News Writer
2260 posts
Jan 2006
Around 70 games were played yesterday in King of Tuesday Kenya 1 on
vdm3Was really hectic with two groups and 11 players in each group (10 games each)
In the final we had vdm3 king Swi that has only lost to mawe on the map vs the man without nerves, Seese.
Seese won the final and took over the crown from Swi as King of vdm3
Chtv link for the final demos.
For the Schedule, all games, results and many more stuff, visit
the KTK forum section or visit our irc channel #kenya
Ktk2 ?
The plan is that we will
discuss what map to use in ktk2 from now to next Tuesday and then start the signups.
181 posts
Jan 2006
solid play from seese, was really fun!
wtf, can someone fix chtv dns or something, site hs been gone for weeks?
News Writer
2260 posts
Jan 2006