3 posts
Jan 2007
Greetings! I've played QW back in the day when it was new but I abandoned it a while back in favor of Q2 and Q3 when they came along. Sadly, I'm stuck on a slow computer. The good news is that it runs QW nicely (at least with fuhquake and at 512x384)... I'm interested in getting back into the game, but there's just too many choices. Fuhquake seems nice and simple, but what's the most popular? I need something that can scale down nicely as this video card on this machine is horrible. Do different clients work together? (as in connect to the same servers) Is there any config tweaks I need to make out of the box for net performance or is it pretty much set up in most clients? Also, do said clients have good internal server browsers or do I need an external one? Fuhquake's server browser is lacking at best... Need US servers, too. =( Thanks in advance!
1026 posts
Feb 2006
518 posts
Jan 2006
2059 posts
Jan 2006
ezQuake is probably the most popular as it's still being developed, Fuhquake is a dead project. EzQuake is based on Fuhquake too so it has the same stuff, and loads more on top of that. One example is a proper serverbrowser.

All Quakeworld clients connects to the same servers, it's just that some clients may have extra features that other clients lacks. To get started i'd just download
fQuake as it comes with quite a bunch of stuff. Just a short answer, hopefully more people will fill you in.
3 posts
Jan 2007
Wow, I didn't expect such quick replies. Thanks. I'll IRC it up. =O
2058 posts
Jan 2006
i think fuhquake will run smoother than ezquake (running with the same graphics), just a hunch though...