User panel stuff on forum
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2006-02-13, 20:43
108 posts

Jan 2006
Yeah hi.

since buff seems to have gone tits up since there were only 3 of us actually giving a damn about qw, i'm looking for a new clan.

what i can offer:
obnoxious/pleasant irc company
laggy internet conn (hopefully being fixed by those techno wizards at tele2)
incredible end.bsp skills
good teamplay
div4ish individual skills
AN ENORMOUS BRAIN. no really, i got 2.0 at högskoleprovet.

so if you're looking to get a piece of this hot stuff, drop by #bufflarna_flyger_i_luften and /msg lib or something
Spell "mogul," Bateman. How do you spell mogul? M-o-g-u-l. Mo-gul. Mog-ul. Ice, ghosts, aliens-
2006-02-13, 21:28
248 posts

Jan 2006
2006-02-14, 18:21
447 posts

Jan 2006
I might as well add to this, being a member of the sadly disbanded buffalo herd. My list of achievements is not quite as impressive as that of mighty lib, but here is what I offer:

incredible personality (complex humor/unique music taste/nice cell phone)
a-m-a-z-i-n-g end.bsp skills
a love for all that is 4on4, with the sole exception of dm2 rapes
smiley spam
some teamplay routine, can improve a lot IF(pracc=1)
top notch cmt3 and e1m2 player
div4 dueling skills, although you won't find me in -any- 1on1 tourneys
AN EVEN BIGGER BRAIN (no hats will ever fit me)

You will find me in the same place, #bufflarna_flyger_i_luften. Hurry before it's too late!
Teamplay is nothing. Aim is everything. OBEY YOUR AIM
2006-02-15, 09:17
15 posts

Jan 2006
lib still searching that clan?.

You're welcome to test play with us in #The.Gibbers, if you want to play in low div.

Once a hero, Always a hero!
Whenever your feeling sad think of Homer!

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