Congrats to Nylon who scooped the $630 prize in the Creative Movies Director's CUT Contest.
He beat off fierce competition from other games to top the scoring in the Open Game category of the contest.
All the more remarkable is that it is Nylon's first movie.
The aim of the movie was to promote quakeworld visually and show case
a new new camera system client for quakeworld named 'camquake', which is coded by Jogi!
It was a fantastic achievement winning the competition and a great promotion for qw.
Check out the full results here:
CMDC Contest ResultAuthor Movie Overall Judges Public
nylon 8.1199 7.8400 8.7730
Sinex Seido 7.9982 7.8636 8.3121
Nonix Wing 2 6.9787 6.5273 8.0321
and if you still have not actually seen the movie you can get all the details here: - QW Movie Details