First half of Ownage - Round4
(1) Gamer vs fifiFinnish battle #1
The two finish superstars head against each other in this big game.
Both well recognized for their 4on4 play will show us some good low ping action.
Saw gamer a few days ago vs insane with ping 50 on the kurwa maps,
playing in aggressively enough to make griffin shake his head.
Ztn is The map gamer will choose and I believe without any information
that Fifi will choose aerowalk.
The battle will end up on TB3 with a decider and it can go anyway, but
I will go with gamer since he has been playing more than fifi.
(2) pkk vs twistAnother finish battle.
Not much to say than that pkk will win vs twist, sry twist but I don't
think you can handle pkk.
PKK winning on dm4 and we will eventually have a 2-0 win here or at
most if twist gets lucky a 2-1 win for pkk.
(3) gamer vs pkkTough on dm4 for gamer but if he doesn't succeed there he
will win on the upcoming 2 maps and take it home
(4) locktar vs skissolocktar will take it home with 2-0, both are very aggressive players
but more routine for lock.
(5) doris(seese) vs kp/jukkaDoris is seese if you guys did not know, he will win vs mja and move forward
in the clash vs kp/jukka (
Monday evening Febuary 5th) were I believe kp will be victorious in with his supershaft
and great aerwalk game, but jukka can disappoint here.
Seese will win the game how ever the outcome will be in kp/jukka game.
Great aerowalk game between kp and seese if kp gets through.
(6) Seese vs locktarSeese will win but I think he will have some problems on dm2 vs speedy-lock.
2-1 or 2-0 for see but I think 2-0!
(7) locus vs rock (murdoc)Locust blasting blasta (note the joke) and moving on to face either rock or murdoc.
Rock will go through eazly vs murdoc (
Friday 18 CET ) , maps dm4 (rock) and dm6 (mur) will both be wins for
rock but who knows if mur chooses aero instead, he got bigger chances of winning there than on dm6
Dm4 will be fucking awesome game in locus vs rock. can go either way but I believe in the oldie [zr]Rock.
(8) fix vs domindo I need to even say this?
Fix will win vs both apokalypze and domin who I think will win vs lbn...
not much to say...
(9) rock vs fixThe Finnish battle #2, but its not hard to figure this one out
ZTN will bring fix down.. and just a note, fix is not in shape...
2-0 for rock and fix down to LB sry dude...
(10) insane vs jus (moose)kurwa ping can be a factor here..
Both jus and moose are not in shape to play with that high ping vs the well known slacker.
Jus will beat moose 2-1 and face insane.
Insane with his kurwa ping and kurwa maps will go through with 2-1
(11) inter vs piranha (?)The QHLAN finalist The-Interceptor will win 2-0, no question asked!! lets move forward.
(12) insane vs interkurwa pings but now insane is facing inter.. sry dude 2-0 at most 2-1 if u manage to win 1 map in overtime
Thats it for this half of ownage round4, I might write for the second half of round4 if I got the energy.. if u wanna do it, then do it
If you think I'm wrong then explain yourself
again, just my thoughts!