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General Discussion
2007-02-21, 16:08
1 post

Feb 2007

Does anyone here have a new mouse Death Adder ?

I have a copperhead and i think that it the worst mouse for quake players in the world........

I will intese to buy a new mouse and i would like to buy a new death adder


i want more informattions about this... is it good to play quake ?
2007-02-21, 21:54
67 posts

Apr 2006
no need razor at all :G

logitech pwns every one
2007-02-21, 22:40
1754 posts

Jan 2006
pix plz
2007-02-21, 23:09
355 posts

Jun 2006
This all you need to know:
First, read a few pages of this (mainly intro and conclusion):

Then, read this:

If you look at the comments, you'll see a bunch of people complaining about inherent mouse acceleration that can't be fixed, high liftoff distance and other problems. But read this!:

Then determine if it's worth it!
2007-02-21, 23:55
5 posts

Feb 2007
Lift-off distance and positive acceleration have been fixed with the 1.10 firmware.
2007-02-22, 01:42
116 posts

Mar 2006
I have just ordered one.
2007-02-22, 05:54
355 posts

Jun 2006
venture wrote:
Lift-off distance and positive acceleration have been fixed with the 1.10 firmware.

I know. I addressed that in my post with the final URL!
2007-02-28, 09:29
43 posts

Jan 2007
Lift-off distance and positive acceleration have been fixed with the 1.10 firmware.

I have a CH laying somewhere, year ago I find it useless POS because of high lift-off distance.
Probably I'll give it anothe chance with new firmware. But It's just amazing how brand which claims they are pro-gamer all the way, can't get basic things straight in 80$ product. Dickheads.
2007-03-06, 16:08
23 posts

Jan 2006
I have Razer Deathadder and its owns, perfect form and design. If you like ms 3.0 you will love Deathadder, very similar design but deathadder fits better in the hand imo. And the optic is just perfect.
2007-03-06, 18:10
116 posts

Mar 2006
i also have a deathadder. it performs great. but you can make it skip (but its clearly better than ch and habu). its on par with logitech g1 which I also could get to skip if I tried hard.
2007-10-21, 14:55
309 posts

Sep 2006
I have ms 3.0 (good one) and thinking about ordering Death Adder.

Thus, some questions come into my mind.

I have an older USB port (definitely not 2.0) but that's just fine for DA. It's gonna work.

But still, will it perform with 1000 Hz with my older USB port? My ms 3.0 can do only 500 Hz now (yes, I tried mouserate swotcher)

And with Everglide Titan Monstermat it should work fine.

But will I need the new USb port for that? (1000 Hz)?
2007-10-21, 15:37
950 posts

Apr 2006
Got DA after habu and though design is quite the same, texture and glide is way better on the DA
2007-10-23, 13:53
685 posts

Jul 2007
What a bout a more healthy mouse? I use an older version of this mouse:

Now I'm by no means a pro player or anything close, but I love the comfort of this mouse. The new one has 800-2600 dpi true optical hardware resolution.
2007-10-23, 14:40
284 posts

Oct 2006
klaasklapper wrote:
What a bout a more healthy mouse? I use an older version of this mouse:

Now I'm by no means a pro player or anything close, but I love the comfort of this mouse. The new one has 800-2600 dpi true optical hardware resolution.

I would love to see your accuracy on that thing

Resolution doesn't help much when the design is fundamentally flawed for playing something like qw on a higher level. You are pretty much giving away all the accuracy from all the little muscles in your hand for comfort :F

Mebbe if you really have health issues :/

And on topic, I enjoyed DA quite a bit, but was just unable to learn how to move with it that well, 10 years of playing with Logitech Ergo shaped mice has had an effect :p But like blAze said, it's a great, accurate mouse if you move like players from '98 >
2007-10-23, 15:18
355 posts

Jun 2006
niomic wrote:
klaasklapper wrote:
What a bout a more healthy mouse? I use an older version of this mouse:

Now I'm by no means a pro player or anything close, but I love the comfort of this mouse. The new one has 800-2600 dpi true optical hardware resolution.

I would love to see your accuracy on that thing

Resolution doesn't help much when the design is fundamentally flawed for playing something like qw on a higher level. You are pretty much giving away all the accuracy from all the little muscles in your hand for comfort :F

Mebbe if you really have health issues :/

And on topic, I enjoyed DA quite a bit, but was just unable to learn how to move with it that well, 10 years of playing with Logitech Ergo shaped mice has had an effect :p But like blAze said, it's a great, accurate mouse if you move like players from '98 >

Nah, I use DA and it's good ;D
2007-10-23, 17:11
229 posts

Aug 2007
DA is the best mouse there is. I love it also.
TEAM QUAD [need nothing]
shaga loses another friend
shaga discovers blast radius

2007-10-24, 03:43
462 posts

Jan 2006
The best mouse I've tried. I replaced my loyal MX500 with DeathAdder a couple of weeks ago and I'm very satisfied with this one. Of course, like MX500, it is rather big, so it might not be for everyone and indeed I wouldn't mind a bit smaller mouse myself, but it's not a problem for me. It's about same size as MX500. With func1030 pad, it couldn't get much better.
2008-09-09, 12:33
121 posts

May 2006
i ordered one Diamondback 3g.. went for it becouse it seems to me as a DeathAdder but instead of MS 3.0 shape its on a old Diamondback shape.. and i really wanna try some different shape/weight after 5 years using a ms 3.0 ..

i firmly belive that DB 3G and DA are about the same thing once you hack DB 3g usb to 1000hz..
. - - -- Words are stones in my Mouth.. -- - - . [url=][img]
2008-09-14, 00:53
17 posts

May 2008
8th-lout wrote:
I have a copperhead and i think that it the worst mouse for quake players in the world........

I remember in an interview of his where mawe says he uses a copperhead and he's a pretty good player. But, he did say he was on his *3rd* one...
2008-09-14, 21:20
34 posts

Aug 2007
DeathAdder <3
May the rocket fear you!
2008-09-15, 13:33
18 posts

Sep 2008
Going to buy death adder, too. it looks a little bit like my ms 3.0.
2008-09-18, 18:31
18 posts

Sep 2008
get today my DA. do u use drivers for the mouse?
2008-09-18, 19:33
89 posts

Jul 2007
i have a DA, but since i also got a mx518 quite recently i have to say for MY hands the mx518 is feeling a whole lot better.

so atm, my DA is collecting dust on the desktop and getting snared into the cord of my logitech.
test one two.
2008-09-18, 21:14
355 posts

Jun 2006
srbo wrote:
get today my DA. do u use drivers for the mouse?

You need to install them at least once to update the firmware (not sure if it's required on the latest versions, but it was when I got mine).

After that, it's up to you. The mouse can save the profile settings and has a button on the bottom that you can press to switch through them.
2008-09-18, 23:10
20 posts

May 2007
2008-09-19, 01:12
73 posts

Jul 2008
i would've gone for wmo 1.1a, much better value
2008-09-23, 07:47
252 posts

Dec 2006
The Deathadder has the best optics available, the only thing to consider is the shape, number of buttons (only five), and price. In my opinion the only two choices are MX518 and Deathadder.
'on 120 ping i have beaten mortuary dirtbox and reload' (tm) mz adrenalin
'i watched sting once very boring and not good at all' (tm) mz adrenalin
[i]'i shoulda won all
  27 posts on 1 page  1