
Member 8 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Hi, Quaker Friends. I have just finished my Quake 1 Textuxture Pack Te pack contains all the textures from QRP but i have added two effects to the textures: 1.- More Boorders definition 2.- BumpMap. The Original textures were taken from QRP, I have only added both effect. All the hard work was offered by the QRP Team (good work, of course). All textures (monster's skins included) were modified, except the pickable items (healt, rocket boxes, nail boxes, etc...). The textures are ir PNG format, but you are free to transfor into TGA.  I have addes only a 10% BumpMapping. More BumpMap result in a texture distortion or a low credible texture relief. So, here goes a sample. At the left, the original texture from the QRP. At the right, the Redefined and BumpMapped texture: Total, 80 Megabytes of textures, that i have uploaded to Rapidshare. To use them, you need a source port who can support PNG formatted textures, for example, FuhQuake (DarkPlaces also supports, i think). If you use FuhQuake, just extrack the pack to a folder, in the Quake root folder, called "qw". Extract the .rar file itself. Do not move the textures out of "textures" folder, or they wont be recognized by FuhQuake. Here you can see the textures "in action". On the left, original textures, on the right, new textures: Look also the faces on the wall in front of the player. You can see then a bit more defined at long distances. (click to enlarge, 1024x768, 167 KBs) Those screenshots corespond to a FuhQuake screenshot, with 1024x768 screen resolution, with "gl_detail" equals to 1 (detailed texturing enabled), and all the eyecandy enhancements turned on. And here the desired link to download the pack: http://rapidshare.com/files/20208241/A3D_Q1_Textures.rar.htmlEnjoy them, I already did 
Member 27 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Too many users downloading right now. Please try again in two minutes or get a PREMIUM-Account  Looks good m8.
Member 312 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
get it up on quaddicted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Member 8 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Too many users downloading right now. Please try again in two minutes or get a PREMIUM-Account  Looks good m8. I didnt spected so much downoads  If you have problems to download, just wait 15 or 20 minutes and try again.  get it up on quaddicted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L0L But i usually play Quake 1 with WinQuake at 320x240  It makes me to remember the real Quake essence. P.D. An soon, textures with BumpMap and Specular Map... But not in two days, maybe two months 
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
upload the textures here: http://shub-hub.quaddicted.com/
the password is: ilovetheshubhub
Member 27 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
All textures (monster's skins included) were modified, except the pickable items (healt, rocket boxes, nail boxes, etc...). The textures are ir PNG format, but you are free to transfor into TGA.  Hmm i dont understand that? My ammo boxes are totally different when using this pack AND they are "blurry" at distance :| The textures looks impressive m8, keep up the good work  i use ezQuake.
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Did you add bumpmapping effect TO the textures, or did you include _bump textures as a separate file?
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
']Did you add bumpmapping effect TO the textures, or did you include _bump textures as a separate file? Sounds to me like single files as it seems to work in Fuhquake.
Member 8 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
upload the textures here: http://shub-hub.quaddicted.com/
the password is: ilovetheshubhub Sorry, but my Internet connection is very bad, and I dont want to upload the pack again, sorry. But you can do it by yourself. Hmm i dont understand that? My ammo boxes are totally different when using this pack AND they are "blurry" at distance :| The textures looks impressive m8, keep up the good work  i use ezQuake. The ammo boxes, health kits and pickable items' textures were not modified anyway. The problem can be from the texture itself. Try to use FuhQuake to see if the "bug" persists, but here you have a image showing the BuckShot ammo box in the distance and nearly. Here using FuhQuake too: On the left, in a short distance, and long distance in the right: (1024x768) The unique problem that i suspect is that the anosotropic filter you are using is very low, or you are not using any, so your textures will be blurred in the distance. Try a 2x or 4x anisotropic filter. ']Did you add bumpmapping effect TO the textures, or did you include _bump textures as a separate file? I added the effect TO the texture, but I am woking now on a Specular, Difusse and Local map texture set. I have merged the BumpMap onto the texture because i dont know how the FuhQuake engine calls the different map componets of the texture. For example, i know that the Local map texture component needs to be called with a "_Luma" suffix (for example myTexture_Luma.png), but i dont know the suffix for Specular map, to be readed by the different engines. (Maybe "_Spec"?, I dunno) And the FuhQuake online manual tell us nothing about this. If someone know the different suffixes, please, tell us them. Thanks again for your interest, and any other comment/sugestion, dont doubt to tell us.
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
by the way FuhQuake is dead for a few years now.. EZQuake & FTEQW are the popular engines.. and FTEQW supports bump textures
Member 151 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
someone mirror the pack please because rapidshare is gay.
Member 27 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
i run everything with 4x forced by nvidia control panel (!)
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
IS THERE AN ALTERNATIVE MIRROR!? thanks to the one who can provide one, because I seriously can't get it off rapidshare
Member 151 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
goddamn someone mirror it please!
i would have though spirit would jump to get it on quaddicted or something.
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i would have though spirit would jump to get it on quaddicted or something. Everyone can up it at the Shub-Hub. I cannot easily mirror from Rapidshare and I am not interested in these textures so I won't do the download->upload job with my sucking connection from home.
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i am gonna upload it in 10mins hmmm site is kinda slow, (slower then rapidshare  )
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
seems like a good job, makes the textures sharper never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
smurrie's the shit! gonna try these out
Member 8 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Well, by massive aceptation of the BumpMapped textures, i will show a small part of my current work. I am working as fast as I can on a good texture set. A texture set is a group of textures who has three files per each texture. Each file (image) shows one kind of information about the in-game texture. On this way, we have: - Diffuse Map: the image that contains the details and the colors. - Specular Map: That image has the information about the reflectivity of the texture. The more white value of a pixel at this image, the more shiny and reflective the pixel of the in-game texture will be. - Local Map: this image will make the texture to change its aspect when lightning changes over the texture itself, making the sensation that we are over a real 3D texture (I mean screws, sratches and so on) So, here is a small test of a texture that i am working now on: (on this ordes, Difusse, Specular and Local map) At the Specular Map on the image: like i think that the dragons and screws at the door are some goldish like material, i set the dragons and screws specularity to pure white, because the light wil be very shiny when it will be reflected. That is not the final work, but the light will be reflected at the white points defined in the specular map. At that is all the explaining that i am doing now. I have calculated, and if a am not wrong, the new texture pack will be about 200 Mb, but it will give the game a new aspect, simillar (or maybe better) that the textures from Tenebrae source port. The unique problem, is that we need to find a source port, who can support the Specular, Local and Difusse map. I dont know if EzQuake can support that, but i think that DarkPlaces port can support. I must read more about that. I will keep you well informed. Thanks for your attention. [EDIT BY ME] I AM UPLOADING THE TEXTURES TO MEGAUPLOAD. THE PROCESS WILL LAST ONE HOUR OR MAY MORE. WHEN IT IS DONE, I WILL POST THE NEW DOWNLOAD LINK.
Member 1011 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
are you automatically generating these e.g., running some photoshop filters?
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
btw http://www.quakesrc.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6905
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Karnizero, why dont u upload it directly to quaddicted instead?
http://shub-hub.quaddicted.com/index.cgi?login password: ilovetheshubhub
Member 8 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Ok, i have uploaded the pack to a new mirror at Megaupload (only two and half hours lol) So, here is a list of the actual mirror: 1.- Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/20208241/A3D_Q1_Textures.rar.html2.- Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G4DYBS5U3.- QuadDicted: http://shub-hub.quaddicted.com/files/textures_replacement/A3D_Q1_Textures.rarKarnizero, why dont u upload it directly to quaddicted instead?
http://shub-hub.quaddicted.com/index.cgi?login password: ilovetheshubhub They are already uploaded there, thanks to murdocbtw http://www.quakesrc.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6905 WOW, IMPRESSIVE, but my textures ar better hehehee. Well, not my textures exactly, just Quake Retexturing Project textures  And just reading that post you show us, i think that DarkPlaces will support all the three texture layers. I will read more about. are you automatically generating these e.g., running some photoshop filters? Yup, I doubt that anyone can make those three layers manually with pen and rubber hahaha The Difusse one, was taken from the Quake 1 Retexturing Project. The Local one, was done with a Plug-In The Specular was done with a program who allows me to adjust the brightness, threshold and Black and White curvature to remove the white dots that i dont like. This is the hardest one, because i must adjust those parameters and test it some times, cause not all textures are same reflective and/or relief.
Member 7 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Just thought I'd log back in here and post. Just on the off-chance that anybody is still looking for these textures (as I am, because I want to use them for a 2d game I'm making, along with the Quake sounds & stuff. Fun times!) they can be found with exhaustive google searching - or by clicking here: http://www.findthatfile.com/search-4970803-hRAR/winrar-winzip-download-a3d_q1_textures.rar.htm
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Nice, trumad 
Member 5 posts
Registered: Apr 2010
Hi the first texture is an example of what these look like. Karnizero texture moons texture i know this is a matter of personal taste...maybe some will like the blurry textures, for me i like high detail. regards Sean
Member 805 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
https://tinyurl.com/qwbrasil - QuakeFiles
Member 5 posts
Registered: Apr 2010
lol...your host is a 404.
i was trying to point out how bad these texture look...and that i wasted my time.
