Member 10 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
What is this? this is an idea to make Quakeworld sumthin more than just the deadline game ladders that we have now. we do rank people after what div etc nowadays, BUT making a rating system u will have another kind of ladder for players to play, whenever they want and how much they want, not just the 2 games a week
How is this going to work? you will have 1 account (linked with your qw.nu or qwdrama account?) on this account you will be able to sign up for 3 teams being 1on1 2on2 4on4 (perhaps 3on3 also? maybe a kenyaladder? there is nothing final about this yet) each team will have 1 admin / team leader who will be responsible of reporting your games etc. (perhaps a trustee aswell?) You can only be on 1 team of each kind at the same time
Teams: Each team will consist of a name and a prefix, when u register your team it will start at a rating of like 1000 u will be able to have as many members in the team to make up for 2 lineups (not in 1v1 this will be you only, but 4 players in a 2v2 team 8 players in a 4v4 etc, this is not final.) some kind of irc channel or a contact person to be able to do a game will be on the "teampage"
The games / ranking system: you will play a game vs any other team, this is up to you when and even if u want to play a game vs anyone else. anyways if u play a game and u are the winner then u will gain rating points and the losing team will loose sum rating (the same amount gained and lost) i havent yet figured out a variable for this but lets say its 1000 rating vs 1000 rating then u will gain lets say 15 points and the other team will loose 15, making u land on 1015 and the other team 985 (the Elo rating system used in professional chess is a good idea) the amount gained / lost is bigger if u win vs a high rating team and its smaller if u win vs a low rating team (lets say u have 2000 rating and win vs a 500 rating team then u will gain like 0 points so that u cant "farm" anyone u own to be ranked better) this will then make that the higher your rating gets the better players u have to beat to advance in the ranks.
Playing a game: You will set a time and date or just "lets go a game" whatever with another team, by talking to them (or you can just ask on .qw ? thats not really a big deal) after the game u will log in on the site upload a screenshot / type in score whatever (?) and the other team will log in and accept this, then the rating will be updated for yours / theirs team doin the rating script automaticly
Rules: The system: ofc there will be rules for how this works like you will have to accept the games you have lost, if u loose a game and skip accepting it on the site then there will be no rating gain for the other team, (time based suspension from the league?) all this has to be worked in sum way, ofc there have to be some admins aswell here but the thing is admins are not supposed to do as much in this ladder as in the others (like spectate games or whatever) there will be no forcing of accepting a game, no walk over games etc
Gameplay: A predefined server setting thingy ofc, will not be allowed to use random mods whatever (like ktpro server normal 1on1 settings same as other ladders has) predefined maps for 1on1 / 2on2 / 4on4 same as the other ladders (perhaps other than just TB5 maps?)
Clients / cheating: rules on this aswell, same as other ladders you will not be allowed to play with cheats or whatever
What is needed for this to work? A working Homepage A few admins (that hopefully will not do very much work) Willing Gamers
so.. I hope my bad english is excused and that u understand what and how i mean this will work. If there is any interest in this i will do my best to get this working
if you have any questions ill gladly answer them and any ideas are greatly appreciated
What do you think about this?
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Isn't this basically a standard ladder system like what NQR used to be? http://www.nqr.nu/nqr2/ranking.php . Obviously expanded into 1v1 2v2 formats as well and a few differences like ability to lose points.
Regarding the Accepting of games, simplest way to enforce it is to say that you can't submit any wins until you have Accepted all defeats. Obviously in case of dispute (maybe some clan has disbanded so doesn't bother Accepting their last defeat) then an admin should have the ability to override.
Member 62 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I think it sounds cool, but altso looks like nqr-ladder as HangTime is talking about.
Member 10 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Hangtime: yes acctually it does work kinda like that i never knew about how nqr worked before like season 7? o_0 altho the formulas prolly wont be the same and with the exception that nqr ends, this wont (at least not as it seems now), so this will go on all the time u can climb rating points all the time and ye also 1on1 / 2v2 ladder using the same rating system this is not to replace any ladder really, i do like the leagues we have now, its just extra sumthin for everyone
regarding your idea for the accepting thing is like it, and yes that kinda like what i was thinking admins doing
ofc this ladder could offer sum kind of way to make it finals and such aswell if there is bigger interest in that, but the main thing im wanting to add to the qw community is a ladder where u can play whenever how many or how few games you want without the deadlines / signups on all other ladders
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
what is it with all these "idea threads"? instead of coming up with more ideas that will never be implemented due to lack of "man hours", start contributing.
we have no lack of ideas, but we do have a huge lack of coders (or just people who do stuff instead of tell other people what to do).
from what i see on this thread, this sounds a lot like reinvention of the wheel (i.e. low priority). so if you don't do this yourself, this will probably not be done.
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
what is it with all these "idea threads"? instead of coming up with more ideas that will never be implemented due to lack of "man hours", start contributing.
we have no lack of ideas, but we do have a huge lack of coders (or just people who do stuff instead of tell other people what to do). Funny thing is I said a similar thing in my column nearly 5 years ago: http://web.archive.org/web/20040515203800/www.challenge-smackdown.com/div_neu/columns/hangtime/comments.php3?pageid=1821&aid=30459 (scroll down to 3rd paragraph) Looking at what I said needed to be done, qw.nu covers 1), and effectively you implemented 2) and some of 3) in e/f/nQuake "But things like making QW easier to setup, surely that won't be too hard for hardcore experts such as we? Or shall we sit back and wait another 6, 12, 18 months as usual.... it's easy for me to type all this crap about problems and solutions, but its meaningless without action."
Member 10 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
If there is any interest in this i will do my best to get this working
if you have any questions ill gladly answer them and any ideas are greatly appreciated
What do you think about this? this thread is acctually to find out if there is any interest in this project, if there is then I will try to get it working and also i am looking for ideas about it
Member 174 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Have to say that i've also been thinking about why there hasn't been any 1on1 ladder gaming, atleast for a couple of years (had pause before that)? I think it would be really nice to just jump in and play a ladder duel (bo3 right?) and gain/lose points depending on the mapwins and fragdifference (=might turn into cs).
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
what is it with all these "idea threads"? instead of coming up with more ideas that will never be implemented due to lack of "man hours", start contributing.
we have no lack of ideas, but we do have a huge lack of coders (or just people who do stuff instead of tell other people what to do).
from what i see on this thread, this sounds a lot like reinvention of the wheel (i.e. low priority). so if you don't do this yourself, this will probably not be done. I dont think it is a problem that people have ideas. When starting a project, I think it is good to ask about input from others before actually going ahead. There might already be similiar implementations that can be used or reworked. Others might have ideas that would make it even better etc... Others might also be able to point out problems and obstacles you will have to overcome and get past and then. Then you can decide, depending on the time you got available, if this is something that can be done in an satisfying way.
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
Ban Ideas! All start working mindlessly and contribute stuff that already has been done please!!! Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
nah it's ok. willgurths answer was good. this idea can slip past the idea ban.