
Member 355 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Hud Drag and Drop Editor I don't think that this is something the ezQuake dev team should use their limited time on, this can be done in some standalone program, not that it's not a good idea  Well true, but it's definitely something I would like to see!  Demo rewinding is the option I voted for anyway.
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Imho, the most important thing is to make it a little more accessible to the nooblets. A menu system with relevant, useful commands is paramount to this. A cfg save button, and maybe a few gfx variables, to avoid the painful process of teaching the nubs about console commands and fiddling about in their quake directory when the whole file/folder system is quite foreign to some of them. :/ My motivations aren't completely selfless, though. I'm sick of walking noobs through the slow, annoying setup process.  In conclusion: MORE MENU STUFF FTW!
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Next version will have menus + no need for command line extraordinary options.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
thx johnny and the team! you have made good choices. make the menu friendly for noobs plz. Maybe start a new thread to discuss commands available in the menu ? Tip of the day should be real easy to implement also, right after the ezquake startup. thanks! for all! one step at a time  never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 151 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
i think we owe alot to the ezquake team for keeping the qw community solid. By this I mean developing a brilliant client that is tournament standard, with loads of up-to-date features and customizability, but also for being fully involved with the qw players themselves and constantly looking to them for ideas and support. Also the irc channel enabling fairly instant technical support is excellent.
I think if it wasn't for ezquake - the last updated client for qw - new players and some old would be looking to more modern games for their thrills.
Big up yaselves!
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
mouse-driven menus so that you can fix your config straight inside the game!
Take a look at q3/q4 etc.. they can fix their configs straight inside the game.
1, Get quake -> Fquake 2, Setup configs inside the game -> ? (get this function in ezQuake) 3, Connect to server from inside the game -> ezQuake SB (isnt as newbie friendly as it can be) 4, Community, help, forums -> qw.nu/forum, #qwhelp , eql/nqr/duelmania/ownage etc.. 5, Watch and spectate a big QW game with no lag and no strange config stuff -> QTV (needs to be fixed) 6, Servers -> When we are there, we will get them
so What ezQuake can do is to get (2) Setup configs in a newbie friendly way, so goes for the (3) ServerBrowser. Its not newbie friendly, yes its good for the experience guy but not for the guy that just got fQuake.
We gotta work in steps, after that, if those are locked then we can move forward to (5) QTV and the whole spectate feeling. If we got all this working the servers will apear.
Any questions or addons? I believe we can improve this list but you haveto look at the beginners point-of-view and not yours. Yes you want those little things like "demo rewind" or "Map browser" but be real here for a second.
You get fQuake Get inside ezQuake and setup your shooting buttons/jumps etc.. in 10 secs and can just go back to the server browser that looks like the one in Q3/4 etc.. You dont have to do anything more than just jump inside the SB-menu and it will automatically get the servers closest to you with players on them. Mostly FFA servers with players on them. Have the SB hoocked on a master and after that the guy is in the game, firring his RL and getting into the game. He goes back and sees Quakeworld.nu/forum he looks for new huds etc, just to spice his config up now that he likes the game. Finds Blueyonder QW movie archive and downloads DDE2 and just starts jerking of at it! Now after 1 week of FFA he moves to 1on1 servers after he has downloaded servers.txt. 1on1 and eventually some 4on4 mix games. Looks for a clan after spectating those good 4on4 games with Sassa and Hangtime commentating them. Finds Jägarna and starts his 4on4 carrier.
This is the way it should go.. am I right or wrong?
Well this was kind of my way into QW and I hope you other ppl are going on this line with me! late and im tired /Sassa
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
agree 100% sassa. that's why I voted for menu mouse as well. I dont know if you've heard but ezquake's next release will have completely redone menus thanks in large to Johnny_cz. Definitely a step in the right direction 
Member 312 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Kk, Mouse driven menu so...
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I'm a bit hesitant to the easy-to-setup rush. Sure, Q3/Q4 has some setup options in the menus, but it's basically the same stuff that QW has, isn't it? I've played a bit of Q3 throughout the years and it's always been necessary to use console commands to get brightskins and other non-standard stuff to work. The options menu in Q3 is really only used to get rid of the most annoying gfx stuff. Maybe things are better in the more recent versions of the CPMA mod though as the CPL only allows settings to be changed via the menu. That's not for the newbies though, but more the way for the league to prohibit unallowed console commands (which could be a too high picmip value, for example). If the players can't setup the game using the console (in combination with the options menu) then why would they want to play a game as hardcore as QW at all? New players are probably coming from games where the console is necessary anyway. EditIf you ask me what we need, then it's more newbie only tournaments. Someone setup a 1on1 tournament for new players please.  This is a bit offtopic though, pardon me.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I wouldn't try to find any examples in other Quake series. They have now same problem as QW - ppl leaving for other games. All Quake games are following the same scheme. Try Warsow (still a bit Quake-ish), Enemy Territory, Call of Duty and such. Find inspiration there, not just in Quake, where you always have console, settings and such.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Even tough warsow is a new game which many fancies, i don't think it has a bigger scene than any of the quake games? The other games you mentioned though, along with CS, CS:Source etc have much more players and that's because they're just not Quakeish.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I want unzipping of demos in .tar-files :/
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I wouldn't try to find any examples in other Quake series. They have now same problem as QW - ppl leaving for other games. All Quake games are following the same scheme. Try Warsow (still a bit Quake-ish), Enemy Territory, Call of Duty and such. Find inspiration there, not just in Quake, where you always have console, settings and such. Yeah, I have played lots of games. Not played but tried! My irl friends are COD lovers, and I know how they think, they fix their configs in the menu, takes like 10 sek to fix! I have played ET, COD, COD2, Warsow etc... in all of those they have 1, config in game (eazy) 2, serverbrowser that can eazly connect to a really good server. imo if you wanna tweek your game as good as it gets then you will open up the config and start tweeking it.... We should have the basic stuff in the menu's so ppl can fix it fast, like brightskins should be default and more stuff that is needed. Teamplay cfg etc.. should not be in the config, since we aim that the newbies start playing ffa and then move on to 1on1 or perhaps 2on2 if they are into it. if we get 1 of 5 players that download fquake then we will get around 20-30 players / day and think of the players that get stuck, think of the commercial they will give other ppl.... and it goes on and on! ParadokS had a good idea of a FFA mod that contains ranking and scores, that would be something that KTX should perhaps fix if they got time, but that is not something we need right now! Ingame menues with mouse etc.. would be fantastic!!!! at last I can give QW to my friends and they can try the game out! vid_restart should have a button... what more? cant think of stuff now :/
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
change your resolution inside QW
imo the whole cmdline thingy sux!!
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Next version will have menus + no need for command line extraordinary options. LOVE YOU
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
"Player setup"
should take away the color thingy of the player and add so that you can choose what color enemys should have and what color team should have!!!
so if you choose green, enemys should have green.pcx skin etc..
Member 13 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
What about client improvements if they are possible? Anything that would help reduce visual latency that is beyond the known tweaks. Is there any room for improvement in the netcode?
Would it be possible to make a command to adjust the sensitivity of left mouse movement vs. right mouse movement? My wrist moves more easily in one direction..
Just some ideas. Волшебник
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
sassa talking about cg_teamcolor / cg_enemycolors in q3? that would be awesome for sure
Member 85 posts
Registered: May 2006
I know plenty of q3 players who refuse to play qw because they basically couldn't be stuffed to figure out new cmd's. We need to get as much config as possible into the menu's, mouse driven or not.
P.S. Team aspect menu from Warsow, ftw.
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Looks like mouse-driven menus and demo-rewinding are topping the polls.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I know plenty of q3 players who refuse to play qw because they basically couldn't be stuffed to figure out new cmd's. We need to get as much config as possible into the menu's, mouse driven or not.
P.S. Team aspect menu from Warsow, ftw. would own to just play qw without cmdlines.. it should already be in the .exe file or something 
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
seanos, q3 is exactly like that too, took me a day to setup q3cpma, but I'm not finished... neither can anyone starting quakeworld.. patience I mean c'mon, if they won't make themselves a decent setup because it's too hard? then I'm not really gonna support them or help them see, all you have to do is ask, not go: this was hard, I'm back to whatevergame
Member 69 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
mouse driven menus? noobish. how about get rid of menu all together /exec omgiwrotea.cfg
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
Member 151 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
mouse driven menus? noobish. how about get rid of menu all together /exec omgiwrotea.cfg and if you read the thread you'll see that this is mainly for the noobs who wish to start playing qw but dont know how to write a cfg. So its noobish cos it is for noobs.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Client side minping. very good idea vvd
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
client side minping is actually a really bad idea (no offense to VVD, of course). With wallhacks, aimbots, etc it's SOMEWHAT easier to detect if the person is stupid. But with client-side minping, anyone can hack ezquake to validate but disable the minping feature, and NO ONE WOULD EVER KNOW.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
']client side minping is actually a really bad idea (no offense to VVD, of course). With wallhacks, aimbots, etc it's SOMEWHAT easier to detect if the person is stupid. But with client-side minping, anyone can hack ezquake to validate but disable the minping feature, and NO ONE WOULD EVER KNOW. yeah that would be fucked up
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
2Up2nOgOoD[ROCK]: server calculate ping and if client hacked and don't add delay, then server show correct ping. And all players can to see hacker in players list. :-P
Member 5 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
I'd like to see 2d on-screen graphic items (ammo, numbers, statusbar-background, even the conback, ...) get affected by gl_texturemode gl_nearest, like FTE or FODQUAKE offer. The blurry look of the default sbar and graphics on the hud just suck. Another nice feature I'd like to see is something FTE has too and is also something to make gl look more like sw: make the particles square when using gl_nearest!
