
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Member 198 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Member 11 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
we are still waiting 
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
this movie reminds me of duke nukem forever :E
Member 251 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
i know u cant see me soma but im giving u the middle finger right now... FUK YOU Seriously, as if he owns you anything. You just aren't important enough to come up with any demands.
Member 232 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Be grateful he took the time out to make ME1.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
FUK YOU ...fuk him Yes, fuck him. Yes yes, why of course. Both of you get warning for violating rules 1) and 5). Also I will remove your abusive posts.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
soma got a new computer and is just to lazy to update it here, but he is ON now  the movie is doing okey and I even wanted to give him some hot .mvd's but he rejected everything and from that I can guess that he has plenty of materia (btw was milton .mvds I wanted to give him) lets see when I can get you ppl more updated
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
FUK ME!  This is the best news I've heard in a while! I thought that qw movies were dead, and now I've learned that one of my favourites is getting a sequel!
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Sassa is right. I got bored with doing video editing with my old 512mb SD-RAM computer so the project remained stagnant for ages, but I got a new computer about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I've been working on ME2 every day, hence all the gfx-questions in the forum and on #ezquake. I have captured 5m10 of tricks (32 so far) using jogi's camquake and sent a preview to a selected bunch of people. Reactions have been very positive so far, so I'm hoping you'll enjoy it when it's out. Aside from being lazy, another reason I didn't update the thread is because I don't want to get peoples hopes up. Yes, I promise from the bottom of my heart that I will release it within the next few weeks, but since I lack both time and editorial skills, I really don't want people to expect some super-production a la "kyu.one" or "dde3". But after all the wait and announcing, aside from the fact that most of the tricks took several hours to record, I feel I owe it to my trick jumping partners to release the stuff. They spent hours on end recording tricks with me because I said I was going to release a sequel, so the least I can do is stick to that promise. A lot of the tricks are just too cool to be 'lost forever'. Alongside ME2, I will release a remake of ME1. The remake was started in 2004, finished in 2007, but never released. Stay tuned... and please don't send me demos.  _________________________________________________________ Save a cow, crucify a christian!
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I really don't want people to expect some super-production a la "kyu.one" or "dde3". Thanks god! Content is much more important than confusing blingbling-masturbation. Can't wait. 
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
....aside from the fact that most of the tricks took several hours to record, I feel I owe it to my trick jumping partners to release the stuff. They spent hours on end recording tricks with me because I said I was going to release a sequel, so the least I can do is stick to that promise. A lot of the tricks are just too cool to be 'lost forever'. Good decision! The longer the movie is, the better 
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Okay, I'm done capturing. 7 minutes and 7 seconds of tricking (from 52 demos). Unfortunately my shitty onboard gfx chip is having some issues with anti-aliasing so there are visible 'pixel stairs' from time to time (especially when the camera stands still), but that's just something you're going to have to accept.  I have made myself (and the chosen few) a preview with all clips + the planned music. Next I'm gonna record the ingame sounds since I want those in the background too. Meanwhile I will hopefully come up with a nice idea for the intro. _________________________________________________________ Save a cow, crucify a christian!
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
