2058 posts
Jan 2006
i'm running the opengl version of ezquake on os x, and i have these 4 issues right now:
1. i cant get the console up, do I need to change my keyboard mapping before starting qw or do I need to use some custom ezquake keymapping?
2. the mouse feels like it's lagging like 40ms or so behind, it feels a bit worse than vsync, actually a lot worse. is there any solution to this? i'm using an mx518.
3. the console is lagging like shit when qw is initially started, when i load a map it stops lagging though
4. the fps is great but it still doesn't feel like it's great, feels more like it's shit

i have a macbook 2ghz 2gb
23 posts
Jan 2007
I have similar problem
I have MacBook sporting new OSX. ( 4gb RAM and SHIT, plus NVIDIA )
When I restart the system and start EzQuake it's perfectly working, but after a few seconds the frame rate drops like SHIT, mouse is working as it should... but the sceen is like.... I don't know - SCRATCHING ? I believe it's FPS related problem...
Has anyone had same problem....if yes, how to get rid of that ?
344 posts
Nov 2006
1. I think EZQuake uses native keyboard layout. So you might have to find the "~" key on yours. I can remember that at some point I tried to detect the raw key code from the key below ESC and trigger toggleconsole - but test machines were scarce so it may not work as desired. Rebinding that particular key should work though. Unless the key is not triggering at all inside EZQuake.
2. I always was under the same impression. I have no workarounds for that.
3. I never experienced that. Then again it has been ages since I started up EZQuake. I was using and old Intel GMA.. which means I was kind of lagging all the time. Are there multiple GPUs in that macbook? Maybe it switches to the faster one at some point?
4. I think this may be related to point 2. I think MVD demo watching was always ok. Just when you touch the mouse things become ugly.
The mac portions of EZQuake are horribly old. The Fruitz of Dojo Quake (where I think the original code was taken from) has been updated several times since but was not updated into EZQuake. It may fix several things if it was done..
I decided to actually rewrite that code myself. Since the EZQuake code was in such a poor condition I didn't really feel like fixing it right there. FodQuake was so nicely abstracted to support portability to new systems so I put it there. I think it works quite nicely. I just don't feel like figuring out how to port that one over to EZQuake. But I can only encourage volunteers to do it :-) But since EZQuake seems to be at a hiatus currently I'm not so sure..
1025 posts
Apr 2006
I actually bought a Mac some week ago, I might look your stuff up Tuna, now that I can actually try it also