
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I will offer a free service so everyone can easily share all the Quake files. Are there any special things apart from "upload and get the download link" you would need/use? There will be different folders so it is a bit organised (models, movies, maps, blah).
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
what about some anti spam? or maybe a queue where everything thats uploaded ends in a temp dir, and you have to approve it before it gets moved to the correct and public location
News Writer 254 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Thats great Spirit. Fair play How much space will the service be able to provide for? I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
anti spam: Good idea but that would break "oh I have that file and want to share it NOW" situations. Would be no problem if I cast some people from around the world who get admin access. Space: Let's say 100gb for a start? :B ftp: Rather not, that would cost extra. I would agree to give access to subfolders for very selected people though. 
Member 247 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
man thats another qw-related website. maybe we should buy www.quakeworld.EU domain and link everypossible subsites (qw.nu news site, qwdrama, wiki, schedule, eql's, nqr's, future duelmania_to_be, this file service and more) to this domain.
update: lol quakeworld.eu => besmella quake :E wtf. its aussie isnt it?
Member 40 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
yeah they have been out buying alot of domains lately, maybe they recieved alot of donations back when they could not afford their hosting. besmella.com quakeworld.eu quakeworld.biz besmella-quake.com  Anyways Spirit, then the temp dir could just be public too. I'm just afraid that if it's public that the site might end up as a junkyard for non-qw related files. And that would be very sad 
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
that .eu thing is particularly a pain in the ass, a very funny joke indeed http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
rofl, I rather see besmella having .eu than qw.nu or qwdrama.com I have no grudge against them so you know, but qw.nu isn't updated very often, and "the new" qw.nu hasn't really come up yet..
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
New qw.nu will be delivered along with Duke Nuke'm forever. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
rofl, I rather see besmella having .eu than qw.nu or qwdrama.com I have no grudge against them so you know, but qw.nu isn't updated very often, and "the new" qw.nu hasn't really come up yet.. I did not say that i had anything against it either, i also find it pretty funny that besmella has the .eu domain 
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
 it truly is
Member 129 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
New qw.nu will be delivered along with Duke Nuke'm forever. Man how long we been waiting for duke now...6years?
Member 247 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
6 years?  I heard about Duke Nukem Forever since I heard about Prey (1997)
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Stop discussing old bollocks and get back to suggestions for me please.
Member 232 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
dirtbox bought those domains out of his own pocket, so he could offer the community custom Quake related email addresses. We don't get much in the way of donations, but we are eternally grateful for those we do receive.
Some of us may be Australian, but we have a policy of promoting anything Quake related, regardless of what part of the world it relates to. Hence my promotion of tourneys I'll never play in, servers I'll never play on, community stuff totally unrelated to my country etc. As long as it's Quake, we'll help spread the word.
Member 126 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
maby a registration and log in func? -_-r would be nice...
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Hm, what for? I hate needing to register if I just want to upload something.
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 312 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
It's ok. You don't need to spam.  Let's hope I'll get it done before Christmas, heh.
Member 126 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
GAH! log in ftw! ^^ you can have a "remeber me", if you're so lazy...
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
would be nice with a qw torrent site 
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
man i really want a site for uploading quake files. my aquashark.go.ro account got suspended :/
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
might be up until the end of november! For torrents you can easily use a public tracker. Just use their announce url and upload the .torrent file anywhere (don't use piratebay though, they are often slow as hell...). My host forbids setting up a tracker otherwise there already would be one. Clients like Azureus and µtorrent support DHT and can act as tracker themselves btw.  GODIS!: I still don't see why you want to register if you don't need to?
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
lol dude so just put it up and don't hype us? :/ http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I could need one or two betatester in the next few days. Mail me if you are interested.
What extensions do we need except those: .jpg, .png, .gif, .tga, .pcx, .zip, .7z, .rar, .tar.gz, .exe, .mpg, .mpg, .avi, .xvid, .divx, .ogg, .mp3, .pak, .pk3, .mdl, .md3, .cfg, .bsp?
Member 58 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
too bad about the ftp access being too costly. Will you be running this off a dedicated local server? Or a remote server storage service?
