
Member 198 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
From some servers qstat doesnt retrieve the team scores anymore. If it is possible i would like to ask to set this up properly against the latest qstat (afaik qstat's qw handling hasnt changed for years, I am not sure, if the devteam of mvdsv has messed with this stuff on their side). Also, if it is possible, please sort the players by teams in the query response - this could be very handy, especially when querying from IRC.
Member 47 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
"qstat -sort T" does something, I'm too lazy to check what tho  btw other sort-keys for players are PFTNS (ping,frags,team,name,???)
Member 405 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
From some servers qstat doesnt retrieve the team scores anymore. If it is possible i would like to ask to set this up properly against the latest qstat (afaik qstat's qw handling hasnt changed for years, I am not sure, if the devteam of mvdsv has messed with this stuff on their side). Also, if it is possible, please sort the players by teams in the query response - this could be very handy, especially when querying from IRC.
regards What is Team scores? Also team tag per player was added to mvdsv NOT far away, i doubt much programs support this. Also team tag optional, since we do not want to break old programs, so u need update ur query request to obtain team per player. Sorting is ur busines, not mvdsv.
Member 198 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
You modified the mvdsv so it doesnt work as it used to anymore and I dont expect the author of qstat to update his program every time you decide to change something. Making sure it's compatible backwars is your business.
Member 405 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
You modified the mvdsv so it doesnt work as it used to anymore and I dont expect the author of qstat to update his program every time you decide to change something. Making sure it's compatible backwars is your business. I agreed with last sentence 90%. Some additional explanation required, give me example of what we broke, sure in subject of this thread.
Member 47 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 47 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
And yeah, Faustov is correct...
<Term> !qw q qw.dybbuk.de:27600 <qwstat> Dybbuk Gehenna #1 ([fs] vs. cmf)‡ [dm2] (8/8) (4/4) dm:1 tp:2 - 2 min left <Term> no "$(RULE:score)" (if ur using qstat & template) like I do
compare with.. <Term> !qw q wargamez.dk:27501 <qwstat> WarGamez.dk #47 QW Allround (pimp vs. eQ|)‡ [dm2] (8/8) (1/6) dm:1 tp:2 - [pimp]16:[eQ|]9 - 19 min left
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
This happens because KTX doesn't display scores in rules like KTPro does.
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
This happens because KTX doesn't display scores in rules like KTPro does. serverinfo?
