
Member 90 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
heyas not sure if i should be classified as a rookie or not i have a long history in the FPS genre. and i have played a bit of QW here and there but not totally hardcore like the rest of you guys. i can still frag people on a local FFA server but i still end being last or close to last place. even with bots i still get owned. i know alot about quakeworld and quake1 in general. i have a decent setup for myself as far as a config and the like just need to practice more i was wondering if any of the other rookies would like to play some games around. so we can all benefit from playing together 
Member 41 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
Member 950 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
You can play with me too  I'm on the usual channels (#qwhelp, #ezquake, #mvdsv, #ktx, #quakeworld...)
Member 122 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
If you're unable to beat duel vs. bot level 15 on all maps all the time, then you have to consider yourself rookie (just like me). :-) -- "Dag eats little Reloads for breakfast." (c) :-)
Member 17 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
i cant beat a lvl 15 on any map, not even a lvl 10 .. guess i need my own corner on this forum 
Member 90 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
ill join your corner 
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
I can beat level 5 bots and I'm so proud of myself!
Member 2 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
That makes me a rookie too  Coz i hate duels (except arenas of course)  Sersiously, any clear rules about being a rookie or not? I guess it doens't concern me anywasy - I play like a rookie, but I guess (hope) it's because the 3 year break  But i'm sure there are ppl who have doubts... well maybe if u have dobts then you're not a rookie 
Member 447 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The only difference between level 1 bots and level 20 bots are their accuracy and likeliness to fire at you, as far as I can tell... Teamplay is nothing. Aim is everything. OBEY YOUR AIM
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
if you have never won a game except against people on #qwrookie, you're probably a rookie.
Member 1 post
Registered: Aug 2007
if you have never won a game except against people on #qwrookie, you're probably a rookie. What if you've never beaten them either? I haven't had the game for too long. A few months. And about a week after I got it I played in some tournament I found listed in esreality. I also haven't had internet in a long time, so I haven't played anything but single player during that time. So, Who do i play? (difficulty level: I'm in southern middle USA)
Member 3 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
If you've never beaten anybody from #qwrookie, then I'd recommend dropping down a division.....like div-NOOB. I just loaded QW about 3 weeks ago, after not playing it since about 1997. It's a blast, and all the people that have donated their time and effort into the nquake package, the various clients like ezquake, fuhquake, etc. truly have to be congratulated and thanked. I'm sure I'll be wearing these guys on this forum out with my sub div5 questions, but they seem to react kindly to even the most retarded questions....which is good for somebody like me who is suffering from alzheimer's....!!! Seriously Farfigneugan, if you wanna shoot up some QW I'd be game. Hit me up on xfire, there's some pretty decent pinging servers in the Texas area. We just need to get off this xfire thingy, load up some irc clients, and really bug the bejesus out of the guys on quakenet.  xfire---->BlowedUpSir
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
That makes me a rookie too  Coz i hate duels (except arenas of course)  Sersiously, any clear rules about being a rookie or not? I guess it doens't concern me anywasy - I play like a rookie, but I guess (hope) it's because the 3 year break  But i'm sure there are ppl who have doubts... well maybe if u have dobts then you're not a rookie  Dragilla...if you are the guy from the Vampire Reborn movie (w-hq.avi) I'd freaking suspect you're no noob ????!!!!
Member 7 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
I can beat level 15 bots but i have a hard time with level 20 :< farfig you can play with me sometime!!!! if you want 
Member 2 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
Hey fellahs, well here's my story. The last time i played quake was probably 1999, I use to be quite an advanced player. The first time i ever played the game my friend let me sit at his computer and play in a server with 20 people. I came first in the server, the very first time i ever played quake or any fps for that matter. Well i'm here years later and i had a hankering to play quake 1 again. I really miss this game and i can't wait to start playing again. I'm just curious how you guys got your compy of the game. I see that i can purchase it over steam. Do you guys recomend it? Or is there somewhere else i can get the game?
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Hey fellahs, well here's my story. The last time i played quake was probably 1999, I use to be quite an advanced player. The first time i ever played the game my friend let me sit at his computer and play in a server with 20 people. I came first in the server, the very first time i ever played quake or any fps for that matter. Well i'm here years later and i had a hankering to play quake 1 again. I really miss this game and i can't wait to start playing again. I'm just curious how you guys got your compy of the game. I see that i can purchase it over steam. Do you guys recomend it? Or is there somewhere else i can get the game? you get it from the id store or from steam to get pak1.pak to use with nQuake.(.com)
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
or.. intitle of: pak1.pak or something like that in google  http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
Member 2 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
thanks guys, ill give it a shot, maybe ill see you guys in a server. You guys know any good busy ones?
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
http://www.quakeservers.net/quakeworld/servers/pl=1/ or just goto quake.se:28501/5 pretty busy server oh and i googled this the other day.. http://www.google.fi/search?q=pak1.pak+%22index+of%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US  fficial&client=firefox-a
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
well nquake should automatically google it for you and download.. that's what zdaemon does when you want to play doom2 http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
if nquake downloaded illegal stuff, it would not be linked to by any serious website/magazine.
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
that's why doom2 playerbase is much much bigger than qw http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
yeah i guess that's why nquake is downloaded more than equake ever was.
Member 31 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
that's why doom2 playerbase is much much bigger than qw doesn't make it any more legal, i actually brought this up with the zdaemon admins and they don't really care, and when I started trying to attract bad publicity to this fact they ended up banning me. besides in spite of having more players on a server, doom2 online in general is probably a half a decade behind quake and shows no signs of even keeping pace. all that exists are closed source zdoom hacks with unstable netcode and no serious competition (unless you count doom2.exe LAN parties). there are talanted programmers in the doom community, but most of them prefer to work on single player focused ports its a shame really
Member 18 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
I'm winning without too much effort on dm4 with skill level 8 frogbots. But at skill 15 they chop me up, beat me 30 to 0. Damn it's hard to get a foot on the ground in the quakeworld scene, after playing years of quake3.
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Yeah...I'm around lvl 10 frogbot now... but I have to work for it and only in maps I really know I can beat them now and then.
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I'm winning without too much effort on dm4 with skill level 8 frogbots. But at skill 15 they chop me up, beat me 30 to 0. Damn it's hard to get a foot on the ground in the quakeworld scene, after playing years of quake3. u'll get there 
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Hopefully i will too 
Member 2 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
I dunno if I'm a rookie, but I'm really bad on high ping servers... and when the ping is reasonable, I can be between least or middle of the rank...
I think I'm better on attack than defense, as well as I'm a better capper than base defender in TF.
If I have good reflexes without desperating I can go to the top of the rank, but it's rare. The more calm, the better I play. =)
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
TF ? Hehehe, we don't have TF servers around here. Sometimes I've specced one in the US...
