
Member 62 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
______________________________ Howto install EZQuake (1754) on OSX Version 1.0 by nopee 2006-12-22 ______________________________
WHAT IS THIS? This Howto will show you how to install EZQuake (Build 1754) on OSX for Macintosh. EZQuake (Build 1754) is much more difficult to install than previous versions, I had some problems anyhow. I hope this Howto will help everyone having problems installing EZQuake on OSX.
EZQuake (1754) #1 Download EZQuake "ezquake.sourceforge.net" and install it in you're Quake-dir.
XCODE. #1 Download and install Xcode "http://developer.apple.com/tools/download/", (It's also avalible on your OSX DVD)
PCRE #1 Download PCRE "http://mustalainen.se/nopee/QW/OSX/pcre-7.0.tar" and extract it. #2 cd pcre-7.0.tar.gz #3 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local CFLAGS=-01 #4 make #5 sudo make install
EXPAT. #1 Download EXPAT "http://mustalainen.se/nopee/QW/OSX/expat-2.0.0.tar" and extract it. #2 cd expat-2.0.0 #3 ./configure --mandir /usr/local/share/man/CFLAGS=-02 #4 make #5 sudo make install
LIBPNG #1 Download LIBPNG "http://mustalainen.se/nopee/QW/OSX/libpng-1.2.14.tar" and extract it. #2 cd libpng-1.2.14 #3 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local #4 make #5 sudo make install
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
nice guide!
why do you need xcode, pcre and expat?
Member 62 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
xcode is for compiling pcre, expat and libpng.
I dont know what the first two packages is for but EZQuake is searching for files from those packages if you dont have them installed.
Member 151 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Damn. It seems Oldman make a build with dynamic-linked libraries =:-\ So you have to install all this libraries (pcre=Perl Compitable Regular Expressions, and expat is XML parser) :E kill me now and burn my soul
Member 62 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Disconnect: So i guess those packages shoudnt be required for this build? Maby I kan skip en for next EZ build then?
Member 1011 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Damn. It seems Oldman make a build with dynamic-linked libraries =:-\ So you have to install all this libraries (pcre=Perl Compitable Regular Expressions, and expat is XML parser) :E they are dynamically linked but included in the .app bundle (that is how you do it on mac) and should be referenced there but there were some problems with the recent release for some reason on the thread with povohat i told him how to fix it using symbolic links i'll release a fixed version at some point
Member 37 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
i have installed the above libraries through macports. with that i was able to see the splash menu. however when i try to click "play" i do get an error. running from the terminal the exact error is: ./EZQuake-GL.app/Contents/MacOS/EZQuake-GL EZQuake-GL(433,0xa000ed88) malloc: *** vm_allocate(size=3630071808) failed (error code=3) EZQuake-GL(433,0xa000ed88) malloc: *** error: can't allocate region EZQuake-GL(433,0xa000ed88) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug 2006-12-29 11:25:17.544 EZQuake-GL[433] An error has occured: Q_malloc: Not enough memory free; check disk space any ideas what may be wrong? the allocation size seems a bit high?
Member 6 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
First I'd like to thank you for supporting the Mac community. More and more people are migrating to Mac and I think it's great we have a version to play Quake.
I installed everything needed to get the app running on my MacBook. For some reason the screen is stretched vertically when I load into a game from the console...I tried playing at different resolutions but that did not work. How do I fix this problem?
Have you put any thought into porting Qrack to a Mac Universal binary? Qrack is the best NQ Quake engine to date.
Member 4 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
i have installed the above libraries through macports. with that i was able to see the splash menu. however when i try to click "play" i do get an error. running from the terminal the exact error is: ./EZQuake-GL.app/Contents/MacOS/EZQuake-GL EZQuake-GL(433,0xa000ed88) malloc: *** vm_allocate(size=3630071808) failed (error code=3) EZQuake-GL(433,0xa000ed88) malloc: *** error: can't allocate region EZQuake-GL(433,0xa000ed88) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug 2006-12-29 11:25:17.544 EZQuake-GL[433] An error has occured: Q_malloc: Not enough memory free; check disk space any ideas what may be wrong? the allocation size seems a bit high? Same here. But the earlier version works fine...
Member 62 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
First I'd like to thank you for supporting the Mac community. More and more people are migrating to Mac and I think it's great we have a version to play Quake.
I installed everything needed to get the app running on my MacBook. For some reason the screen is stretched vertically when I load into a game from the console...I tried playing at different resolutions but that did not work. How do I fix this problem?
Have you put any thought into porting Qrack to a Mac Universal binary? Qrack is the best NQ Quake engine to date. I had the same problem when i first started EZQuake, just change your -conwidth and -conheight in your startupline. I play with -conwidth 320 -conheight -240 I hope it works for you, gl!
Member 62 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i have installed the above libraries through macports. with that i was able to see the splash menu. however when i try to click "play" i do get an error. running from the terminal the exact error is: ./EZQuake-GL.app/Contents/MacOS/EZQuake-GL EZQuake-GL(433,0xa000ed88) malloc: *** vm_allocate(size=3630071808) failed (error code=3) EZQuake-GL(433,0xa000ed88) malloc: *** error: can't allocate region EZQuake-GL(433,0xa000ed88) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in szone_error to debug 2006-12-29 11:25:17.544 EZQuake-GL[433] An error has occured: Q_malloc: Not enough memory free; check disk space any ideas what may be wrong? the allocation size seems a bit high? Maby you shoudnt install the libaries through macports? Thats the only difference between my and you're libaries, and I suppose you have an IntelMac?
Member 1011 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
all the libraries you need are in ./EZQuake-GL/Contents/SharedSupport/ you just need to setup symbolic links in /opt/local/lib using the generic names required by the binary
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
i temporarily moved my macport created libs to another directory and filled up the new empty lib dir with the libs found in the .app. i have created the needed symlinks but the error persists with these libs too  EDIT: i did some quick debugging and apparently the error occurs when it tries to read id1/pak0.pak. found the following infos in the backtrace of FS_LoadPackFile: header = { id = "PACK", dirofs = 1468667393, dirlen = -1068236800 } i wonder if those numbers are correct. maybe this release is using wrong byteorder conversion for some reason? when look at the first number and make a byte conversion i end up in a number at around 18mio.. which could represent 18mb which indeed pak0.pak is in size.
Member 1011 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
yes looks like the endian swapping for the PPC version hasn't worked  i'll release a fixed version asap in the new year
Member 58 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
any word on this fixed version, oldman?
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
#3 ./configure --mandir/usr/local/share/man/CFLAGS=-02 should be: #3 ./configure --mandir /usr/local/share/man/ CFLAGS=-02
Member 62 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 62 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Oldman: any news about the new compile?
Member 1011 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
hopefully fixed version available here
