with. It is true that certain setups may be limiting,
however for the most part you will achieve best results with whatever you are acustomed to.
--- BASICS ---
W = move forward
S = move backward
A = strafe left
D = strafe right
Mouse1 = shooot
Mouse2 = jump / swim up
Mouse3 = rocket jump
Alt = swim down
Shift = select RL
Space = select SG -> SNG -> SSG -> LG
(if LG isnt in inventory and both SSG & SNG are, selects SSG first, and succesive key strikes will toggle between SNG/SSG)
F = select GL
E = select SG -> SSG
Q = select NG -> SNG
R = select SG
[ = public chat
] = team chat
Tab = scoreboard
~ = toggle console
ESC = toggle menu
PGUP = ready
PGDN = notready
END = check who's not ready
HOME = request admin
INSERT = vote yes
F8 = toggle ip based rcon mode
F11 = announce .mp3 title
F12 = screenshot
KEYPAD STAR = save last played game to demo ( /installdir/demos/ )
KEYPAD SLASH = toggle on-screen weapon stats
KEYPAD MINUS = game statistics
KEYPAD PLUS = efficiency list
KEYPAD PERIOD = toggle cl_useproxy 0/1
KEYPAD 1-8 = track player #1 through #8 when spectatating
Z = use this point out items, powerups, enemies, and check teammates status
X = report location of death (area lost)
C = help at current location
V = report your status
B = current location safe
N = report your needs i.e. health weapon ammunition
M = take my pack, bore packs at location of death
U = switch/replace/relieve current location
G = enemy slipped from current location
H = quad killed
1 = weak enemy rl at location of death
2 = enemy powerups seen/heard
3 = coming from location
4 = get pent
5 = trick at location (location dependant based on map and .loc files)
6 = ask if key map locations are safe (ie dm3 is ya/ra safe?)
MWHEELUP = increase quad time by +1s
MWHEELDOWN = decrease quad time by -1s
MOUSE 4 = get quad at (:quadtime)
CTRL = use this to report taken items or powerups (took ra, team quad, etc)
T = waiting at location, item soon at location, or point at teammate for you take [item] @ location
F1 = enemy at location (map dependant) auto initialized on map change
F2 = enemy at location (map dependant)
F3 = enemy at location (map dependant)
F4 = enemy at location (map dependant)
F5 = enemy at location (map dependant)
// Recommendations //
i) Good Mouse:
Choose a mouse that is technologically superior to all other mice on the market. The
Razer Copperhead,
Logitech G3 or
G5, and the new
Microsoft Habu gaming mice feature technical specs that are unequaled compared to all other mice. 2000 DPI, 500/1000hz usb native rates, 16bit datapaths, 6.3+ megapixel optical sensors, and tracking upwards and above of 15 g's of acceleration ensure the absolute best.
I currently use a Razer Diamondback mouse, one step behind the latest and greatest, however when I plan to buy a new one, it will definitely be one of the ones mentioned above. Finally, here are
my diamondback driver settings. I use roughly 7 inches of mousepad for a 360 degree turn.
ii) USB Mouse Rate:
Response time of your mouse is key to have great reflexes and aim. If your mouse does not have a 1ms polling time (verify the maximum hz value is 1000hz using the
mouserate tool), then use the
1000hz USB rate patch for maximum mouse responsiveness, minimum mouse lag, and silky smooth gameplay.
iii) Proper Mousing Surface:
I prefer Razer eXactMat (control side) |
iv) Background processes and Windows XP services:
Chances are if your running background tasks and have most of the Windows XP services enabled by default your Quakeworld isnt going to be as smooth as it could be. If you experience any hitching or sudden unexplained FPS drops during gameplay, this is ussually a good indicator that there are other programs running hidden in the background and stealing your precious CPU cycles. I tweaked my Windows XP services to minimize the amount of processes that run in the background, in order to maximize performance. Here is the bare
list of minimum services WindowsXP SP2 needs to run. Please note that the "print spooler" service also needs to be enabled if you have a printer. All other services not directly related to your hardware may be stopped and their startup type changed to disabled. You can disable these services by clicking Start > Run > and typing into the field "services.msc" to start the Service configuration application. Click on the column "Name" to sort the services by name and step by step stop every service, and change its startup type to "disabled" if it is not listed on my list of essential services, or if it is not directly related to your system's hardware. Google this topic if you are unsure what you are doing.
// Troubleshooting //
i) ATI video card users
If you have an ATI video card and are seeing weird graphical glitches and issues, you can try editing the quakeworld.bat file that you use to run the game and add -maxtmu2 to the end of the commandline. This is a known ATI issue.
ii) Sound crackling, sound interference, or delayed sounds
Different sound cards and systems have different tolerances for sound mixahead.
Use s_mixahead 0.1 if you have problems.
iii) ERROR MESSAGE: cannot set fullscreen dib mode upon trying to start the game.
You are attempting to launch quakeworld at a resolution, bit-depth, and refresh rate that is not
specified in your display drivers. You need to add 800x600 @ 75hz resolution to your display drivers. This is a standard resolution and refresh rate that should be within every driver model of any vendor, but in the case it is not you will need to add it manually. This can be done through the nVidia Control Panel, or the ATI Catalyst control panel.