Thanks to the ease of use hud editor in Ez, I actually had the patience to design my own this time. It's pretty standard I suppose, just a bit more clean and thorough.
So I think this is pretty good, I enjoy this a whole lot more than alot of the huds out there :d
Criticism welcomed - if you have any ideas on how to make it better, hollarate.
I'm using moondrunk's charset with a few modifications. I just changed a few of the symbols and made the text blue. In my opinion, using blue instead of orange makes it stand out better because of Quake's color pallette. So give it a whirl:
Resolution: 1280x1024
Console: 800x600
Crosshair: Def's
Wad: dunno, I'm sure most of you have seen it though, it's around - someone's bound to link it.
The netstats/clock thing is a toggle I have bound to a button..
So I think this is pretty good, I enjoy this a whole lot more than alot of the huds out there :d
Criticism welcomed - if you have any ideas on how to make it better, hollarate.
I'm using moondrunk's charset with a few modifications. I just changed a few of the symbols and made the text blue. In my opinion, using blue instead of orange makes it stand out better because of Quake's color pallette. So give it a whirl:
Resolution: 1280x1024
Console: 800x600
Crosshair: Def's
Wad: dunno, I'm sure most of you have seen it though, it's around - someone's bound to link it.
hud_ammo1_align_y "center"
hud_ammo1_place "group1"
hud_ammo1_pos_x "-0.5"
hud_ammo1_pos_y "-6.500023"
hud_ammo1_scale "1.6205"
hud_ammo1_show "1"
hud_ammo1_style "1"
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hud_ammo2_align_y "center"
hud_ammo2_place "group1"
hud_ammo2_pos_x "2.500027"
hud_ammo2_pos_y "49.899899"
hud_ammo2_scale "1.6"
hud_ammo2_show "1"
hud_ammo2_style "1"
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hud_ammo3_align_y "center"
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hud_ammo3_pos_x "0.2"
hud_ammo3_pos_y "-5.1"
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hud_ammo3_show "1"
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hud_ammo4_pos_y "49.999657"
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hud_ammo_place "ammo"
hud_ammo_pos_x "-364.339874"
hud_ammo_pos_y "280.981506"
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hud_armor_align_x "after"
hud_armor_align_y "before"
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hud_armor_pos_x "-545.800354"
hud_armor_pos_y "592.318298"
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hud_armordamage_pos_x "322.800385"
hud_armordamage_pos_y "563.896667"
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hud_clock_pos_y "-102.75"
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hud_clock_style "1"
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hud_editor_allowplace "0"
hud_editor_allowresize "0"
hud_face_place "face"
hud_face_pos_x "-11.599869"
hud_face_pos_y "-25.179705"
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hud_fps_pos_y "-257.099457"
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hud_gameclock_scale "1.032"
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hud_group1_pos_x "107.800064"
hud_group1_pos_y "-2.199829"
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hud_gun2_align_y "after"
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hud_gun3_show "0"
hud_gun4_show "0"
hud_gun5_show "0"
hud_gun6_show "0"
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hud_gun7_show "0"
hud_gun8_show "0"
hud_health_align "center"
hud_health_align_x "center"
hud_health_order "1"
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hud_health_pos_y "288.349335"
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hud_healthdamage_pos_x "358.252258"
hud_healthdamage_pos_y "524.988098"
hud_healthdamage_scale ".65"
hud_healthdamage_show "1"
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hud_iammo2_pos_y "-10.199983"
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hud_iammo3_show "1"
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hud_iammo4_align_y "bottom"
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hud_iammo4_pos_y "-10.100025"
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hud_iammo_pos_y "281.140533"
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hud_iarmor_pos_y "281.460449"
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hud_pent_pos_x "411.446686"
hud_pent_pos_y "-72.749565"
hud_pent_scale "1.843"
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hud_ping_align_y "center"
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hud_ping_pos_y "-513.149902"
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hud_quad_align_y "center"
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hud_quad_pos_y "243.850494"
hud_quad_scale "1.843"
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hud_ring_pos_y "-40.850006"
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hud_suit_align_y "center"
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hud_suit_pos_y "267.14978"
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hud_teamfrags_pos_y "238.100418"
hud_tracking_format "%n (%t team)"
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hud_tracking_pos_y "-18.499514"
hud_ammo1_place "group1"
hud_ammo1_pos_x "-0.5"
hud_ammo1_pos_y "-6.500023"
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hud_ammo3_pos_y "-5.1"
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hud_armor_pos_y "592.318298"
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hud_armordamage_pos_x "322.800385"
hud_armordamage_pos_y "563.896667"
hud_armordamage_show "1"
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hud_clock_align_y "bottom"
hud_clock_big "0"
hud_clock_blink "0"
hud_clock_pos_x "333.599762"
hud_clock_pos_y "-102.75"
hud_clock_scale "1.5"
hud_clock_style "1"
hud_democlock_show "0"
hud_editor_allowplace "0"
hud_editor_allowresize "0"
hud_face_place "face"
hud_face_pos_x "-11.599869"
hud_face_pos_y "-25.179705"
hud_face_scale "2"
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hud_fps_pos_x "362.249786"
hud_fps_pos_y "-257.099457"
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hud_group1_pos_y "-2.199829"
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hud_group1_width "86.70388"
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hud_gun2_align_y "after"
hud_gun2_show "0"
hud_gun3_show "0"
hud_gun4_show "0"
hud_gun5_show "0"
hud_gun6_show "0"
hud_gun7_align_x "right"
hud_gun7_show "0"
hud_gun8_show "0"
hud_health_align "center"
hud_health_align_x "center"
hud_health_order "1"
hud_health_place "health"
hud_health_pos_x "-10.498904"
hud_health_pos_y "288.349335"
hud_healthdamage_align "center"
hud_healthdamage_order "1"
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hud_healthdamage_pos_x "358.252258"
hud_healthdamage_pos_y "524.988098"
hud_healthdamage_scale ".65"
hud_healthdamage_show "1"
hud_iammo1_place "group1"
hud_iammo1_pos_x "-0.3"
hud_iammo1_pos_y "0.299996"
hud_iammo1_scale "1.7"
hud_iammo1_show "1"
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hud_iammo2_pos_x "1.349999"
hud_iammo2_pos_y "-10.199983"
hud_iammo2_scale "1.7"
hud_iammo2_show "1"
hud_iammo2_style "0"
hud_iammo3_align_x "right"
hud_iammo3_place "group1"
hud_iammo3_scale "1.7"
hud_iammo3_show "1"
hud_iammo3_style "0"
hud_iammo4_align_x "right"
hud_iammo4_align_y "bottom"
hud_iammo4_place "group1"
hud_iammo4_pos_x "0.999999"
hud_iammo4_pos_y "-10.100025"
hud_iammo4_scale "1.7"
hud_iammo4_show "1"
hud_iammo4_style "0"
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hud_iammo_pos_x "489.841278"
hud_iammo_pos_y "281.140533"
hud_iammo_scale "1.4"
hud_iarmor_place "iarmor"
hud_iarmor_pos_x "309.161346"
hud_iarmor_pos_y "281.460449"
hud_iarmor_scale "1.4"
hud_key1_align_x "after"
hud_key1_show "0"
hud_netgraph_pos_x "254.350311"
hud_netgraph_pos_y "-54.799644"
hud_pent_place "1.843"
hud_pent_pos_x "411.446686"
hud_pent_pos_y "-72.749565"
hud_pent_scale "1.843"
hud_ping_align_x "center"
hud_ping_align_y "center"
hud_ping_blink "0"
hud_ping_order "1"
hud_ping_place "pent"
hud_ping_pos_x "332.39917"
hud_ping_pos_y "-513.149902"
hud_ping_show "1"
hud_quad_align_x "center"
hud_quad_align_y "center"
hud_quad_place "screen"
hud_quad_pos_x "-48.95005"
hud_quad_pos_y "243.850494"
hud_quad_scale "1.843"
hud_radar_highlight_color "255 255 0"
hud_ring_order "1"
hud_ring_place "screen"
hud_ring_pos_x "349.398102"
hud_ring_pos_y "-40.850006"
hud_suit_align_x "center"
hud_suit_align_y "center"
hud_suit_place "screen"
hud_suit_pos_x "19.300039"
hud_suit_pos_y "267.14978"
hud_teamfrags_align_x "right"
hud_teamfrags_align_y "center"
hud_teamfrags_colors_alpha ".8"
hud_teamfrags_extra_spec_info "0"
hud_teamfrags_order "1"
hud_teamfrags_place "teamfrags"
hud_teamfrags_pos_x "-65.500053"
hud_teamfrags_pos_y "238.100418"
hud_tracking_format "%n (%t team)"
hud_tracking_pos_x "14.799998"
hud_tracking_pos_y "-18.499514"
The netstats/clock thing is a toggle I have bound to a button..
alias +stats "hud_clock_show 1;hud_netgraph_show 1"
alias -stats "hud_clock_show 0;hud_netgraph_show 0"
alias -stats "hud_clock_show 0;hud_netgraph_show 0"