News Writer
254 posts
Mar 2006
The Rookies channel and the Ignition Tourney has been very successful and
hopefully now we can have a 4on4 league to add to this.
However would it be possible to maybe have a ladder for Rookies?
The ladder would be for informational purposes only and it would help players find other rookies who would be about the same skill level.
At the moment you can have a new player to the game, who has been playing as a high Div player in some other game (e.g cpma). Technically they are a rookie and very quickly adapt to QW. Then there are quite a few others who are rookies also, but they are on a far lower skill level.
It can be a little disillusioning for them if they come up against one of these other 'Rookies' players.
When in reality these Rookies are just high skilled at most games they play.
Also for example you can have a long time QW player but who are at a low skill level like myself. Some of the newer rookies would be way ahead of them skill wise. Yet these long time QW players could possibly be excluded from playing in Rookie tournaments as they have been playing QW for more than 6 months.
So perhaps a ladder system for games could be introduced so that you can gauge your performance against other players and find other players of your skill level. Also it might give an indication as to a players skill level and if they are improving etc.
I know there will be reasons why it may not be a good idea but its just a suggestion and it might be worth a look.
(This would be to complement Ignition of course)
I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
News Writer
254 posts
Mar 2006
Perhaps something on the lines of
Not sure how that worked out.
I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
2059 posts
Jan 2006
Tip: talk to Zalon.
News Writer
254 posts
Mar 2006
I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
2059 posts
Jan 2006
Maybe nothing, but maybe you're already half way there.
News Writer
254 posts
Mar 2006
haha too cryptic.. I'm lost :-)
I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
174 posts
Nov 2006
Sounds like a really good idea, might also consider that you would include div5 players in it(you kind of mentioned it, and if too good they would be out of it straight away, easy to notice if too good)? And the final suggestion from me would be that there would be somekind of acitivity thing too, something like you have to play atleast 1 game /1-2weeks to be active so it wouldn't just be 5-10 active players and 154 of those who play once a year (the problem nnql and kind of the same in nqr-ladder). GL and HF

8 posts
Aug 2007
7 posts
Oct 2007
well I know that cpma (challenge promode arena) has alot of rookie cups etc. QuakeWorld rookie cup yeah that would be pretty good considering they have had more activity from it why not bring some new people to quakeworld

trying to spread the love but everytime i say qw they like laugh in my face :<
705 posts
Feb 2006
dont say qw then, just say.. 'i know a game i beat you in' -what?!
7 posts
Oct 2007
haha ruskie

yeah but even with a smaller type of community i think it means more for a game to live considering the fact that people know more of each other instead of aye whom are you? are you new? etc. I would say 90 percent of the qw players i have encountered so far are really nice guys. Definetly a change of things

1265 posts
Jan 2006
well I know that cpma (challenge promode arena) has alot of rookie cups etc. QuakeWorld rookie cup yeah that would be pretty good considering they have had more activity from it why not bring some new people to quakeworld

trying to spread the love but everytime i say qw they like laugh in my face :<
laugh back. They're ignorants

They dont know qw
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
1026 posts
Feb 2006
they know QW very well, CPM = a more balanced QW.
let's not call people ignorants for preferring closely related games.
25 posts
May 2007
non-playing coaches. The whole idea would to improve the players. This method works well for alot of games and teams.