
Member 26 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Hy, have problem with Darkplaces, because of my new Texturepack( its finished ), the textures are probably a little bit too big. By the start of Darkplaces there comes the error message Mem_Alloc  ut of memory(alloc at jpeg_c:533)
Member 29 posts
Registered: May 2006
Hy, have problem with Darkplaces, because of my new Texturepack( its finished ), the textures are probably a little bit too big. By the start of Darkplaces there comes the error message Mem_Alloc  ut of memory(alloc at jpeg_c:533) The image loader has a limit of 4096x4096 pixels, which is only 64MB, so I know the alloc is no more than 64MB, so it should not fail for any erroneous reasons. I assume you use Windows XP, perhaps the page file is too small and is not growing fast enough to keep up with the loading? Check the minimum size in the advanced area of the System part of Control Panel, maybe it just needs to be increased. It's also possible if you have a lot of huge textures that it is running out of address space (2GB on windows 32bit executables), which could only be fixed by using gl_picmip or gl_max_size.
Member 26 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Thank you to you, I use Win XpPro with sp2 and have 2 gigs Ram. The textures are in 1024x1024 pixels and higher, also the Bump, glosses, norm and Luma textures, it are approximate 2800 textures. I had all textures in the folder textures and this has probably been too much with loading. Do not have sometimes for two levels before wanted, the textures in the unterfolder copies (to e1m6). The level has perfectly loaded and has functioned, this must do I believe I with all Leveln. screens Shot Shot
Member 29 posts
Registered: May 2006
The textures are in 1024x1024 pixels and higher, also the Bump, glosses, norm and Luma textures, it are approximate 2800 textures. I had all textures in the folder textures and this has probably been too much with loading. Do not have sometimes for two levels before wanted, the textures in the unterfolder copies (to e1m6). The level has perfectly loaded and has functioned, this must do I believe I with all Leveln. DarkPlaces only has one level loaded at a time most of the time, but during level change it can have two levels worth of textures loaded at once momentarily (before it figures out which ones are unneeded). It really sounds like you're hitting the 2GB address space limit of 32bit windows. Also note that if you're using THAT much memory, you've already exceeded the memory capacity of 512MB cards, 640MB cards (GF8800 GTS), and 768MB cards (GF8800 GTX), and performance will suffer, may have to implement texture compression just to make it fit (which would also fix the address space problem somewhat).
Member 70 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
I'm new to this forum, I'm scared :x
Member 29 posts
Registered: May 2006
The engine only loads the textures referenced by the current map, there's nothing wrong with having all your textures in the textures directory at once as it only picks the ones it needs.
You may be able to work around this problem by going into your graphics driver's control panel and lowering the Image Quality setting, which will cause it to compress textures (degrading them slightly) and that will reduce memory usage.
Member 26 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Now it has worked, thank you. The textures look not perfect thus, however, laüft miraculous. There I must soon probably get a new PC.
Member 26 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
I have finished the Texturepack,the download link comes in one or two days. Pics
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
Member 70 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
damn that's sexy. Did you redo all the quake textures or just the medieval and base ones? I'm new to this forum, I'm scared :x
Member 715 posts
Registered: May 2006
Looks incredible, nice job! ---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
Member 60 posts
Registered: May 2006
nice bump maps.... Just out of interest, have you gotten normal maps working on in game models in DP? I've got normal maps working on world textures and I've played around and have bump maps working on view models eg v_rock2.md3, but I can't seem to get any normal maps working on any models in game, eg like the armour models (checked with a grey diffuse map to be sure too)
Member 29 posts
Registered: May 2006
nice bump maps.... Just out of interest, have you gotten normal maps working on in game models in DP? I've got normal maps working on world textures and I've played around and have bump maps working on view models eg v_rock2.md3, but I can't seem to get any normal maps working on any models in game, eg like the armour models (checked with a grey diffuse map to be sure too) Nexuiz uses many of these, I'm not sure if it has any normalmaps on the mdl files (a few gibs from OpenQuartz for example), but I've certainly tested the feature before on OgrO's skins - although I find them hideously ugly 
Member 60 posts
Registered: May 2006
Shit my bad :oops: They work, when I exported the md3 from max with a material applied that had no bitmap in the diffuse map, stuffs up DP finding the diffuse,spec,norm textures. Replied on the quakeone forum too, got some more annoying questions
Member 26 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Her is the download, its 2.73 GB big
mirror 1 http://doom3.planet-multiplayer.de/download.php?view.761 mirror 2 http://www.exp.de/download.php?id=13274
Member 29 posts
Registered: May 2006
Her is the download, its 2.73 GB big
http://doom3.planet-multiplayer.de/news.php?extend.2613 The texture pack so big it makes video cards beg for mercy 
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Texturepack_Ultra_for_Quake_Darkplaces .exeEww, I really hope it is just some normal zip/rar archive with a self-extracting part. 
Member 26 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Its the installer with english and german
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Argh, I hope Wine will let me install it then. Will report in. 
Member 26 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
LordHavoc,thanks for your engine its great Can you insert underwater caustics in the engine? This would be cool
Member 70 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Hey Rygel. Love the look of the textures (please answer me if it's a complete texture pack) but I refuse to open an exe to export them. Please release a zip/7z version of it for us Linux and Mac users. I'm new to this forum, I'm scared :x
Member 29 posts
Registered: May 2006
LordHavoc,thanks for your engine its great  Thanks. Can you insert underwater caustics in the engine?
This would be cool Trivial, but I really prefer proper caustics (affecting all surfaces around water, as well as models), which takes special lights to do properly, and is more work, so I haven't done so. I too run Linux, so I'll have to try to identify what kind of installer it is and pick it apart with various tools, not easy. I started downloading it yesterday before going to bed, but it had a "Server Error" at some point so I had to start over, and the server doesn't report the size in DownThemAll or support resume 
Member 805 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Maybe Spirit could host a zip/7z version of your pack at shub-hub. There's no need* of a installer for textures, even if you're a windows user.
Tnx for de effort and very good job!
* in case you have to pick between a installer or a compressed file. https://tinyurl.com/qwbrasil - QuakeFiles
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Hey Rygel. Love the look of the textures (please answer me if it's a complete texture pack) but I refuse to open an exe to export them. Please release a zip/7z version of it for us Linux and Mac users. It kinda works with Wine. Goes into an evil and annoying fullscreen installer that always puts the background infront of the actual window though. So you have to be quick with clicking/<enter>ing to install it. It seems to copy the files fine and then show screenshot slides for ages. I killed the process then.  Sure, I could host a zip/7z. I really think the same about the installer. How about this: A single pk3 file. People could browse/unpack/repack it easily as it's plain ZIP. And installation is as easy as "put into id1 (or similar)".  Doom3Maps are ... with not allowing resume or multi-segmented downloads. LordHavoc: Unless you are already using it I really suggest the 1.0 beta: http://www.downthemall.net/main/install-it/downthemall-10-beta/ I had lots of corrupted files with the 0.9.something when pausing and resuming a lot where the 1.0 beta never corrupted any file for me. (won't help here but anyways) 
Member 29 posts
Registered: May 2006
LordHavoc: Unless you are already using it I really suggest the 1.0 beta: http://www.downthemall.net/main/install-it/downthemall-10-beta/ I had lots of corrupted files with the 0.9.something when pausing and resuming a lot where the 1.0 beta never corrupted any file for me. (won't help here but anyways)  That seems to work much better than 0.9 did, I don't know what broke in 0.9 but I remember versions before 0.9 working much better, and 1.0b1 seems to work well too.
Member 29 posts
Registered: May 2006
A clanmate (Monster) reports that the installer overwrote his config.cfg and autoexec.cfg without asking (note: it's best to put intentional changes to the cvars in default.cfg, darkplaces only saves differences from the defaults in config.cfg, so anyone who has their settings at defaults will get the changes you put in default.cfg), and that the installer installs the ezquake conback (which seems odd for a darkplaces texture pack). Furthermore everyone trying to use the installer in wine (Dresk for example) complains about being completely unable to see their desktop while it is running - even affecting all virtual desktops. Anyone on Mac is also out of luck. A pk3 or zip is very much desired. Also, some people may prefer to install it into a secondary directory such as rygelpack and then run "darkplaces -game rygelpack -game dpmod" for example (or activate those mods in that order in the Browse Mods menu - especially in the case of Mac users, who can't use commandline options), but it is about equally easy to simply move the pk3 in and out of the id1 directory. To be fair though, it IS nice to see screenshots while it installs - too bad it takes 15 minutes to extract before it begins copying for another 5 minutes while showing screenshots 
Member 29 posts
Registered: May 2006
I have made a re-packed version of the texture pack that is a single 2.7GB pk3, took a while to reorganize it. Only problem - how do I get this to Spirit? I can't spend time sending it to lots of Linux/Mac users myself 
Member 70 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Keep me informed on when it's hosted  Also, I use windows as well and wouldn't dare run the EXE anyways. Seeing that monster got a bunch of features he didn't want, I have a good reason to stick with my point. I'm new to this forum, I'm scared :x
Member 215 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
i'm thinking a torrent would be a good idea? It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
Member 29 posts
Registered: May 2006
Agreed, a torrent would be a good idea.
Spirit: do you have a torrent tracker on quaddicted? If so I could just make and send a .torrent and start seeding it.
