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Member 84 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 192 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
FUCKING CHEATER! *scnr* ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_wink.png)
Member 192 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
What is strange is: I use Defs Quakeworld teambinds. And when I play 2v2 oder 4v4 and I report _lost, it always writes a X instead of the number of enemies around. But my lost command looks like: alias _msgLost "say_team $\$nick $_lostBubble lost $[{%d}$] %E" Where %E should be the number of enemies. But I always shows me X ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_unhappy.png)
Member 247 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
it will never show u number of enemies - its only for your team mates. its invisible for you - and its been since times of qizmo.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Puting up slackers team cfg here incase murdocs link disappears echo ^S^l^a^c^k^e^r^s ^t^p ^c^f^g ^l^o^a^d^e^d echo ^C^r^e^a^t^e^d ^b^y: murdoc
//Item Names tp_name_rl "rl" tp_name_lg "lg" tp_name_ga "{&c0b0ga&cfff}" tp_name_ya "{&cff0ya&cfff}" tp_name_ra "{&cf00ra&cfff}" tp_name_armor "armor" tp_name_armortype_ga "ga" tp_name_armortype_ya "ya" tp_name_armortype_ra "ra" tp_name_quad "{&c05fquad&cfff}" tp_name_pent "{&cf00pent&cfff}" tp_name_ring "{&cff0ring&cfff}" tp_name_mh "{&c0a0mega&cfff}" tp_name_backpack "{&cfffpack&cfff}" tp_name_enemy "{&cf00enemy&cfff}" tp_name_quaded "quaded" tp_name_pented "pented" tp_name_eyes "eyes" tp_name_someplace " " tp_name_at "at" tp_name_separator "$x20"
//Item Need Amounts tp_need_weapon "87" tp_need_ga "70" tp_need_ya "70" tp_need_ra "70" tp_need_shells "0" tp_need_nails "0" tp_need_cells "0"
//User Created Variables set nick "nick:"
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // A L I A S E S // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
alias _coming "say_team $\$nick coming $[{%l}$]" alias _epowerups "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy %q" alias _getpent "say_team $\$nick get $tp_name_pent" alias _getquad "say_team $\$nick get $tp_name_quad" alias _help "say_team $\$nick HELP $[{%l}$] " alias _need "if $need != $tp_name_nothing then _need2" alias _need2 "say_team $\$nick need %u" alias _quadover "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_quad over" alias _safe "say_team $\$nick $G$G $[{%l}$] $bestweapon:{$bestammo}" alias _slipped "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy slipped $[{tele}$]" alias _report "if $qt$powerups$qt = $qt$tp_name_none$qt then _report01 else _report02" alias _report01 "if $qt$tp_name_lg$qt isin $qt$weapons$qt then _report03 else _report07" alias _report02 "if $qt$tp_name_lg$qt isin $qt$weapons$qt then _report04 else _report05" alias _report03 "if $qt$bestweapon$qt = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then _report07 else _report06" alias _report04 "if $qt$bestweapon$qt = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then _report07 else _report06" alias _report05 "_report07" alias _report06 "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $bestweapon:{$bestammo} lg:{$cells} $[{%l}$] $powerups" alias _report07 "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $bestweapon:{$bestammo} $[{%l}$] $powerups" alias _switch "say_team $\$nick replace $[{%l}$]" alias _took "if $took isin $tp_name_nothing then _nothing else if $took isin $tp_name_quad then _took3 else if $took isin $tp_name_pent then _took3 else if $took isin $tp_name_ring then _took3 else _took2" alias _took2 "say_team $\$nick took $took $[{%Y}$]" alias _took3 "say_team $\$nick team %p" alias _tpowerups "say_team $\$nick team %p" alias _need_tpowerups "if $tp_name_quad isin $powerups then _tpowerups else if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups then _tpowerups else if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups then _tpowerups else _need" alias _nothing "" alias _lost "say_team $\$nick $R$R $[{%d}$] %E" alias _attack "say_team $\$nick $R$R attack $[{%d}$] %E"
alias _point "if $qt$point$qt = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_red then _pointEPowerup else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_green then else _point2" alias _point2 "say_team $\$nick %x at $[{%y}$]" alias _pointEPowerup "if $qt$tp_name_eyes$qt isin $qt$point$qt then _msgPointG else _pointEPowerup2" alias _pointEPowerup2 "if $qt$tp_name_quaded$qt isin $qt$point$qt then _pointEQ else _pointEPowerup3" alias _pointEPowerup3 "if $qt$tp_name_pented$qt isin $qt$point$qt then _msgPointP else _msgPointG" alias _pointEQ "if $qt$tp_name_pented$qt isin $qt$point$qt then _msgPointQP else _msgPointQ" alias _msgPointG "say_team $\$nick %x at $[{%y}$]" alias _msgPointP "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_pented $tp_name_enemy at $[{%y}$]" alias _msgPointQ "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_quaded $tp_name_enemy at $[{%y}$]" alias _msgPointQP "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_quad $tp_name_pented $tp_name_enemy at $[{%y}$]"
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // T E A M P L A Y C O M M A N D S // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
tp_pickup powerups armor mh ssg sng gl rl lg pack rockets cells tp_took powerups armor mh ssg sng gl rl lg pack rockets cells tp_point powerups armor players mh ssg sng gl rl lg sng pack rockets cells
filter clear
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // K E Y B I N D I N G S // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
bind x "_safe" // location safe bind x "_help" // need help at location bind x "_lost" // location lost bind x "_slipped" // enemy through tele bind x "_switch" // replace location bind x "_coming // coming from location bind x "_took" // took item at location bind x "_report" // report your status armor/health weapon powerups bind x "_getquad" // get quad bind x "_getpent" // get pent bind x "shownick;_point" // if you point teammate it shows health/armor ingame, else it points item at location bind x "_epowerups" // enemy powerup bind x "_quadover" // quad over bind x "_need_tpowerups" // reports need item if you don't have powerup, else it reports team powerup bind x "_attack" // attack positon where you last died
Member 163 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
here's my addition to the colored team script: scr_coloredText "1"
set nick "xxx"
// binds
bind x ".safe" bind x ".help" bind x ".lost" bind x ".getquad" bind x ".getpent" bind x ".epowerup" bind x ".quaddead" bind x ".coming" bind x ".took" bind x ".point;shownick" bind x ".report" bind x ".need" bind x ".switch" bind x ".awaiting" bind x ".trick"
// tp settings
tp_name_axe "{axe}" tp_name_sg "{sg}" tp_name_ssg "{ssg}" tp_name_ng "{ng}" tp_name_sng "{sng}" tp_name_gl "{gl}" tp_name_rl "{rl}" tp_name_lg "{lg}" tp_name_ga "{&c0b0ga&cfff}" tp_name_ya "{&cff0ya&cfff}" tp_name_ra "{&cf00ra&cfff}" tp_name_armortype_ga "{&c0b0g&cfff}" tp_name_armortype_ya "{&cff0y&cfff}" tp_name_armortype_ra "{&cf00r&cfff}" tp_name_shells "{shells}" tp_name_nails "{nails}" tp_name_rockets "{rockets}" tp_name_cells "{cells}" tp_name_quad "{&c01fquad&cfff}" tp_name_pent "{&cf00pent&cfff}" tp_name_ring "{&cff0ring&cfff}" tp_name_suit "{&c0b0suit&cfff}" tp_name_mh "{&c09fmega&cfff}" tp_name_health "{health}" tp_name_armor "{armor}" tp_name_weapon "{weapon}" tp_name_backpack "{pack}" tp_name_flag "{flag}" tp_name_sentry "{sentry gun}" tp_name_disp "{dispenser}" tp_name_teammate "" tp_name_enemy "{&cf00enemy&cfff}" tp_name_eyes "{&cff0eyes&cfff}" tp_name_quaded "{&c05fquaded&cfff}" tp_name_pented "{&cf00penta&cfff}" tp_name_status_green "$G" tp_name_status_yellow "$Y" tp_name_status_red "$R" tp_name_status_blue "$B" tp_name_rune4 "{regeneration rune}" tp_name_rune3 "{haste rune}" tp_name_rune2 "{strength rune}" tp_name_rune1 "{resistance rune}" tp_name_someplace " " tp_name_at " " tp_name_nothing "{nothing}" tp_name_none "" tp_name_separator "$x20"
tp_need_rl "1" tp_need_weapon "87" tp_need_ga "70" tp_need_ya "70" tp_need_ra "70" tp_need_shells "0" tp_need_nails "0" tp_need_rockets "5" tp_need_cells "0" tp_need_health "50"
teamcolor 4 enemycolor 12
tp_pickup powerups armor mh lg rl gl sng pack tp_took default tp_point default
filter clear
// set loc_name_quad "&c01fquad&cfff" set loc_name_pent "&cf00pent&cfff" set loc_name_ring "&cff0ring&cfff" set loc_name_suit "&c0b0suit&cfff" set loc_name_ga "&c0b0ga&cfff" set loc_name_gl "gl" set loc_name_mh "&c09fmega&cfff" set loc_name_ng "ng" set loc_name_ra "&cf00ra&cfff" set loc_name_rl "rl" set loc_name_separator "-" set loc_name_sng "sng" set loc_name_ssg "ssg" set loc_name_ya "&cff0ya&cfff"
// neutral
alias .awaiting "say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 awaiting $[{%l}$]"
alias .need "if $need != $tp_name_nothing ..need_01 else" alias ..need_01 "if $tp_name_quad isin $powerups ..need_02 else if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups ..need_02 else if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups ..need_02 else ..need_03" alias ..need_02 "say_team $\$nick $G$G team $powerups need $need" alias ..need_03 "say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 need $need $[{%l}$]"
alias .point "if $health < 1 ..point_01 else ..point_02" alias ..point_01 "..tp_point_02;if $qt$point$qt = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_red then say_team $\$nick $ledpoint$ledpoint %x at $[{%y}$] else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_yellow then say_team $\$nick $B$B %x at $[{%y}$] else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_green then else say_team $\$nick $ledpoint$ledpoint %x at $[{%y}$];..tp_point_01" alias ..point_02 "if $qt$point$qt = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_red then say_team $\$nick $ledpoint$ledpoint %x at $[{%y}$] else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_yellow then say_team $\$nick $B$B %x at $[{%y}$] else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_green then else say_team $\$nick $ledpoint$ledpoint %x at $[{%y}$]" alias ..tp_point_01 "tp_point powerups armor players mh lg rl gl sng pack rockets" alias ..tp_point_02 "tp_point powerups armor players mh lg rl gl sng rockets"
alias .quaddead "say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 $tp_name_quad {dead}"
alias .report "if $health < 1 .lost else ..report_01" alias ..report_01 "if $bestweapon = $tp_name_sg ..report_02 else if $bestweapon = $tp_name_ng ..report_02 else ..report_05" alias ..report_02 "if $tp_name_quad isin $powerups ..report_03 else if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups ..report_03 else if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups ..report_03 else ..report_04" alias ..report_03 "say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 %p {%h}/{%a}%A {%l}" alias ..report_04 "say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 {%h}/{%a}%A {%l}" alias ..report_05 "if $tp_name_quad isin $powerups ..report_06 else if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups ..report_06 else if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups ..report_06 else ..report_07" alias ..report_06 "if $tp_name_lg isin $weapons ...report_06_01 else say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 %p {%h}/{%a}%A$.%b {%l}" alias ...report_06_01 "if $bestweapon != $tp_name_lg say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 %p {%h}/{%a}%A$.{rlg}:$rockets {%l} else say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 {%p} {%h}/{%a}%A$.%b {%l}" alias ..report_07 "if $tp_name_lg isin $weapons ...report_07_01 else say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 {%h}/{%a}%A$.%b {%l}" alias ...report_07_01 "if $bestweapon != $tp_name_lg say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 {%h}/{%a}%A$.{rlg}:$rockets {%l} else say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 {%h}/{%a}%A$.%b {%l}"
alias .took "if $took = $tp_name_nothing ..took_01 else ..took_02" alias ..took_01 ".need" alias ..took_02 "if $took = $tp_name_quad ..took_03 else if $took = $tp_name_pent ..took_03 else if $took = $tp_name_ring ..took_03 else ..took_05" alias ..took_03 "if $need = $tp_name_nothing ..took_04 else ..need_02" alias ..took_04 "say_team $\$nick $G$G team $powerups" alias ..took_05 "say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 took $took $[{%Y}$]"
// safe
alias .safe "if $bestweapon = $tp_name_rl ..safe_01 else if $bestweapon = $tp_name_lg ..safe_01 else ..safe_02" alias ..safe_01 "say_team $\$nick $G$G safe $[{%l}$] (%b)" alias ..safe_02 "say_team $\$nick $G$G safe $[{%l}$]"
// important
alias .coming "if $health < 1 .lost else ..coming_01" alias ..coming_01 "say_team $\$nick $Y$Y coming $[{%l}$]"
alias .getquad "say_team $\$nick $Y$Y get $tp_name_quad"
alias .getpent "say_team $\$nick $Y$Y get $tp_name_pent"
alias .help "if $health < 1 .lost else ..help_01" alias ..help_01 "say_team $\$nick $Y$Y help $[{%l}$] e:%E"
alias .switch "say_team $\$nick $Y$Y switch $[{%l}$]"
alias .trick "say_team $\$nick $Y$Y trick $[{%l}$]"
// dangerous
alias .epowerup "say_team $\$nick $R$R $tp_name_enemy %q"
alias .lost "if $health > 0 ..lost_01 else ..lost_02" alias ..lost_01 "say_team $\$nick $R$R lost $[{%d}$] e:%E" alias ..lost_02 "if $weapon = $tp_name_rl ..lost_03 else if $weapon = $tp_name_lg ..lost_03 else ..lost_04" alias ..lost_03 "say_team $\$nick $R$R lost $[{%l}$] e:%E {dropped} $weapon" alias ..lost_04 "say_team $\$nick $R$R lost $[{%l}$] e:%E" to get it working propberly you will need: dm3_color.loc (ive only made a dm3 loc so far, but u can figure out how to make you'r own by looking at it.) /loadloc dm3_color.loc
Member 171 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
inter inter, ehr, what is the difference between this loc and all those i have made, except for the fact that you have custom ring- and pentnames as well? :p .over.and.out.ten.four.roger.that.affirmative.
Member 163 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
inter inter, ehr, what is the difference between this loc and all those i have made, except for the fact that you have custom ring- and pentnames as well? :p colored locs, if u tried the script u would notice ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_smile.png)
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
yea flintheart, update your locs now! ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_grin.png) colored ones <3
Member 171 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
colored locs ? they are not colored at all! if you want colored ra ya ga mh etc. you can do it urself, just like you can with my locs... like "set loc_name_ra [weird asci code for red which i don't know in my head]ra"
and if u don't want ra u can as usual have RA, 200, red armor of destruction, or whatever the hell u want! :> .over.and.out.ten.four.roger.that.affirmative.
Member 200 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
btw, flintheart where can I download your locs?
edit: nevermind =)
Member 171 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Me and interceptor have now together updated my locs ... so that you can edit ring/quad/pent/biosuit names as well, e.g. if you want to have them colored. Just like you could have done with armor/mh/separator names for a few years now... ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_smile.png) http://web.telia.com/~u46505083/Quake/fuhquake_locs.zip .over.and.out.ten.four.roger.that.affirmative.
Member 171 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
removed my locs from the site, pm if you want them... and they are btw online on some other pages as well btw :p .over.and.out.ten.four.roger.that.affirmative.
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Like here. I'm not sure if we asked flintheart for permission but I strongly advice everyone not to try to sue us because our lawyers will smack your asses hardly ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_unhappy.png)
Member 11 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
hahah wicked, coloured team binds. I am having trouble getting rid of the brackets around my location though when i am near ra,ya,mega etc (see photo). It's fine when those items aren't around or i directly point at an item. I Can i get rid of the brackets but then i makes my location report red instead of white like normal. status and location with brackets ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_unhappy.png) Pointing at an item Normal status Any suggestions?
Member 163 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
hahah wicked, coloured team binds.
I am having trouble getting rid of the brackets around my location though when i am near ra,ya,mega etc (see photo). It's fine when those items aren't around or i directly point at an item. I Can i get rid of the brackets but then i makes my location report red instead of white like normal.
Any suggestions? Try loc_name_ra &cf00ra&cfff instead of, what i assume u have since u didnt post your script, loc_name_ra {&cf00ra&cfff}. If thats not the case, i dont have any more ideas without knowing a bit more.
Member 11 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
If i remove those brackets then i get this: From my CFG: //User Created Variables set loc_name_ga "{&c0b0ga&cfff}" set loc_name_mh "{&c0b0mega&cfff}" set loc_name_ra "&cf00ra&cfff" set loc_name_separator "-" set loc_name_ya "{&cff0ya&cfff}" tp_name_quad "{&c05fquad&cfff}" set nick "Ham" tp_name_armor "armor" tp_name_armortype_ga "ga" tp_name_armortype_ya "ya" tp_name_armortype_ra "ra" tp_name_ga "{&c0b0ga&cfff}" tp_name_ya "{&cff0ya&cfff}" tp_name_ra "{&cf00ra&cfff}" tp_name_tele "tele" tp_name_rockets "rox" tp_name_cells "cells" tp_name_axe "axe" tp_name_sg "sg" tp_name_ssg "ssg" tp_name_ng "ng" tp_name_sng "sng" tp_name_gl "gl" tp_name_rl "rl" tp_name_lg "lg" tp_name_mh "{&c0b0mega&cfff}" tp_name_ring "{&cff0ring&cfff}" tp_name_pent "{&cf00pent&cfff}" alias advanced_status "if $health < 1 then advanced_lost else advanced_status2" alias advanced_status2 "if $qt$powerups$qt != $qt$tp_name_none$qt then say_team $\$nick $B$B $[%p$] %a/%h$.%b {%l} else say_team $\$nick $B$B %a/%h$.%b {%l}"
Member 163 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
If i remove those brackets then i get this: http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/8440/ezquake031pa1.th.jpgFrom my CFG: //User Created Variables set loc_name_ga "{&c0b0ga&cfff}" set loc_name_mh "{&c0b0mega&cfff}" set loc_name_ra "&cf00ra&cfff" set loc_name_separator "-" set loc_name_ya "{&cff0ya&cfff}" tp_name_quad "{&c05fquad&cfff}" set nick "Ham" tp_name_armor "armor" tp_name_armortype_ga "ga" tp_name_armortype_ya "ya" tp_name_armortype_ra "ra" tp_name_ga "{&c0b0ga&cfff}" tp_name_ya "{&cff0ya&cfff}" tp_name_ra "{&cf00ra&cfff}" tp_name_tele "tele" tp_name_rockets "rox" tp_name_cells "cells" tp_name_axe "axe" tp_name_sg "sg" tp_name_ssg "ssg" tp_name_ng "ng" tp_name_sng "sng" tp_name_gl "gl" tp_name_rl "rl" tp_name_lg "lg" tp_name_mh "{&c0b0mega&cfff}" tp_name_ring "{&cff0ring&cfff}" tp_name_pent "{&cf00pent&cfff}" alias advanced_status "if $health < 1 then advanced_lost else advanced_status2" alias advanced_status2 "if $qt$powerups$qt != $qt$tp_name_none$qt then say_team $\$nick $B$B $[%p$] %a/%h$.%b {%l} else say_team $\$nick $B$B %a/%h$.%b {%l}" Yes, thats becouse your tp script is not build for colored text. what u need to do first is add { } to all %l, %d, %y's etc. Every macro that has with location to do. then remove all { }'s from loc_name_*.
Member 11 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
hmmm i cant get it working, i must be retarded. It doesn't really matter, i was just being picky heh. I'll try and fix sometime, probably when i get bored again. Cheers for your help though ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_smile.png)
Member 98 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
does the colored shit only work with ezq or fuh as well or .. ?
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
only ezquake ofc, did you ever see this in fuhquake? :>
Member 355 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Why even ask that tbh? EzQuake is a better and improved FuhQuake that is constantly developed. No need to be using FuhQuake.
Member 202 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Is it possible to have coloured tp_name_quaded and tp_name_enemy at the same time? (eg: blue quaded and red enemy) Whenever they are combined in %x (when pointing at a quadded enemy), it seems to break the colour coding. I'm fairly sure its not my teamplay script, as i stripped my point bind down to bare basics, and it still occurred. Maybe I am doing something wrong. alias _testpoint "say_team $ledpoint$ledpoint %x $d {%y}" tp_name_quaded "{&c0cfQUADED&cfff}" tp_name_enemy "{&cf00nmy&cfff}" halp? edit: also, to add to the confusion, the following works. say_team "$ledpoint$ledpoint {&c0cfquaded&cfff} {&cf00nmy&cfff} $d {%y}"
Member 163 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
alias _testpoint "say_team $ledpoint$ledpoint {%x} $d {%y}"
tp_name_quaded "&c0cfQUADED&cfff" tp_name_enemy "&cf00nmy&cfff"
Member 202 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Works great, and I think I know what was causing this weird issue. What you posted works great, but when you change "nmy" to "enemy", it breaks again. There must be some kind of maximum length that we are breaching when using too many characters (easy to do with colour codes). Heres a pic i took when experimenting with lengths. In this case, "quade" works great, but "quaded" breaks it. I guess the last closing bracket gets truncated and we end up with this. tp_name_quaded "&c0cfquaded&cfff" tp_name_enemy "&cf00enemy&cfff" alias _testpoint "say_team $ledpoint$ledpoint {%x} $d {%y}"
Member 163 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
lol, yea. seems like %x should be changed somehow. imagine quaded pented enemy... u can make a long workaround for this tho. alias _point "if $qt$point$qt = $tp_name_nothing then else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_green then else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_red then _point_epow else _point_norm"
alias _point_epow "if $qt$tp_name_eyes$qt isin $qt$point$qt _point_norm else _point_epow_01" alias _point_epow_01 "if $qt$tp_name_quaded$qt isin $qt$point$qt _point_epow_q else _point_epow_02" alias _point_epow_02 "if $qt$tp_name_pented$qt isin $qt$point$qt _point_epow_p else say_team $\$nick $R$R {&cf00enemy&cfff} $d $[{%y}$]" alias _point_epow_p "if $tp_name_quaded isin $qt$point$qt _point_epow_qp else say_team $\$x20$x20$x20$x20$R$R {&cf00pented&cfff &cf00enemy&cfff} $d $[{%y}$] $R$R" alias _point_epow_q "if $tp_name_pented isin $qt$point$qt _point_epow_qp else say_team $\$x20$x20$x20$x20$R$R {&c0cfquaded&cfff &cf00enemy&cfff} $d $[{%y}$] $R$R" alias _point_epow_qp "say_team $\$x20$x20$x20$x20$R$R {&cf00pented&cfff &c0cfquaded&cfff &cf00enemy&cfff} $d $[{%y}$] $R$R"
alias _point_norm "say_team $\$nick $x20$x20 {$point} $d $[{%y}$]"
Member 202 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
lol, yea. seems like %x should be changed somehow. Agreed. Thanks for all your help, that workaround should sort me out for the moment.
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Which ezquake version are you using?
![](/images/forum/corner-3.png) |
![](/images/forum/corner-4.png) |