
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
We need some sense to ports, it's mostly like 4on4 27500, 2on2/1on1 2800X and qizmo 30000. But for instance on jollen 2on2/1on1 is 2850X, for what reason? I takes a while to check the ports from quakeservers.net. For a newbie this is horrible situation, and for a oldschool player like me this just simply pisses me off. It wouldn't be so irritating but since this is very international game and servers tend to go down after a while meanwhile news popping out, I just can't remember which serveradmin had what kind of fixations about ports...
Member 51 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
The reson i have so many ports open is since I have 2 computers running on the same IP, then sassa fixed the rest. But i think the FFA is on the standard port then the rest i realy dont know why thay have the ports thay have. My name is Salt. I am a rookie. Join the jollen servers!! #qwrookie
Member 200 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Exemple: 28501~28510
28 - because he chose this 5 - all type of game (1on1, 2on2, 4on4) 01~10 - server number
it used to be 28101 for 1on1 servers, 28201 for 2on2 and 28401 for 4on4 servers
not that hard to understand is it? =)
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
A newbie has to type addresses manually? Then there's something wrong...
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Here is a "standard" that some server admins use: QuakeWorld Server Port Suggestion ================================= If you are setting up a server, please use the ports listed below for the desired modifications/game modes:
27500 = KTX Free-For-All 27510 = Co-operative 27600 = Capture The Flag Free-For-All 2762x = Capture The Flag 2on2 2764x = Capture The Flag 4on4 (3on3 allowed) 27700 = Team Fortress 27800 = Pro-X 27810 = Rocket Arena 27820 = Clan Arena 28000 = Qizmo 2810x = KTX 1on1 2820x = KTX 2on2 2840x = KTX 4on4 (3on3 allowed) 2850x = KTX Allround* 30000 = QTV
* 1on1/2on2/3on3/4on4/10on10/Free-For-All
2750x-2800x starts at 0 2810x-2850x starts at 1 Because Jollen allows 1on1, 2on2 and 4on4 it is configured to 2850X.
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Yeah. This is what i'm talking about.. You really can't see it do you? We need a real standard here. I'd love to have even somekind inbuild scripts, like 'set duel1.wargamez wargamez.dk:28001" or whatever. If I don't remember of the ports go I've to spent some time at quakeservers.net to find out.
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
change your nick you russian wannabe REKTORANKU first http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Yeah. This is what i'm talking about.. You really can't see it do you? We need a real standard here. I'd love to have even somekind inbuild scripts, like 'set duel1.wargamez wargamez.dk:28001" or whatever. If I don't remember of the ports go I've to spent some time at quakeservers.net to find out. There are as many types of setting ports as there are admins around. For example I have configured qw.suomicom.fi and now troopers.fi to use ports starting from 28001. Sassa wanted qw.jollen.se to use those whatever-"standard" ports so I put those like that. Wargamez (also after being updated in the very near future) will still have ports starting from 27501. As a server admin I HATE ports-ranges that require remembering nasty stuff like game mode (4on4 at 284** or ctf at 2623231 and so on) and that's why I try to use as easy setups as I can (therefore 28001- for both .fi servers). ezQuake has usable server browser (multiplayer/join) that needs only one server added in sources.txt to be able to use quakeservers.net serverlist. Type in: \quake\ezquake\sb\sources.txt
master "quakeservers.net master" Choose it from the sb menu and start searching. It's easy to use, somewhat ugly but the most important thing is that it works.
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Aww. I tried the serverbrowser with my 17XX 320x200 software ezquake (1.8 has some mouse issues so I don't use it), I didnt figure out how it works, since it had no tooltips.. qizmos serverbrowser is somewhat good. Anyway, could the ports be totally overruled somehow? Like could we have duel1.wargamez.dk, duel2.war.., 2on2.wargamez.dk, 4on4.wargamez.dk and so on? Of course I could do my own CFG like this but servers tend to change..
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Hopefully serverbrowser will improved for next release version.
Member 51 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Perhaps there should be a possibility to add favourites in the serverbrowser. like when i add to a fav it adds to a special sources or something with my fav ips in them. My name is Salt. I am a rookie. Join the jollen servers!! #qwrookie
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
The server browser isn't that hard to use, here are few steps: 1) go to the server browser 2) go to the sources menu, choose the masters/file you want (choose using enter) 3) update sources by pressing space 4) go to servers menu and press space to "search" servers. You can alternatively go to players many to search players 5) navigate the servers with arrow keys. Enter selects server, esc deselects. When server is selected, you can see players/specs inside. Type O or J to observe or join. You can also add your own favorite list if you want. You can do it like this: \Quake\ezquake\sb\sources.txt
master "qsmaster" file "favorites" favorites.txt (add this line there) \Quake\ezquake\sb\favorites.txt (modify this file to suit your needs) ... ... etc And select/update the "favorites" from your server browser menu.
