
Member 18 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Strange, I'm from Belgium, and that server is the one that is most playable for me, out of all the ones that are on quakeservers.net. I agree that XS4ALL had a better connection, but that doesn't do me any good because it will take multiple months to get it back up.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
true, what about setting up ffa on dybbuk instead?
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
try to route via qw.gamecod.ru:30000 to msk.ru.. I get 20ms better ping via gamecod
Member 11 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
the best polish FFA server ( linux.gda.pl ) is back  now we need xs4all asap!!!!!!!!!!1111
Member 192 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I want xs4all to be back  http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
*stamps with feet on floor* I want XS4ALL FFA back, and I want it NOW!!!
Yeh Fleps, where are you man. Makes one wonder if he got eaten by a lion or something. Swallowed by a rhino. Theft by childabusers. Fleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepserrrrrrr.... yoohoo....?
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I see a few servers be named as alternative for xs4all, like qw.jollen.se quake.enkrypt.org:27500 linux.gda.pl elvis victims russia
But the only one that shows in my ezquake list is russia. Is there a way to put them in the list? Or do I have to tick more to show then just ID DM and European servers?
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
there is a list on www.quakeworld.nu frontpage on the right, just underneath "polls"
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Member 1 post
Registered: Nov 2006
swedish ffa
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
took a while before all the sounds where downloaded  weird wavs
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
please, no fake servers will ever replace xs4all, bring xs4all BACK http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
Hello hello again,
yesterday I arrived back in ze Netherlands and tried to fix the server! I encountered a new problem, the machine on which QW has been running has been shut off and is no longer in use.
This means I (we) have to wait for XS4ALL to set me up with a new machine to get the servers running, hopefully this will be done asap. The head gamesadmin promised me a dual core machine (or something) with linux to start from scratch <3
As said, hopefully we will have XS4ALL running asap. Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
News Writer 254 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Wohoo. Welcome back Flepser. Great news. I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
would be great if u could do a similiar setup as jollen servers. 2x 1on1 2on2 4on4 + ffa server and eztv etc.. 
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
when setting up the servers, please obay these port rules for consistency:
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
What happened to good old 27501-27510  ( Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
would be great if u could do a similiar setup as jollen servers. 2x 1on1 2on2 4on4 + ffa server and eztv etc..  The plan is to include eztv, two ffa servers, a few duel/2on2/4on4 servers and a few allround servers. Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
huzzah! welcome back and good luck with fiddling for the new machine thingies etcetera
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
would be great if u could do a similiar setup as jollen servers. 2x 1on1 2on2 4on4 + ffa server and eztv etc..  The plan is to include eztv, two ffa servers, a few duel/2on2/4on4 servers and a few allround servers. welcome back btw! sounds great. Are you joining a2k for next eql season?
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Oh god yes!  I love your signature btw "Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro."!
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
What happened to good old 27501-27510  ( standards happened  instead of everyone using the ports _they_ like, everyone could instead use the same ports, so you would know exactly what kind of server you are connecting to just by knowing its port. there were already unwritten standards for ktpro ports, we just expanded it and wrote it down.
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
huzzah! welcome back and good luck with fiddling for the new machine thingies etcetera buurvrouw!!! <3 welcome back btw!
sounds great. Are you joining a2k for next eql season? Thanks  , perhaps, depends on my place of residence and whether I can get my laptop or PC fixed  AND whether UqE will compete again  if, if, if! But I can join a2k for QHlan perhaps ?  Oh god yes! I love your signature btw "Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro."! It's true! standards happened
instead of everyone using the ports _they_ like, everyone could instead use the same ports, so you would know exactly what kind of server you are connecting to just by knowing its port.
there were already unwritten standards for ktpro ports, we just expanded it and wrote it down. I thought standard was 27500 if you don't set it yourself and logically seen it would count up and I thought it was the 'old' standard! Anyway, I'll see what I can do about the ports, don't think it'll be that much of a problem? But then I have to ask the following, what if we (XS4ALL) use dns-names like quake.xs4all.nl for all servers and we have a different port then 27500 (eg: 28101). Would you still be able to connect to the server with only writing connect quake.xs4all.nl ? Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
you're talking about the default port
you can do as you want with the ports, i'm just recommending you to follow the standards
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The "recommended" port for FFA is 27500 and as you are going to have at least one FFA server, then that one should be the one you come to on quake.xs4all.nl = just like before = there is no problem?  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
