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Maps & Textures
2007-10-07, 02:21
News Writer
493 posts

Jan 2006
yes, currently only ezQuake does. Darkplaces I know does not yet, but I've spoken with LH and I hope he adds the support. I'm pretty sure FTE does not support .link files either, but hopefully Spike or Molgrum add the support as well. convert-links.bat has been provided for those engines which don't support .link files.

edit: lordhavoc for some reason won't be implementing .link support. bug him if you want it
2007-10-07, 06:48
1026 posts

Feb 2006
edit: lordhavoc for some reason won't be implementing .link support. bug him if you want it

lol, too bad.. he implements a bunch of not really useful stuff, but no support for QRP

never liked DarkPlaces.. it's so out of sync with the other engines
it's like he tries hard to make people not to use it. :|

edited: unnecessary harsh words
god damn hippies >_<
2007-10-07, 08:36
156 posts

Mar 2007
Aquashark wrote:
edit: lordhavoc for some reason won't be implementing .link support. bug him if you want it

lol, what a dick.. he implements a bunch of shit, but no support for QRP

never liked DarkPlaces.. it's so out of sync with the other engines
it's like he tries hard to make people not use it. :|

Qrack is my baby... ;p

Good work to all the artists who made the textures in this pack! I like some of the new additions. I laughed out loud when I saw the high-res dopefish. I never thought anyone would bother to make that texture.

The only complaint I have is the new uwall1_2.tga texture. I actually liked the old version better, even if the new one resembles the original more closely. I don't like how the pattern is so obvious in a big cliff face; you can see it repeat over and over again. The old one blended nicely and wasn't too distracting.

Oh, and I absolutely love the new Grave set.
2007-10-07, 08:45
1102 posts

Jan 2006
One could simply use OS-specific symlinks (called "junction points" in NTFS). In Linux this would be as easy as running "ln <texturefile> <filepointingtoit>" from a script. Should be as easy for NTFS too.

And don't talk bad about LordHavoc, when it comes to implementing/creating standards he is one of the very "front-fighters". These .link files rather sound like a ezQuake-solo-run to me?
2007-10-07, 12:02
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
downloading .....
2007-10-08, 23:58
715 posts

May 2006
Wrote a small tool to create symbolic links in .pak-files, you could use it to make a more generic release if you want:

Just DON'T use it without making a backup of your pak-files
Edit: Give feedback!
---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
2007-10-09, 07:25
1011 posts

Feb 2006
good work molgrum

would be nice if you expand this to allow you to create a .pak from an existing directory structure - retaining any symbolic links already there

p.s. your Makefile is semi broken on linux as you turned off linking ('-c') :-)
switch to 'gcc -O3 -Wall -fmessage-length=0 -o lnpak lnpak.c'
2007-10-09, 12:17
715 posts

May 2006

The files in the sub-folder should be the newer ones, remove the ones at the root of the zip-file. You'll find the working Makefile in the sub-folder as well.
Hmm, how would I go through the files and detect symbolic list, platform-independant? I think the next step would be to be able to remove the links since atm I guess when you create the links, you're stuck with them
---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
2007-10-09, 12:29
1011 posts

Feb 2006
ofc i'm not suggesting you did it platform independently, who cares about windows

my suggested workflow would be to store QRP under version control (SVN), checked in from Linux with symbolic links where necessary, then a working version could be checked out under Linux, and a Makefile run to produce a .pak file from the repository and package it up for release.
2007-10-09, 12:55
715 posts

May 2006
Or you could create a .pak-file out of the textures you want to link to, then run a shell-script that runs the linker to create each link automatically from a predefined list.

Edit: Does anyone want to do .pk3-support?
---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
2007-10-09, 14:25
401 posts

Mar 2006
Thanks for all the hard work guys. dm3 looks awesome now.
2007-10-09, 15:14
628 posts

Jan 2006
hum, dunno if mine is working.. terror or someone, please post a screenshot..
2007-10-09, 15:26
401 posts

Mar 2006
jpg compression really makes it look a lot worse
2007-10-15, 20:35
215 posts

Mar 2006
i'm looking forward to the release of new bumpmaps, QRP's dm6 bumpmap set was ssssweeeeet
It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
2007-10-20, 19:39
News Writer
493 posts

Jan 2006

New packs are released, read our webpage or qwnu news post for more details
2007-11-07, 07:44
8 posts

Feb 2007
&#1053;i! I made two new 24bit textures. First texture only for e1m2, second for e1m2, dm3 etc.
How can I send it to you in ordet to use ones in your Revitalization project?
2007-11-07, 07:50
News Writer
493 posts

Jan 2006

go to contacts section and email it to me or private msg me a link to the textures
2007-11-07, 09:34
2058 posts

Jan 2006
ParboiL wrote:
&#1053;i! I made two new 24bit textures. First texture only for e1m2, second for e1m2, dm3 etc.
How can I send it to you in ordet to use ones in your Revitalization project?

can we see it?
2007-11-07, 11:38
8 posts

Feb 2007
Up2nOgOoD[ROCK wrote:

go to contacts section and email it to me or private msg me a link to the textures


empezar wrote:
can we see it?

2007-11-08, 13:19
1011 posts

Feb 2006
please do not compress the .pk3 that you bundle the textures into, i presume you are using winzip or something with default options, but this compression increases loading times massively for a mere 130M reduction in filesystem usage (you will still save on download size because you already place the .pk3 within another .zip for download!)

198M 2007-10-06 10:56 qrp-maptextures-2007-10-06r2.pk3
333M 2007-11-08 13:11 qrp-maptextures-2007-10-06r2-uncompressed.pk3

$ unzip -d /tmp/qrp qrp-maptextures-2007-10-06r2.pk3
$ pushd /tmp/qrp
$ zip -0r qrp-maptextures-2007-10-06r2-uncompressed.pk3 textures
$ popd
2007-11-08, 14:17
950 posts

Apr 2006
2007-11-08, 14:49
950 posts

Apr 2006
1 more MB to download but 130 MB more on the disk when unzipped, this is the uncompressed pk3 textures set:
2007-11-08, 17:23
8 posts

Feb 2007
empezar wrote:
can we see it?




2007-11-08, 18:12
2058 posts

Jan 2006
2008-05-25, 17:38
1026 posts

Feb 2006
[20:36] <AquaSharK> qrp-maptextures-2007-10-20r2-low.pk3 (15.5 MB) contains a 1.6 MB thumbs.db file
[20:37] <AquaSharK> you might wanna squeeze it out of the pk3
[20:37] <AquaSharK> since it's useless
god damn hippies >_<
2009-08-13, 03:06
2 posts

Aug 2009
I downloaded the latest model retexture pack (2005?) and was reading the readme. It spoke about renaming the files for Darkplaces. Adding a .mdl to the file name.

Seems pretty straight forward on the model_#.tga files. But on the ones without an underscore, not sure where the .mdl gets stuck in.

ie +0_med25.tga Does this become +0_med.mdl25.tga or +0_med.mdl_25.tga or does the .mdl end up some other spot in the file name?

I thank you for all the great textures, I can't wait for the map textures to be complete. Seems the bone and electrical filled ones are still in process. Looks great so far.
2009-08-13, 08:04
230 posts

Jan 2006
Hi TomCat39 and welcome to the forum!

I'm not that familiar with Darkplaces naming of replacement textures and I can't check my own installation right now cause I'm at work, but have you tried them without adding .mdl to these files e.g. +0_med25.tga?
It seems strange to add .mdl to files that are not mdl's in the first place but I could be wrong.
If one should add .mdl I guess it should look like this: +0_med25.mdl.tga.
Maybe Drugs-Bunny or someone else can clarify the readme?

Anyway thanks for your kind words about the textures and I hope we (the QRP team) can complete all textures some day

2009-08-13, 13:05
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
Moon[Drunk wrote:
']Anyway thanks for your kind words about the textures and I hope we (the QRP team) can complete all textures some day

Is there any release in the near future? Personaly I would enjoy seeing e1m2 complete
2009-08-14, 17:13
2 posts

Aug 2009
Thanks for your response Moon[Drunk], I got it figured out. Not everything in the "model" pack is an official model skin. The health packs are bsp entities and so just use the normal naming convention and I added to the retexture pk3 in the texture folder. The armor is a model and thus needs the .mdl added right after the model name ie armor, and then needs to go into the progs folder under texture.

It was a fun challenge finding all the tools I needed to actually find all the original textures in the game files. But I managed to peak at them all and decipher which textures go where and what naming scheme to use for Darkplaces.

anni wrote:
Moon[Drunk wrote:
']Anyway thanks for your kind words about the textures and I hope we (the QRP team) can complete all textures some day

Is there any release in the near future? Personaly I would enjoy seeing e1m2 complete

Shoot E1M1 being finished would be nice too ;-p

Being the entry transporters aren't done, most maps have a small affected portion.

I still don't know how one goes about adding back all the missing pixels from those blurred textures while keeping the same look and making it turn out so good, but it must not be an easy or fast task. I really appreciate the extreme hard work this project demands. Thank you and keep up the awesome work.
2009-08-16, 16:23
370 posts

Mar 2008
I would like to see all of the textures in 24bit, but I am not sure if that's even possible. And it might take a very long time. Right now I am using the 2007 pack because it's the latest you can find. Anyone else know another complete pack that might look better?
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