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Server Talk
2007-05-18, 06:40
28 posts

May 2007
I'm trying to set up an mvdsv server, ive got latest mvdsv 0.26 n latest ezquake build for 1754 for the client. When I try to connect it says that either the latest fuhquake or greymquake is required. How can i get it to work with ezquake? Is there a command for this? I cant seem to find one.
2007-05-18, 06:49
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
You cant set up a mvdsv server with your client. Therefor you need KTX.
2007-05-18, 08:19
28 posts

May 2007
Ok update on last post:

After a fresh install ive noted that mvdsv is fully functional with oztf 1.45, however I updated to oztf 1.76 beta, and now im experiencing the problem of the server not accepting ezquake.

I dont really understand that seeing the only files that get changed during this update are in the /fortress/ directory, and thus should affect the clients connectivity as a whole, even without changing the gamedir to fortress.

KTX looks interesting, thanks for the tip, but I'm not sure if that is the solution to my problem.
2007-05-18, 09:07
405 posts

Jan 2006
See no reason why ezquake do not accepted by server u have.

Also if u trying set up TF mod then KTX can't help u.

KTX is Deathmatch/TeamDeathmatch/CaptureTheFLag mod only. Team Fortress do not supported by KTX.
2007-05-18, 14:22
28 posts

May 2007
Yes, sorry shouldve mentioned im working with the OzTF mod.

It seems that v1.45 works fine, but when upgrading to 1.75, the /fortress/qwprogs.dat is changed, causing the mvdsv server not to recognise the client version.

Any suggestions?
2007-05-19, 17:39
151 posts

Jan 2006
contact OzTF developer and ask him to add ezQuake support to his mod.
kill me now and burn my soul
2007-05-20, 03:01
805 posts

Mar 2006
Where in the hell did you get oztf 1.75??? - QuakeFiles
2007-05-25, 00:49
28 posts

May 2007
found an old link for it out there somewhere... can upload to shub-hub if youd like.
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